¡A buscar! What do all these words have in common?


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Transcripción de la presentación:

¡A buscar! What do all these words have in common? Usa el diccionario y encuentra el significado de estas palabras en inglés: grande: pequeño: divertido: aburrido: What do all these words have in common? With this activity I would try to aim for pupils to realise that all those words are adjectives. This should help them to come up with a definition about adjectives for the next slides.

Lección 3: los adjetivos Dictionary skills Lección 3: los adjetivos ©rh09

¡A pensar! ¿Qué es un adjetivo? Piensa con tu pareja qué es un adjetivo y escribe tu respuesta. This activity could be a brainstorm about what an adjective is. They could work in pairs and write down possible definition of adjective

definición Example: a big house a fun activity An adjective is a word that gives extra information about a noun (house) or a pronoun (I, you, he/she…). An adjective generally describes how the noun is. It is a describing word. Example: a big house a fun activity In English the adjective goes before the noun

Encuentra los adjetivos Highlight all the adjectives you can find! - I like to wear blue jeans and white t-shirts - My favourite meal is hot noodles. I like spicy food! - I have an older brother. He has brown hair and green eyes. - My brother is a tall boy and very strong. He is a good football player but he is very lazy.

Adjetivos en español In Spanish the adjectives can be masculine, feminine, singular and plural depending on the noun that accompanies. Example: Tengo un perro negro – I have a black dog Tengo una tortuga pequeña – I have a small tortoise Tengo unos perros negros – I have some black dogs Tengo unas tortugas pequeñas – I have some small tortoises I would like to think that they will be able to say the position of the adjective! What is the other difference between English and Spanish adjectives?

¡A pensar! corta largo morena amarillos Coloca los siguientes adjetivos en el lugar que corresponde corta altas largo rubios bajas negro morena pequeña amarillos Plural Alto, … Singular Femenino Masculino

Encuentra los adjetivos Highlight all the adjectives you can find! Tengo el pelo largo y rizado Mis ojos son azules y muy grandes Mi hermano es alto y rubio - David Beckham es muy guapo. ¡Me encantan sus ojos verdes! Vivo en una casa grande. Mi perro se llama Colorín. Es muy simpático. Le encanta jugar a la pelota.

¡A usar el diccionario! En parejas, encuentra la palabra en español para los siguientes adjetivos: white: hot: brown (hair): small (in height) easy (life): This activity aims to make pupils realise the different meanings that the same word can have. This will force them to read all the definition/translations of the word in Spanish and pick the right one.

¡A escribir! Traduce las siguientes frases al español. She has green eyes and long, blond hair. I have black hair like my dad. My brother is quite short like me. My parents are very tall. I have a brown dog and two white cats. Remember the 2 different things between English and Spanish – location of adjective and gender+number!