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Programa de esta noche 1 2 3 Tonight we will talk about four main topics: How college can change your life How to choose the right college and review the admissions process. How to pay for college and apply for financial aid Scholarships While the presentation is geared toward high school juniors and seniors, the information you will hear tonight and read later in Opportunities applies to non-traditional students (students who are not juniors or seniors in high school) as well. The steps you take to apply for aid and locate scholarships is the same whether you are 18 or 45. 4

Asegúrese de Llenar el formulario de admisión para la beca Llevarse una copia del libro Oportunidades Consulte por una copia de la presentación de esta noche Explore las College Nights (Noches un iversitarias) Facebook – Twitter – The presentation is based on the Opportunities booklet. Feel free to take notes in the booklet. It’s yours to keep, along with the worksheets and checklists that are included. You’ll also want to fill out a scholarship entry form if you haven’t already. If after you get home you’d like a copy of this presentation visit website to download it. You can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter for updates, important dates and more.

Al finalizar la noche Recolectaremos evaluaciones del evento de esta noche Y eso no es todo: también realizaremos un sorteo de becas Seleccionaremos a tres ganadores de una beca por $500 (debe estar presente para ganar) Finally, before we jump into tonight’s session – at the end of the presentation we will collect your evaluations, hold the scholarship drawing and select three $500 scholarship winners. You must be present to win the scholarship. Audience activity: Ask audience to finish completing the scholarship entry form. Audience discussion: Does anyone have any questions before we begin?

Cómo la universidad puede cambiar su vida Let’s get started. Audience activity: Ask audience to call out all the reasons why college is important. Summarize what was said by audience.

La universidad es importante Las tasas de desempleo se relacionan directamente con su nivel de educación Los estudios muestran en forma constante que la asistencia a la universidad añade valor a las ganancias de toda su vida Diferencia entre un graduado de la escuela secundaria y un título universitario de cuatro años: entre $800.000 y $1 millón The more education you have, the more employment options you have. Having a job means you have income, and there is also a correlation between education and income. We asked people how much – in terms of dollars – a college education is worth. The extra money you make over a lifetime can seem like a very abstract concept. Let’s take a closer look at the income gap.

La universidad es importante Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor statistics, 2013 Current Population Survey Notice the gap between unemployment rates for high school graduates and those with a bachelor’s degree. In May 2007 it was only 2.6%. Now it is 3.5%. There’s more to being happy than how much money you make, but it is clear that you make more money at each higher level of education. Someone with a bachelor’s degree makes almost twice as much on average as a high school graduate.

La universidad es importante Las personas que han tenido cierta formación universitaria Informan niveles más altos de satisfacción laboral Generalmente llevan un estilo de vida más saludable Gozan de beneficios tales como el seguro, vacaciones pagas, un plan previsional, etc. Participan más en sus comunidades con mayores niveles de actividades voluntarias y votación Es verdad, ¡la universidad es importante! While we’ve talked a little about the financial rewards of going to college, there are other benefits as well. College graduates enjoy higher job satisfaction, live healthier lifestyles, are more likely to have better benefits such as health, disability, and life insurance, along with paid vacation and a retirement plan, and more. College graduates are more likely to be involved in their communities by volunteering and voting. College is more than a higher income – it’s a pathway to enjoying life more. Audience discussion: Does anyone have anything to add about the benefits of going to college? Are there any questions before we move to the next section about choosing the right college.

Cómo elegir la universidad correcta Let’s look at choosing the right college.

Muchas opciones En los Estados Unidos hay más de 6000 universidades entre las cuales escoger Con todas estas opciones, ¿dónde y cómo comenzó a buscar la universidad adecuada para usted? Antes de comenzar a buscar, piense en sus metas The great thing about higher education in the United States is the wide variety of options you have from over 6,000 colleges. If that’s the case, how do you narrow down the list of schools from 6,000 to those that would be a great fit for you? One way to do this is to think about what goals you have for yourself.

¿Cuáles son sus metas? Algunos estudiantes ya saben qué desean Aprender un oficio o entrar en una profesión específica Obtener un título, tal vez en un campo específico ¿No está seguro acerca de sus metas? La universidad es un gran lugar para explorar sus opciones Las metas pueden cambiar al investigar universidades Cerca del 80 % de los estudiantes universitarios cambian de especialización al menos una vez It’s possible you don’t know what your ultimate goals are, and that’s OK. College can expose you to new possibilities you’ve never considered. On the other hand, you may know exactly what you want to do for a living and what type of college can help you become that. This makes it easy to identify colleges that can help you achieve your goals. Activity Ask audience to write out what their goals are.

