Present tense of Regular Verbs


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Page 132 Realidades 1 Present tense of -er and -ir verbs.
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Present tense of Regular Verbs
Present tense of -er and -ir verbs
Present tense of -er and -ir verbs
Present tense of Regular Verbs
Present tense of -er and -ir verbs
Present tense of -er and -ir verbs
Present tense of Regular Verbs
Present tense of Regular Verbs
Present tense of -er and -ir verbs
Present tense of Regular Verbs
Transcripción de la presentación:

Present tense of Regular Verbs Page 96 Avancemos 1 Present tense of Regular Verbs

-AR Verbs You know the pattern of present-tense -ar verbs: These are the endings: o, as, a, amos, áis, an For example

HABLAR Nosotros hablamos Yo hablo Vosotros habláis Tú hablas Uds. Ud. Ellos hablan Ellas Yo hablo Tú hablas Ud. Él habla Ella

3 Types of Verbs There are 3 types of verbs: Infinitives that end in -ar Infinitives that end in -er Infinitives that end in -ir

3 Types of Verbs You’ve already learned some -ar verbs, now you are going to learn some -er verbs.

Some -er Verbs Some -er verbs that you already know are: beber leer comer ver

The pattern for -er verbs is much like the pattern for -ar verbs. The only difference is, instead of using “a” you use “e.”

Let’s try the verb “to eat,” in Spanish, “comer.”

TO EAT I eat You eat He She eats It We eat They eat

COMER Yo como Tú comes Ud. Él come Ella Nosotros comemos Vosotros coméis Uds. Ellos comen Ellas

The Other -er Verbs Now let’s do the other -er verbs that you know.

BEBER Yo bebo Tú bebes Ud. Él bebe Ella Nosotros bebemos Vosotros bebéis Uds. Ellos beben Ellas

LEER Yo leo Tú lees Ud. Él lee Ella Nosotros leemos Vosotros leéis Uds. Ellos leen Ellas

The Verb VER You also know the verb VER. it is the same as the other -er verbs except in the “yo” form. It is irregular in the “yo” form. An arrow will show you the difference.

To SEE or To WATCH I see You see He She sees It We see They see

VER Yo veo Tú ves Ud. Él ve Ella Nosotros vemos Vosotros veís Uds. Ellos ven Ellas

3 Types of Verbs You’ve already learned some -ar verbs and -er verbs. Now you are going to learn some -ir verbs.

The pattern for -ir verbs is the exact same pattern for -er verbs except for the nosotros form: instead of using “emos” you will use “imos.”

Let’s try the verb “to share,” In Spanish, “compartir.”

TO SHARE I share You share He She shares It We share They share

COMPARTIR Nosotros compartimos Yo comparto Vosotros compartís Uds. Ellos comparten Ellas Yo comparto Tú compartes Ud. Él comparte Ella

Let’s review again.

COMER Yo como Tú comes Ud. Él come Ella Nosotros comemos Vosotros coméis Uds. Ellos comen Ellas

BEBER Yo bebo Tú bebes Ud. Él bebe Ella Nosotros bebemos Vosotros bebéis Uds. Ellos beben Ellas

LEER Yo leo Tú lees Ud. Él lee Ella Nosotros leemos Vosotros leéis Uds. Ellos leen Ellas

VER Yo veo Tú ves Ud. Él ve Ella Nosotros vemos Vosotros veís Uds. Ellos ven Ellas

COMPARTIR Nosotros compartimos Yo comparto Vosotros compartís Uds. Ellos comparten Ellas Yo comparto Tú compartes Ud. Él comparte Ella