Windows Server 2003 Certificate Services. PKI.


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Agenda Introducción PKI. Conceptos básicos de seguridad. Sistemas de control de acceso. Sistemas Preventivos Qué es un Mecanismo de Control de Acceso ¿Qué entendemos por acceso? Objetivos de los Mecanismos de Control de Acceso ¿Cómo se preservan estos principios? Características esenciales de un Sistema de Control de Acceso (SCA) Etapas del Proceso de Control de Acceso Identificación

Agenda Autentificación Autentificación Tipo1 Tipos de contraseñas. Passwords managers Autentificación Tipo 2 Autentificación Tipo 3: Biometría Dispositivos Biométricos. Tipos de Biometrías. Aceptabilidad de Biometrías. Certificate Services. Implementación de PKI en Windows Server 2003 Componentes de PKI Inicio de sesión con Smart Card Implantación de Smart Cards DEMOS !!!!

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Introducción a la Seguridad

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Bug Un error de software o computer bug, que significa bicho de computadora, es el resultado de una falla de programación introducida en el proceso de creación de programas de computadora. El término bug fue acreditado erróneamente a Grace Murray Hopper, una pionera en la historia de la computación, pero Thomas Edison ya lo empleaba en sus trabajos para describir defectos en sistemas mecánicos por el año 1870. Fuente: Wikipedia en Español


Exploit Exploit (viene de to exploit - aprovechar) - código escrito con el fin de aprovechar un error de programación para obtener diversos privilegios. software. Un buen número de exploits tienen su origen en un conjunto de fallos similares. Algunos de los grupos de vulnerabilidades más conocidos son: Vulnerabilidades de desbordamiento de pila o buffer overflow. Vulnerabilidades de condición de carrera (Race condition). Vulnerabilidades de error de formato de cadena (format string bugs). Vulnerabilidades de Cross Site Scripting (XSS). Vulnerabilidades de inyección SQL (SQL injection). Vulnerabilidades de inyeccion de caraceres (CRLF). Fuente: Wikipedia en Español

Proceso explotación Vulnerabilidad 1.- Se descubre una vulnerabilidad a) Por el fabricante b) Por un tercero 2.- Se aprende a explotarlo a) Ingeniería inversa de Código b) Ingeniería inversa de Patch 3.- Se usa un Payload para automatizar

Comunidades Hacker

Servidor de Día-0 Zero Day Server es aquel que tiene todo el software que corre en su sistema actualizado y no tiene ningún bug conocido. Es el máximo nivel de seguridad que se puede alcanzar con el software que corre en un sistema. Existen Zero Day Exploits.

Auditoría de Seguridad El objetivo es dejar un Servidor en Día-0. No es la única auditoría de seguridad que debe realizarse. Se debe realizar de forma automática y de forma manual [“artesana”]. Se debe realizar con la visión de un atacante y con la visión del administrador.

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Sistemas de Control de Acceso

Sistemas Preventivos Dentro de las estrategias de Administración de la Seguridad existen tres funciones que son esenciales en cuanto a las acciones a aplicar para mitigar los riesgos asociados a los sistemas computacionales. Prevención: Esta función guarda relación con planificar y realizar todas aquellas actividades necesarias para evitar que se produzcan eventos de seguridad que puedan provocar algún daño sobre cualquier medio informático. Detección: Es la capacidad de poder detectar y reaccionar oportunamente frente a algún incidente de seguridad que se produzca para minimizar su daño. Recuperación: En caso de haberse producido daño, poder recuperar rápidamente la operación y los servicios esenciales del negocio  DISASTER RECOVERY PLAN

Sistemas Preventivos Dentro de la función de Prevención, se pueden distinguir diferentes ámbitos de acción posible, los cuales es necesario tomar en consideración, para poder conseguir un adecuado nivel de seguridad en la LAN interna de las empresas, a saber: Mecanismos de Control de Acceso. Control de Acceso Perimetral. Seguridad de las Operaciones. Seguridad Física. NOTA: Solo los 2 primeros aspectos se verán con detalle en este HOL.

Qué es un Mecanismo de Control de Acceso Un mecanismo de control de acceso corresponde a ciertas herramientas que sirven para administrar de forma efectiva el debido acceso de cada uno de los usuarios y sujetos a cada uno de los respectivos recursos de un sistema informático. Los mecanismos de Control de Acceso tienen como misión proteger a los sistemas y activos informáticos de accesos no debidamente autorizados que puedan ocasionar algún daño a la información que éstos contienen. Estas herramientas y técnicas constituyen la primera línea de defensa contra los eventuales riesgos asociados con accesos externos.