Cómo elegir una universidad Reduzca su lista de posibles universidades identificando las características que son importantes para usted Factores a considerar El programa o la especialidad que esté considerando El tamaño de la universidad y el tamaño de la clase La ubicación o distancia que la separa de su casa Programas de apoyo y actividades extracurriculares Cultura del recinto universitario y afiliaciones religiosas o culturales El costo de estudiar Gathering and comparing information about colleges you’re interested in attending will start you on the path to choosing where you’ll attend. There are several factors to consider. Most important is whether the college offers a program that will aid in your career. Audience discussion: Presenter may choose to illustrate with a personal example of how you chose the college you attended. Or, ask the parents in the audience who would like to share their story about how they chose the college they attended. You don’t have to know what you’re planning to major in today but the college you choose should offer programs in areas you’re interested in exploring. School size is also a factor. Can you thrive in a school with large class sizes and less personal attention but more flexibility in what you study? Or would you rather have more individualized attention. What about location? If you want the vibrancy of a big city you may wish to consider a school in a major metropolitan hub. If the campus is far from home – will that be an issue for you? Depending on your circumstances, you may want to look at the support programs a college offers. Support programs are designed to help you stay in school and graduate. Examples of support programs include tutoring, providing you a mentor, residence hall advisors, and much more. When visiting a college, get a feel for its “personality.” Does it match yours? Extracurricular offerings can also be important. Many people build their social circle through activities that are organized by the school. Is there a hobby or activity that you can’t live without while enrolled? Activities such as debate team, sports, and/or clubs on campus. Many colleges have affiliations with religious groups or may have a campus culture that‘s part of the mainstream of the school. If you have strong religious beliefs you may want to look into schools that satisfy your spiritual side. Costs may also vary with the size of the school and whether it is a private or public institution.

Cómo elegir una universidad En última instancia, el costo importa, pero Piense en el costo cuando vaya a tomar su decisión final y no tanto cuando esté comenzando su búsqueda Considere los costos netos que tendrá que afrontar de su propio bolsillo y no solo el precio de lista Ingrese en: para comparar precios netos de las universidades que está considerando Utilice la Hoja de trabajo de la página 5 de Oportunidades para ayudarlo a elegir la universidad correcta Don’t self-select yourself out of attending a specific college because it appears to be more than you can afford. While one school may appear to be less expensive, what will your final cost be after receiving financial aid? For example, a more expensive school may offer more institutional grants or other aid that makes the overall cost out of your pocket less than another school. Go to (an ECMC initiative) that allows you to compare the net costs (not just the sticker prices) of colleges you’re considering. Also use the handy worksheet on page 5 to compare various aspects of the colleges you’re considering.

Búsqueda de opciones universitarias Los padres y asesores escolares pueden ayudar Existen muchos sitios web para buscar universidades Todos estos sitios le permiten buscar universidades de acuerdo a los factores que son importantes para usted Your parents can be a huge help in the process. School counselors can too. They have a wealth of knowledge . The Internet is also a big part of the process. When you’re doing your research, it helps to know to some degree the characteristics of a college that are important to you.

Proceso de solicitud de ingreso a una universidad Hay muchas cosas que puede hacer con el fin de prepararse para tener éxito en el proceso de solicitud de ingreso El cuadernillo Oportunidades contiene listas de verificación en las páginas 35 a 38 Listas de verificación para los primeros y últimos años: perforadas para usarlas como recurso independiente If you’re like most students, you’ll see there’s a lot to do. But, it’s manageable and we’ll help guide you through the process. Audience activity: Take a minute to review the checklists on pages 35-38. The checklists are perforated so you can take them out of the book and use on their own. One is designed for juniors and one for seniors.

Sus solicitudes de ingreso a la universidad Cada universidad tiene sus propios requisitos Estos pueden incluir: Completar un formulario; rendir pruebas de ingreso Presentar calificaciones de exámenes, ensayos, cartas de referencia y carpeta de presentación en algunas universidades Expedientes académicos, referencias, ensayos y otros elementos Consulte el sitio web de cada universidad sobre: Fechas límite Arancel para la solicitud de ingreso Requisitos del examen de ingreso Each college you apply to will require an application. That’s why it’s important to narrow down the colleges you want to attend. Each college has it’s own requirements which can range from completing a short application and taking a placement test to completing a longer application, submitting test scores, essays, reference letters and a portfolio. From a college’s perspective, the goal of the application is to learn about you and whether you fit the academic standards for the college and your motivation to attend. Check each college’s website for the requirements to apply. Some colleges will require a written paper application while others will require an online application.

