Lección 2: Los pasatiempos


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Practicamos con el verbo Gustar

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bailar to dance ver la tele to watch television.
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1-1A Los verbos Bailar ver la tele(visión) Escuchar música.
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C3V1Gramática Gustar y Querer C3V2Conjugación.
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© 2010 Teacher’s Discovery The Verb gustar By Jami Sipe.
“GUSTAR” Review. Gramática The verb “gustar” is used to expressed likes or dislikes (when used in negative) in Spanish. When you conjugate the verb, you.
FechaTipo de ExamenSujeto 17 / 3 /15PruebaGUSTAR 18 / 3 /15PruebaQUERER 19 / 3 /15PruebaVocabulario 3.1, ropa 20 / 3 /15ExamenExamen / 3 /15Prueba-AR.
bailar to dance cantar to sing correr to run.
¡Buenos días! Trabajo del timbre: 1.NO pongan la tarea en tu pupitre. DO NOT put your on your desk. I’m not checking this one in today. 2. Pongan todas.
A + el = al de + el = del Capítulo 1A. To be pleasing to or To please Gustar I like your shoes! Your shoes are pleasing to me! I like to watch TV. To.
Lección 2: Los pasatiempos
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Transcripción de la presentación:

Lección 2: Los pasatiempos Nombre_____________________________________________ Los deportes y los pasatiempos 5to Grado Lección 1: Los deportes Lección 2: Los pasatiempos Lección 3: El tiempo

Listening: Sports and Hobbies LCPS FLES Linguafolio My Self-Assessment Checklist: 5th Grade Use this checklist to record what you think you can do. In the columns to the right, indicate your ability by writing the date for what you can easily do (column 1), what you can do somewhat (column 2) and what you cannot do but want to learn (column 3). Language proficiency is developed over an extended period of study and practice. This checklist will change over time. Level: Novice Mid I can recognize isolated words and high-frequency expressions. I can understand predictable questions, statements, and commands in familiar topic areas. I may need slower than normal rate of speech and/or repetition. Listening: Sports and Hobbies I can do this I can do this somewhat This is my goal I can understand words related to sports. I can understand questions related to sports. I can understand words related to hobbies. I can understand questions related to hobbies. I can understand when someone tells me what sports and hobbies they like. I can understand words related to time. Level: Novice Mid I can use a limited number of isolated words, short phrases, or longer memorized expressions within predictable topic areas. I can create sentences with some inaccuracies. Long pauses are common. Communication: Sports and Hobbies I can do this I can do this somewhat This is my goal I can say my favorite sport. I can state likes and dislikes of sports. I can say what sport I play in a complete sentence. I can say my favorite hobby. I can state likes and dislikes of hobbies. I can tell time to the nearest hour and half hour.

Vocabulario Lección 1 Deportes This is the vocabulary you are exposed to in this lesson: los deportes sports el fútbol soccer el fútbol americano football la gimnasia gymnastics la natación / nadar swimming / to swim el tenis tennis el béisbol baseball el patinaje / patinar skating/ to skate el baloncesto basketball ¿Qué deporte es? What sport is it? ¿Cuál es tu deporte favorito? What is your favorite sport? Mi deporte favorito es __________. My favorite sport is __________. ¿Cuál es tu equipo favorito? What is your favorite team? Mi equipo favorito es __________. My favorite team is __________. ¿Cuál es tu atleta favorito? Who is your favorite athlete? Mi atleta favorito es __________. My favorite athlete is __________. ¿Qué deporte juegas? What sport do you play? Yo juego __________. I play __________.

Los Deportes ¿Qué deporte es? Nombre: ____________ Lección 1 Los Deportes ¿Qué deporte es? Answer the following questions and complete the puzzle using the pictures. ¿Cuál es tu deporte favorito? Mi deporte favorito es _____________________. ¿Cuál es tu equipo favorito? Mi equipo favorito es ______________________. ¿Quién es tu atleta favorito? Mi atleta favorito es _______________________. Horizontal Escucha y escribe: 2. 5. 8. 9. g__mn__si__ n__t__c__ón t__n__s bé__sb__l Vertical 1. 3. 4. 6. 7. b__l__nc__sto d__p__rt__s p__t__n__je f__tb__l f__tb__l am__r__can__

Vocabulario Lección 2 Pasatiempos pasatiempos hobbies acampar to camp This is the vocabulary you are exposed to in this lesson: pasatiempos hobbies acampar to camp escuchar música to listen to music viajar to travel cantar to sing tocar _____ to play (instrument) ir de compras to go shopping montar en bicicleta to ride a bike montar a caballo to ride a horse jugar videojuegos to play videogames correr to run leer to read bailar to dance ¿Qué pasatiempo te gusta? What hobby do you like? Me gusta _____. I like _____. Le gusta _____. He/She likes _____. ¿Cuál es tu pasatiempo favorito? What is your favorite hobby? Mi pasatiempo favorito es _____. My favorite hobby is _____.

