Hazlo ahorael 6 de febrero Objetivo: SWBAT understand and use rooms of the house and household items. If you did not turn in your family tree project,


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Transcripción de la presentación:

Hazlo ahorael 6 de febrero Objetivo: SWBAT understand and use rooms of the house and household items. If you did not turn in your family tree project, it is now LATE! Get it in today! On your hazlo sheet,write down the grade you plan on earning in Spanish this semester AND HOW you will earn it.

La Casa

El Apartamento

El Baño

La Cocina

El Comedor

El Cuarto – El Dormitorio

El Despacho

La Escalera

El Garaje

La Sala

El Sótano

La Planta Baja

El Primer Piso

El Segundo Piso

ACTIVIDAD ¿En qué cuarto están estas cosas?

Número Uno

Número Dos

Número Tres

Número Cuatro

Número Cinco

Número Seis

Número Siete

Número Ocho

Número Nueve

Número Diez

Cosas de la Casa

La Alfombra

El Armario

La Cama

La Cómoda

El Espejo

La Lámpara

La Pared

La Puerta

La Ventana

La Televisión

La Mesa

El Refrigerador

El Fregador

La Estufa

El Horno

El Sofá

El Inodoro

La Bañera

La Ducha

Actividad ¿Qué cosas están aquí? List as many items as you can in Spanish

Practicamos With your partner, sort the following vocabulary words into whether you would find them on the first or second floor of the house.

Practicamos On your worksheet, write down where you would find each object in each room of the house. Some objects may be found in more than one place!

Hazlo ahorael 7 de febrero Objetivo: SWBAT understand and use rooms of the house and household items. Identify five objects in the following picture:


La Casa

El Apartamento

El Baño

La Cocina

El Comedor

El Cuarto – El Dormitorio

El Despacho

La Escalera

El Garaje

La Sala

El Sótano

La Planta Baja

El Primer Piso

El Segundo Piso

La Alfombra

El Armario

La Cama

La Cómoda

El Espejo

La Lámpara

La Pared

La Puerta

La Ventana

La Televisión

La Mesa

El Refrigerador

El Fregador

La Estufa

El Horno

El Sofá

El Inodoro

La Bañera

La Ducha

Las cartas Form a group of 4 people. One person will be the dealer. They will show a card to the group. The first person to say the color in Spanish gets to keep the card. The person with the most cards at the end wins and becomes the new dealer!

Construye la casa de sus sueños You are creating your dream house! It must be in color! You must have at least 1 bedroom, a kitchen, a living room, and a bathroom. You can make the other room whatever you want. You must have at least 4 items in each room. You can repeat objects, but be creative! Once you have drawn everything you want in your dream house, label the rooms and the household items with the Spanish vocabulary that we have learned this week.

Hazlo ahorael 8 de febrero Objetivo: SWBAT understand and use rooms of the house and household items. Identify five objects in the following picture:

Construye la casa de sus sueños Work on your dream house project. TODAY is your last day to work in class. DUE FRIDAY!