Sus solicitudes de ingreso a la universidad Copias del expediente académico Cada solicitud de ingreso a la universidad debe ir acompañada de una copia del expediente académico oficial de la escuela secundaria El expediente académico universitario también es necesario si ha tomado algún curso universitario Las copias del expediente académico se utilizan para registrar su promedio general de calificaciones (GPA), la posición dentro de la clase y el rigor de su programa de estudios de la escuela secundaria Muchas aceptaciones dependen de mantener un determinado Promedio General de Calificaciones (GPA) La mayoría exige una copia del expediente académico final de la escuela secundaria Request an official copy of your high school transcript for each college where you plan to apply. You will likely be required to send a final transcript after you graduate as you are expected to keep your grades up. Colleges will also want to review your transcripts for college courses you may have taken while in high school. Colleges use transcripts to document your GPA and review the rigorousness of the classes you took during school. When you are accepted to a college, remember your acceptance is contingent on maintaining your GPA until you graduate from high school.

¿Tiene alguna pregunta? Ask audience for questions. If audience doesn’t have questions you may want to ask audience “What was something you learned?” or “How will you used what you learned?” These two questions will enable the audience to provide a review of the content through their answers.

Cómo pagar la universidad This next segment is about Paying for College. We’ll share the different financial aid resources available.

Fuentes para obtener fondos universitarios—2013 . Source: “How America Pays for College”, Sallie Mae, 2014 Every year, Sallie Mae conducts a poll to determine how Americans pay for college. Many times, how you pay for college is a combination of some or all of these methods. We will focus on grants, scholarships and student loans. Fuente: "Cómo Estados Unidos paga la universidad", Sallie Mae, 2012

Sus costos universitarios ¿Qué universidad sería la más costosa para usted para concurrir? Universidad privada de ejemplo - $55.850 Universidad estatal de ejemplo-$21.000 La respuesta parece obvia, pero no es tan simple como comparar estos números. Which college would cost you the most to attend? Based on the price alone the answer may seem obvious with the example of the private and state colleges. However, it isn’t as simple as comparing these numbers.

Sus costos universitarios Cuando analice los costos que se mencionan en la diapositiva anterior, estará observando el "precio de lista" de la universidad Conocido más formalmente como "Costo de asistencia" (COA, por sus siglas en inglés) Incluyen los costos directos e indirectos Los costos directos se pagan a la universidad Matrícula y aranceles Pensión completa si vive en el campus There’s more to the cost of college than the basic tuition price. Your financial aid office will determine your cost of attendance based on several categories of expenses. Tuition and fees. Nonresidents at public colleges generally pay more than resident (or in-state) students. Private colleges typically charge higher tuition. Fees are added on for services such as the library, student activities and the health center, among others. If you plan on living and eating on campus, the cost of room and board that is part of COA is paid directly to the college. If you look in the Opportunities book, it lists the “sticker price” of many colleges in the state. In addition, you‘ll want to determine your own cost estimates to make sure that you’ve accounted for things outside the ordinary such as medical bills, etc.

Sus costos universitarios El COA también incluye costos indirectos Pensión completa si vive fuera del campus Libros y útiles Gastos personales Transporte Asignación para el cuidado de personas a cargo Las tasas por el préstamo Costo de una computadora personal Costos relacionados con la incapacidad Costos razonables por estudiar en el extranjero Cost of attendance also includes your living expenses such as rent, food and utilities. Books and supplies costs vary but are factored in also. Textbooks can be quite expensive. Some academic fields will require specific supplies that may be more expensive – for example art and lab supplies. Personal expenses vary from student to student but the financial aid office will factor in an amount that the average student might need for things such as: clothing, laundry, medical insurance, etc. Transportation is also factored in for costs to and from home once or twice per year and for commuter students for getting to and from campus. Some colleges may consider other costs as well. If you have dependents, daycare or eldercare may be considered. Some loans have fees and this is taken into account as well as expenses to accommodate for a disability. If you’re required to have a personal computer an allowance for a computer may also be considered. If you study abroad the additional costs for travel may also be considered.

Sus costos universitarios Comparar el costo de asistencia - el "precio de lista" - de varias universidades no proporciona una imagen exacta de lo que costará asistir Puede obtener un estimativo del precio neto al utilizar la "calculadora del precio neto" de la universidad Usted descubre el precio neto al solicitar ayuda financiera Visite para comparar precios netos Just like when buying a car, most people don’t pay the sticker price. The cost for you to attend a specific college is likely to be different from many other students who attend the same college. Why? Every student’s individual financial situation is taken into account to determine the net price that student will pay. Every college that offers federal financial aid has to have what is called a “net price calculator” on its web site. This is intended to provide you with an estimate of what your net price will be after receiving financial aid. These calculators have limitations. Some ask much more specific questions than others, so take this information for what it is – an estimate only. A new ECMC initiative,, allows you to compare net prices of up to three colleges at a time. Ultimately, the only way you can truly know what it will cost you to attend a specific college is to apply for financial aid.