Pasatiempos que nos gustan… Nombre: ____________ Lección 2 Pasatiempos que nos gustan… Pregunta a 3 amigos/amigas, 3 pasatiempos que les gusten. ¿Qué pastiempos te gustan? A mí me gusta leer, viajar y cantar. Pasatiempos   Nombres Kim Ben cantar bailar acampar tocar el piano tocar la flauta tocar el violín tocar la guitarra tocar ________ jugar videojuegos correr ir de compras viajar leer montar a caballo montar en bicicleta escuchar música Ahora escribe 2 oraciones Ejemplo: * A Kim le gusta cantar, viajar y tocar la guitarra. * A ________________________________________________. * __________________________________________________.

Vocabulario Nombre: ____________ Lección 3 Tiempo This is the vocabulary you are exposed to in this lesson: días de la semana days of the week lunes Monday martes Tuesday miércoles Wednesday jueves Thursday viernes Friday sábado Saturday domingo Sunday jugar to play practicar to practice la hora the time/ hour es la una it is one son las dos it is two son las … it is… en punto o’clock y media thirty/ half hour de la mañana in the morning de la tarde in the afternoon de la noche in the evening ¿Qué hora es? What time is it? ¿Cuándo juegas _____? When do you play (sport)_____? ¿Cuándo tocas _____? When do you play (instrument)____? ¿Cuándo practicas _____? When do you practice _____?

Nombre_________________________ Lección 3

Nombre_________________________ Lección 3

Los deportes y los pasatiempos Proyecto: Los deportes y los pasatiempos Draft Nombre: ____________________________________________ Maestro/a: _________________________________________ You will be presenting to your classmates what your favorite sport and hobby are. Create a visual for your presentation. You can create a poster, video or power point of your favorite sport and hobby. Using your visual, you will introduce yourself, state what your favorite sport and hobby are, and tell when you play or practice these activities. You may dress up/bring props for your presentation if you wish. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¡Hola! Me llamo ___________________________________. Mi deporte favorito es _______________________________. Mi pasatiempo favorito es ____________________________. Yo juego/practico __________________ el _______________ sport day of the week a la(s)_______________ de la _________________________. time morning – afternoon – night Optional: Tell us in Spanish your favorite sport team and athlete. Tell us an activity that you do not like.

PROYECTO Los deportes Rúbrica Maestro/a: __________________________ Nombre: __________________________ Maestro/a: __________________________ Rúbrica CATEGORY 4 3 2 1 Requirements All requirements are met and exceeded. All requirements are met. One requirement was not completely met. More than one requirement was not completely met. Organization Content is well organized and well planned. Shows high levels of creativity. Content is organized using given sentences. Content is logically organized for the most part. There was no clear or logical organizational structure. Attractiveness Makes excellent use of font, color, graphics, effects, etc. to enhance the presentation. Makes good use of font, color, graphics, effects, etc. to enhance to presentation. Makes use of font, color, graphics, effects, etc. but occasionally these detract from the presentation content. Does not use font, color, graphics, effects etc, or the ones used are extremely distracting to the presentation. Mechanics No misspellings or grammatical errors. Three or fewer misspellings and/or mechanical errors. 4-10 misspellings and/or grammatical errors. More than 10 errors in spelling or grammar. Oral Presentation Interesting, well-rehearsed with smooth and clear delivery that holds audience attention. Uses direct eye contact. Relatively interesting, rehearsed with a fairly smooth delivery that usually holds audience attention. Uses direct eye contact, but still returns to notes. Delivery not smooth, but able to hold audience attention most of the time. Uses minimal eye contact, while reading mostly from notes. Uses some English. Delivery not smooth and audience attention lost. No eye contact with audience. Uses mostly English.