Please sit in your assigned seat. Silently complete the “warm up” section of your paper. Take out your homework (Selena reflection questions)


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Please sit in your assigned seat. Silently complete the “warm up” section of your paper. Take out your homework (review packet if you didn’t turn it in.
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Martes veintitrés Yo soy de… bailar hablar por teléfono nadar jugar deportes dibujar Me gusta bailar. Me gusta jugar deportes. Me gusta… Alejandro es de…
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UNIDAD 3 ETAPA 2. El Campanero –Complete each sentence by saying if you like something or not. Ejemplo: -To eat tacos  Si, a mi me gusta comer los tacos.
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LAS PREGUNTAS (Question Formation). Asking “yes/no” questions To ask spoken questions that can be answered with a simple “yes” or “no,” simply raise the.
Transcripción de la presentación:

Please sit in your assigned seat. Silently complete the “warm up” section of your paper. Take out your homework (Selena reflection questions)

martes veintitrés Yo soy de… bailar hablar por teléfono nadar jugar deportes dibujar Me gusta bailar. Me gusta jugar deportes. Me gusta… Alejandro es de…

La Agenda Students will: Respond to the question ¿CÓmo eres? By providing information about their personality











adjetivos o a male female ee

Mini - Pizarras We will use mini-White boards Follow ALL Sr. Connolly’s directions about when to use markers/not If you are drawing, using the marker on another surface, or in any other way not following directions, your marker will be taken. No warnings. You will respond quickly and silently in Spanish to ?s on board.

Directions Sr. Connolly will display an image on the board and you will pick the matching word. Eventually, you will write the words from memory. Sr. Connolly will say Preparense when you should get ready, escriban when you should write, and muestrame when you should show.

cómico/a divertido/a cómico/a aburrido/a simpático/a

reservado antipático cómico inteligente

atlética divertida sociable simpática atlética

aburrido sociable divertido/a atlético/a

simpático antipático cómico artístico

antipático/a cómico/a aburrido/a antipático/a sociable

inteligente cómico/a sociable atlético/a inteligente

divertido inteligente auburrido inteligente

sociable simpático/a atlético/a inteligente

artístico divertido simpático antipático atrístico











Mean antipático/a

Boring aburrido/a

Fun divertido/a

Cómo eres Yo soy (adjetivo) Yo soy sociable.

Vamos a practicar You will asking people ¿CÓmo Eres? When you are asked, respond with an adjective. Write down the names of people you talk to who fit each description below. Speak only in Spanish (or you will lose points).

1.Circle all personality adjectives. 2.Answer questions in English.

Maine Mitchellville Social, nice, athletic, fun, and responsible. Swim, listen to music, and play sports. Play videogames, send texts, watch tv. (301) Also Neither

TAREA (HOMEWORK) Ask celebrities (or others) what they are like. Have them answer using 7 different adjectives.

Práctica independiente D A C ¿Cómo eres? Yo soy cómico (for boys)/cómica (for girls). Yo soy reservado (for boys)/reservada (for girls).

Adiós (exit ticket) Turn to the back of your independent practice sheet. Answer the questions below on sheet: aburrido/a simpático/a cómico/a 4. How do you ask, “What are you like?” in Spanish? 5. Write “I am mean” in Spanish

Sr. Pelota Remember, throw underhanded Ask a question –¿CÓmo te llamas? –¿De dÓnde eres? – ¿CÓmo estÁs? –¿CuÁnDo Es TÚ CumpleaÑoS? –¿QuÉ tiempo hace hoy? –¿QuÉ hora es?