Las universidades de primer nivel pueden ser accesibles This slide shows the results of calculating the net prices of three elite schools using College Abacus. The takeaway is that the sticker price is not the price you will ultimately pay to attend a particular school.

Acerca de la FAFSA FAFSA = Solicitud Gratuita de Ayuda Federal para Estudiantes Determina el criterio de selección para La mayoría de los programas de ayuda financiera federal Muchos programas de ayuda financiera estadual Gran parte de la ayuda que las universidades conceden de sus propios fondos Algunos programas de becas Es posible que las universidades requieran formularios adicionales para recoger datos más puntuales La FAFSA debe completarse todos los años The way to access most federal and state financial aid is by filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). By filling out the FAFSA you will be considered for eligibility for the many financial aid programs. You’ll also be considered for some of the state and private grants and institutional aid the college may offer. Some private colleges may have more private grant money available than state colleges. Some colleges will ask you to complete additional form(s) that ask for more detailed financial information. Remember, you will need to complete a FAFSA each year in which you wish to be considered for financial aid.

Acerca de la FAFSA La FAFSA le hace preguntas acerca de Los ingresos Los bienes El tamaño de la familia La cantidad de miembros de la familia que asisten a la universidad The FAFSA asks you questions about your personal financial situation such as your family income, assets, family size and number of family members attending college. The goal of the FAFSA is to determine how much financial aid you need and whether you are eligible to receive federal aid.

Excusas para no presentar la FAFSA $150 miles de millones disponibles en ayuda financiera federal Subsidios, préstamos y ayuda para estudiantes que trabajan Muchos estudiantes simplemente no la presentan porque "Creo que mi familia gana demasiado dinero" "Solos los estudiantes con buenas calificaciones reciben ayuda financiera" "La FAFSA es muy difícil de completar" "Soy demasiado viejo para calificar para ayuda financiera" Al no completarla, se perderá una posible ayuda del estado y de su universidad The amount of money available in federal financial aid is $150 billion, according to the U.S. Department of Education. This federal aid is in the form of grants, loans and work-study. Amazingly, many students and their families don’t file the FAFSA because they think they won’t qualify for any money. The most popular reason is that many assume their family makes too much money. Other reasons include assumptions that only those with good grades get financial aid, the FAFSA is too hard to fill out and that they’re too old to qualify. All of these reasons are unfounded and in fact, by not filing the FAFSA, many students will miss out on potential aid from the state and from their college. Fuente:

Acerca de la FAFSA Tres versiones de la FAFSA En línea— FAFSA en PDF: imprímala desde su computadora FAFSA en papel: llame al 800.4.FED.AID Siempre es gratuito completar la FAFSA La versión en línea es la mejor La corrección integrada hace que sea más fácil llenarla con exactitud Firme de forma electrónica con el PIN obtenido de Resultados más rápidos You only have to fill out one version of the FAFSA, but you can choose which version works best for you. You can begin preparations to file the FAFSA before January 1, but January 1 is the earliest date you can file a FAFSA. You will also have to file a FAFSA each year you want to be considered for financial aid. Be careful of the web address you enter. There is a web site – – that will charge you $80 to help you file the FAFSA. The free site is Most people (in fact 98% of students) choose the online version because it has built in edits which help improve the accuracy of your FASFA. Sign your FASFA electronically by obtaining a PIN (Personal Identification Number) from The benefit of filing online is it’s easier and you’ll get faster results.

Consejos prácticos para tener éxito con la FAFSA Antes de completar la FAFSA Descargue la FAFSA en el formulario web Presenta una vista previa de las preguntas de ala FAFSA Reúna los documentos tanto de los padres como de los estudiantes Declaraciones de impuesto a las ganancias formularios W-2 y otras declaraciones de ingresos Registros de beneficios provenientes de organismos estaduales y federales Estados de cuentas bancarias actuales Utilice la Herramienta de recuperación de datos del IRS si es posible, ya que facilita la compleción. Visite Para obtener más información Getting together the necessary paperwork for the FAFSA will save you time. You will need income tax returns (use last year’s if you’re estimating) and W-2 statements for parents and students. If you received unemployment or are receiving other state or federal assistance you will need the information about how much you received. Bank statements will help as well. You‘ll use all of this information to fill out the FAFSA. Be sure to save a copy of the statements you used and print out a copy of your completed FASFA in case you need to refer to the information later. If prior-year taxes have already been filed at the time of FAFSA completion, you may be able to use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool. The tool automatically transfers tax information from the IRS directly into the FAFSA. Go to to learn more about using the tool.

Consejos prácticos para tener éxito con la FAFSA Cumpla con todas las fechas límite para la obtención de ayuda financiera Puede variar entre universidades Cumplir con la "fecha límite de prioridad" ayuda a obtener mejores paquetes de ayuda financiera en base a su elegibilidad Está bien hacer un cálculo aproximado de su información financiera Tendrá una oportunidad para corregirlo Haga una lista de todas las universidades en las que está presentando su solicitud de ingreso Conserve una copia de su FAFSA una vez completada Do not miss any priority deadlines. If you miss the priority deadline, you still will get an award letter but it may not have all of the aid that you qualify for as there are limited amounts of grants available. Signing the FAFSA is important and the number one mistake that students make is not to sign the paper version. The online version is signed with your PIN. Make sure that both you and your parents sign your FAFSA. Remember that your parents will need their own PIN to sign the FASFA. List all the colleges that you’re applying to as well. To do this you will list each college’s name and address and their six digit federal school code. Find your colleges’ codes on the website. Don’t delay in filling out your FAFSA. Go ahead and estimate your financial situation. You can correct it later. Make a copy of your completed FAFSA for your records and store it in a secure place.

FAFSA4caster Para quienes no están demasiado preparados para presentar la FAFSA; ofrece un cálculo aproximado inicial de la ayuda Estudiantes de primero y segundo año de universidad y de primer año de secundaria Padres de estudiantes más jóvenes para planificar y calcular la futura ayuda financiera Estudiantes más grandes para obtener una idea de la ayuda que obtendrán Complete la FAFSA4caster en: FAFSA4caster is a great tool for getting an early estimate of federal financial aid. It’s not a substitute for the FAFSA but can be used for planning and estimating purposes in advance of filing the FAFSA. Younger students can also use it for estimating.

Hay ayuda disponible para la FAFSA Puede recibir ayuda en persona para completar la FAFSA en los eventos "College Goal Oregon" (Meta Universitaria de Oregón) Profesionales de ayuda financiera lo ayudarán a completar la FAFSA en línea Fechas y lugares a definir Información en The College Place, 1-866-326-8287 Puede solicitar asistencia al 1-800-4-FED-AID When it comes to completing the FASFA you are not alone. There are many free resources to help you. You can receive help at 2015 College Goal Oregon events at locations and on dates to be announced. Visit for information. Also get help at The College Place. Federal Student Aid also has a toll free number: 1-800-4-FED-AID.

Elegibilidad para ayuda federal This slide is a review of the citizenship and eligible non-citizenship requirements in order to be eligible for federal financial aid.

Cómo explorar las opciones de ayuda financiera Después de completar la FAFSA, el estudiante recibe el Informe de Ayuda Estudiantil (SAR) Corrija cualquier error y devuélvalo El SAR contiene el Aporte Familiar Previsto (EFC) La información de la FAFSA también se envía a las universidades que usted incluyó para que recibieran los datos Once you’ve finished your FAFSA you can expect your SAR in a few days /weeks – depending on whether you did the online or paper version. Check it carefully for errors and return it. Your SAR will also list your Expected Family Contribution (EFC). It’s generally in the upper right hand corner with no decimal points. Your EFC is what the federal government estimates that you and your family can contribute to your college education. The same information is also sent to the colleges you listed on the FAFSA.

El EFC determina la ayuda que se ofrece Costo de Asistencia (COA) menos el Aporte Familiar Previsto (EFC) = necesidad económica Oficina de ayuda financiera: Determinará la elegibilidad del estudiante para recibir ayuda financiera federal, estadual y de la universidad Puede solicitar más información Enviará una carta de concesión al estudiante Your EFC goes into determining the aid you are offered – also known as your award. Your EFC is the same no matter which college you’re applying to. Let’s say that you’re going to a college that has a cost of attendance of $20,000 and your Expected Family Contribution is $6,000 annually. The college subtracts $6,000 from $20,000 and will try to offer an aid package of $14,000. The financial aid office will take the cost of attendance and subtract your EFC and work to build a financial aid package that meets the leftover need. Depending on the college, the financial aid office may ask for additional information to help in awarding you financial aid. Once your financial aid has been determined ,your financial aid office will send you an award letter with the details.

Tipos de ayuda financiera federal Ayuda federal basada en las necesidades Ayuda federal no basada en las necesidades Beca Pell SEOG Trabajo y estudio Préstamo Perkins Préstamo Stafford con subsidio Préstamo Stafford sin subsidio Préstamo PLUS Beca TEACH Existen programas adicionales de ayuda financiera federal, la mayoría de los cuales requiere la presentación de la FAFSA There are several federal financial aid programs. It is important to note a couple of things: (1) some are based on you demonstrating need, but others are available even if you do not demonstrate need, and (2) you have to file a FAFSA to be considered for all these programs. The details about these programs are contained in the Opportunities booklets, so you should take some time at home to see just how much money might be available for you to attend college.

Programa de Subvenciones Estaduales Para acceder a la Beca para la Oportunidad en Oregón (OOG), sólo hace falta llenar la FAFSA. No es necesario presentar otra solicitud. Usted debe ser residente de Oregón y asistir a una universidad aprobada de dicho estado Presente la FAFSA lo antes posible entre el 1.° de enero y el 1.° de febrero para que se la considere; OSAC otorga subvenciones hasta agotar los fondos The Oregon Opportunity Grant (OOG) is available by completing the FASFA. In order to receive the grant you must be an Oregon resident attending an approved college. Approved colleges include the 40+ public and private colleges and community colleges within Oregon. To be considered for the grant, complete and file the FAFSA as soon after January 1 as possible but by the deadline of February 1. This is the final deadline but it’s best to submit your FAFSA early because funds will run out.

Programa de Subvenciones Estaduales El ingreso familiar máximo para poder recibir la Beca de oportunidades en Oregón es de $70.000 La subvención máxima para 2014-2015 es de $1.950 OSAC y la universidad elegida notifican por correo electrónico a los estudiantes cuando se les ha otorgado la subvención Puede recibir la subvención por cuatro años de inscripción a tiempo completo Debe volver a solicitarla cada año The maximum family income to qualify is $70,000. The maximum amount of the award is expected to be $2,000 and if you are eligible, you can receive it for four years of full-time enrollment, not including the summer term, at any Oregon public or non-profit private college. Awards are prorated for half-time enrollment. Apply each year you’re in school.

Encontrar becas Desarrolle un plan para buscar y solicitar becas En Oregon el primer paso es completar la FAFSA; luego, la Solicitud para beca OSAC Presente la solicitud en línea En el sitio web puede encontrar instrucciones, listados de becas y hojas de trabajo Develop a plan to search for scholarships. The first step is to complete the FAFSA, then the next step should be to complete the OSAC Scholarship Application. You can apply online where you’ll also see instructions, scholarships available and worksheets. Like a job, making a diligent scholarship search can end up putting money in your pocket. Think about it this way – you might spend 10 hours completing scholarship applications. If you’re awarded a $1,000 scholarship – that’s the same as earning $100 an hour. Oregon is unique among states in that you can apply for over 480 scholarships by completing one application.

Encontrar becas Existen más de 480 becas disponibles que dan un total de $18 millones Plazos para entregar las solicitudes completas: El plazo de Early Bird es el 15 de febrero de 2015 Las solicitudes Early Bird sin errores ingresarán en el sorteo por una beca de $500 El plazo final es el 1.° de marzo de 2015 There are over 480 scholarships totaling more than $18 million available to Oregon students. To apply, be sure to complete your application before the early bird deadline of February 15, 2015 and by the absolute deadline of March 1, 2015. Students who submit error-free applications by the Early Bird deadline of February 15, 2015 will be entered into a $500 random drawing for an Early Bird scholarship. .

Cómo entender las cartas de concesión Lea atentamente su carta de concesión Podría ser impresa o en línea Muestra el Costo de Asistencia (COA) Enumera los tipos de ayuda y los costos netos (ejemplo en la página 23) Siga las instrucciones respecto de los próximos pasos La hoja de trabajo en la página 24 le ayuda a comparar las concesiones Cumpla con todas las fechas límite Informe a la universidad respecto de todo cambio en las cuestiones financieras Let’s talk about your award letter. Once you have been accepted for enrollment at any college, and have applied for financial aid by completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and any other financial aid forms required by the college, you and your family will receive a financial aid award letter. This letter will detail the amount of financial support the college is able to provide for the upcoming year. You might receive the award letter along with your notice of acceptance. Some colleges make the award letters available online. Check with your colleges to see how they will distribute their award letters. Read the fine print • Read your award letter carefully to ensure you understand all terms and conditions so you can decide if you want to accept some, or all, of the aid offered. • Look for instructions for your next steps. You might need to complete additional paperwork, such as loan applications. • Determine if grants or scholarships are available for more than one year. If so, what are the applicable conditions? Be sure to meet all the deadlines and keep your college aware of any changing financial issues such as becoming unemployed, receiving a scholarship, or other financial issues that did not exist at the time you completed your FASFA.

Cómo entender las cartas de concesión ¿Qué pasa si no es suficiente? Busque becas privadas Considere los beneficios de cualquier posible empleador Averigüe acerca de los planes para pagar la matrícula de la universidad Informe a la oficina de ayuda financiera cualquier cambio en su situación financiera Recuerde: debe llenar la FAFSA para ser considerado para la mayoría de los tipos de ayuda Contemple la posibilidad de trabajar a medio tiempo mientras asista a la universidad If after reading the award letter, you believe that the award and your family savings are not enough to cover all of your expenses, don’t panic! There are other options for getting the money you need to attend the college of your choice. • Research other sources for private scholarships. It might not be too late to apply. See if there is a national association affiliated with your major that might offer a scholarship. Review your college catalog, contact the head of the department of your major, talk to your guidance counselor, or take another look at the free college scholarship search services available online. • Consider any potential benefits from your parents’ place of employment. Look beyond just tuition and scholarships. Programs might exist to lower the cost of computers, insurance, or travel. • See if your college offers a payment plan that allows tuition expenses to be spread out over the year. • Make sure your college is aware of any special situations or circumstances that might affect their award decision. Is another sibling in college? Has a baby been born or adopted? Is a parent facing possible layoff? Do any of your family members have a chronic medical condition resulting in unusually high medical expenses? Did you get a new scholarship? Make sure your financial aid office is aware of any unique situations. You may also want to consider getting a part time job during college. It could be a good option to cover part of the expenses. In addition, the work experience will look great on a resume.

¿Tiene alguna pregunta? Ask audience for questions. If audience doesn’t have questions you may want to ask audience “What was something you learned?” or “How will you used what you learned?” These two questions will enable the audience to provide a review of the content through their answers.

Búsqueda de becas y estafas In this next section we will review scholarships – what to do and scams to watch out for.

Becas Una forma de ayuda gratuita: dinero que se entrega a los estudiantes y que no hay que devolver Existen numerosos tipos diferentes de becas No siempre se necesita un GPA muy alto ser un gran atleta La diligencia y la perseverancia son excelentes herramientas para solicitar una beca While a super grade point average and a strong resume and great athletic talent are helpful in getting scholarships, being a regular student may also qualify you for a scholarship . Is your GPA offset by a strong focus on a particular talent, skill or volunteer activity? Do you have great ideas of what you want to do with your life? Are you in need financially or do you have strong connections to a particular community? Are you the first in your family to attend college? If so, there are scholarships you may qualify for. Quality counts. A smattering of extracurricular activities won’t stand out as much as focusing on something that you care about and being able to state why that activity is important to you. You have to look for scholarships. Even if you’re a great student, chances are you need to do some research to find scholarships. They’re unlikely to find you. When applying for scholarships, you may need to follow a different process than what you did to apply to get into college. You may be able to use an admissions essay but you’ll likely need to gather different information for your application packet. The competition for scholarships can be intense, especially for the big money. However, diligence and perseverance are great tools to use when applying for scholarships.

Becas Según una encuesta reciente de Sallie Mae: Aproximadamente el 44 % de los estudiantes universitarios reciben fondos para cubrir becas Montos promedio de becas recibidas Universidades públicas de 4 años = $5422 Universidades privadas de 4 años = $16.448 "Community colleges" = $3188 According to the recent Sallie Mae survey How America Pays for College 2014 an estimated 44% of college students receive scholarships with average amounts ranging from $3,188 to over $16,000. The takeaway is that there are scholarships available to attend college! Fuente: How America Pays for College 2014

Sitios populares de becas Cuatro sitios buenos y legítimos College Board Departamento de Trabajo de los EE. Existen muchos otros sitios para buscar becas, pero Evite pagar un arancel Esté alerta para detectar posibles estafas Of course the most popular way of searching for scholarships is via the internet. To search for scholarships you can go to one of the many free sites and fill out a profile. The information you provide in your profile will be used to match you with scholarships. Note when you get an email it means that you likely “qualify” for the scholarship. You haven’t yet won the scholarship. You should definitely verify that you meet the qualifications and that it’s a legitimate offering.

Otros recursos para becas La búsqueda exitosa de becas se extiende más allá de los límites de Internet El consejero de la escuela secundaria Oficia de ayuda financiera de la universidad/consulte dentro de su espcialización Amigos y familiares Empleadores Organizaciones religiosas, cívicas y comunitarias Fundaciones Ejército Biblioteca pública There are many resources to use when beginning your search for scholarships. An essential place to check is with your current high school. It may have a list of local competitions where fewer people enter, making it easier to win. If your high school doesn’t have a listing, check out others in the area. Local providers of scholarships are generally looking to invest in their community and your potential could be a great investment for them. Often, when you fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, you will be considered for grants and scholarships through the financial aid office. Check out financial aid and other areas of student services to see if they have additional listings as well. Students who are strongly committed to a particular major may also find that there are scholarships available specific to their area of study. Family and friends are also great resources. A family member may know about community scholarships that are available. Ask around and you may be surprised at the opportunities out there. Many employers – both yours and those of friends – offer scholarships. Also check with organizations you and your family have been involved with such as the military and/or community organizations to see if they offer scholarships. The public library also has vast listings of scholarships with their application due dates and years in which they’re offered. It’s best to look these up at the library rather than purchasing a book as the information quickly becomes outdated.

Éxito en las becas Solicitan muchas becas diferentes Cumpla atentamente con las indicaciones de la solicitud Pueden solicitar más información, tal como Un comprobante de que ha llenado la FAFSA Ensayos/carta de presentación Cartas de recomendación Calificaciones obtenidas en los exámenes SAT/ACT y copias del expediente académico Guardan copias de las solicitudes presentadas Sea agradecido y amable The determined scholarship applicant wins in many cases. Just being organized and following some of these basic tips may land your scholarship application at the top of the review pile. Don’t limit yourself to a few applications. By recycling essays and personal statements, it’s not a lot more effort to apply to 12 organizations as opposed to 2 or 3. Generally to apply for a scholarship you must request an application or download it from a web site. Get your application in time to allow plenty of time to complete it and to obtain any additional paperwork needed such as transcripts and test scores. Successful applicants show that they are qualified. The scholarship awarding committee will not assume that you meet the criteria. Send any proof that you can. Your application must be error free or it will likely be disqualified. Have your parents, teachers, guidance counselor, etc. review your application carefully. Keep copies of completed applications. Whether you receive a scholarship or not be sure to send a thank you note. When you apply next year they may remember your thank you note. Also, keep copies of completed applications in case you need that information for future scholarships throughout your college career.

Tenga cuidado con las estafas Le garantizan que va a ganar o le devuelven su dinero No podrá obtener esta información en ningún otro lugar Bríndenos su número de tarjeta de crédito para comenzar La beca costará algo de dinero Usted es finalista (para una beca que nunca solicitó) Si parece demasiado bueno como para ser verdad Acuda a un seminario gratuito Haremos todo el trabajo por usted The Federal Trade Commission put together a list of the most common scholarship scams. They sometimes work because they play on your desire to get free money. Remember the warning signs outlined on this slide that might help identify a scam. Find more information on scams on The Federal Trade Commission website:

Consejos prácticos para recordar Los envíos postales de estafas a menudo parecen y suenan oficiales Las notificaciones de concesión de becas legítimas se le enviarán por correo, no se le comunicarán por teléfono Tenga cuidado con los teléfonos Aléjese siempre de las ventas con mucha presión Tenga cuidado con los avales Scammers who try to get you to fall for their tricks are very good at making their communication look professional and patriotic. Examine anything carefully before responding. Avoid any questions by tracking which scholarships you’ve applied for and only correspond with awarding organizations you’re sure about. If you win you will be notified via mail rather than telephone. Again, you’ll want to make sure any mail you get is the real thing rather than a scam. Legitimate scholarship awarding organizations never have 900 numbers, nor do community service organizations that help with your questions about the financial aid process. High pressure to buy a scholarship search? Walk away… It’s a scam. Some scammers will say they are endorsed by other legitimate organizations even when that is not true. They may also claim endorsements from fictional organizations with names that sound trustworthy.

Cuando gane Qué esperar Carta de felicitación - ¡conserve una copia para sus archivos! Las becas con un alto perfil pueden incluir un seguimiento Es posible que tenga que enviar copias del expediente académico y un comprobante de la matrícula Cumpla con sus obligaciones, como por ejemplo las cartas de agradecimiento El cheque se le puede enviar a usted o a su universidad Las universidades pueden ajustar su concesión de ayuda financiera When you win a scholarship, you’ll typically receive a congratulations letter. Keep this and feel the joy. A very high profile scholarship win could include follow up interviews or a photo opportunity. The check, when it’s cut may be sent directly to you or to your college. You may also need to provide follow up information such as transcripts once you’re enrolled in college. You’ll also want to fulfill any other obligations that the scholarship requires. Unfulfilled expectations could affect your award.

¿Tiene alguna pregunta? Ask audience for questions. If audience doesn’t have questions you may want to ask audience “What was something you learned?” or “How will you used what you learned?” These two questions will enable the audience to provide a review of the content through their answers.

¡Gracias por venir esta noche ¡Gracias por venir esta noche! ¡Ahora elijamos a los ganadores de las becas!