¿Qué entendemos por acceso? Es el flujo de información entre un Sujeto y un Objeto Sujeto: Entidad activa (persona o proceso que solicita información de un objeto para realizar un tarea, lo cual puede generar cambios en el estado de un sistema) Objeto: Entidad pasiva que contiene información OBJETO SUJETO Programas Programas Procesos

Objetivos de los Mecanismos de Control de Acceso Los mecanismos de control de acceso (MCA) también buscan preservar el cumplimiento de los 3 principios fundamentales que gobiernan la seguridad de los sistemas informáticos. Confidencialidad Disponibilidad integridad

¿Cómo se preservan estos principios? Confidencialidad: Con el fin de preservar un nivel de privacidad adecuado de la información que se alberga en los sistemas computacionales, los SCA, generan una definición de las necesidades reales de información de los usuarios. Integridad: Este principio vela por la total consistencia tanto externa como interna de la información y que ésta solo sea manipulada por entes debidamente autorizados. Disponibilidad: En este caso lo que se persigue es tener un acceso a los datos confiable y seguro para los usuarios autorizados.

Características esenciales de un Sistema de Control de Acceso (SCA) Todo SCA, debiera contener al menos las siguientes funcionalidades: Proteger claves de acceso. Desplegar e indicar los privilegios y restricciones que cada usuario autorizado tiene. Ser capaz de registrar y notificar todas las violaciones de acceso cometidas en los sistemas  IDS Poseer la habilidad de restringir y bloquear los accesos de forma dinámica y flexible. Proteger las tablas de control de seguridad, diarios y grupos de datos de almacenamiento. Tener facilidad de mantenimiento y actualización para agregar cambios en las plataformas que supervisa.

Etapas del Proceso de Control de Acceso El proceso de control de acceso, pasa por las siguientes fases o etapas: El sujeto presenta ciertas credenciales de identificación y ciertos niveles de privilegio. (Etapa de Identificación) Hay que verificar si él es quien dice ser, y si las credenciales que presenta corresponden a su asignación de responsabilidad. (Etapa de Autentificación) De ser exitosas las dos etapas anteriores, este usuario obtiene acceso a los recursos que ha solicitado (Etapa de Autorización). Se debe llevar un registro de todas y cada una de las acciones que éste realizó en el sistema (Auditabilidad)

Etapas de un control de Acceso Identificación autentificación Auditabilidad Autorización

Identificación El proceso de identificación de un individuo consiste en la presentación de credenciales que debieran acreditar su identidad. Éstas, en general son conocidas, y pueden ser: Nombre de usuario (username) Número de usuario (number ID) Numero de cuenta (counter ID) Dirección IP de la máquina que se conecta Identificación del área funcional Dirección MAC de la máquina que se conecta La más difundida de estas identificaciones es el nombre de usuario o la dirección de correo electrónico.

Autentificación El proceso de autentificación tiene que ver con la validación de la identidad de un individuo. Es decir, éste debe probar quien dice ser. Para ello debe presentar credenciales que permitan acreditar su identidad. Existen tres tipos de credenciales, más conocidas como factores de autentificación, que son: Tipo1: Algo que la persona sabe (contraseña, PIN, frase, etc.) Tipo2: Algo que la persona posee (Carnet de identidad, smartcard, etc.) Tipo3: Algo que la persona es (su huella digital, etc.) Cuando un esquema de autentificación usa dos o más factores, se habla de autentificación robusta.

Autentificación Tipo1 Contraseñas: Corresponde a un conjunto de caracteres que se le asigna a un determinado sujeto y que solo él debe conocer, para validar su identidad. A este respecto deben tenerse las siguientes consideraciones como parte de una política de administración de éstas: Estas claves no deben ser fácilmente deducibles (password triviales) Debieran chequearse en todos los sistemas la existencia de contraseñas débiles y eliminarlas.  MBSA 2.0, SSS, GFILanguard, Retina…………… Los usuarios deberían cambiarlas cada cierto tiempo y, si fuera posible, no reutilizar contraseñas viejas. Debiera contarse con un mecanismo generador de claves robustas, para cada usuario que requiera cambios.  DE NIVEL C2 Debieran bloquearse las cuentas después de un cierto numero de intentos fallidos (máximo 5) Contraseñas dinámicas por SW: Corresponde a un programa que genera números a partir de una base real (numero de tarjeta de crédito) mediante lo que se conoce como Función de Hashing

Tipos de contraseñas Contraseñas estáticas: Son las claves que se asignan una vez y no cambian en el tiempo. Contraseñas cognitivas: Son mecanismos de acceso que se basan en la formulación de una serie de preguntas personales para validar la identidad de una persona. Son utilizados en ciertos procesos que tienen poca frecuencia de uso (mecanismos de recuperación de contraseñas perdidas) Contraseñas Dinámicas: Corresponde a aquel tipo de contraseñas cuya vigencia es relativamente de corta duración (de unos días a unos cuantos minutos).

Password managers Con objeto de conseguir una protección real de estos sistemas, las claves de acceso ya creadas deberían ser almacenadas en un sistema que permita una verdadera protección y privacidad de ellas. Estos programas que realizan estas funciones de administración de claves de acceso, se conocen como administradores de contraseñas (password managers). Ej Ej: PasswordLock Password Manager XP Password Wallet from InfoCard Password Wallet from TigerSoft , etc. También existe una solución basada en dispositivos de hardware: Trusted Computing Group

Autentificación Tipo2 Token: Es un dispositivo portátil que despliega una secuencia de números que deben ser introducidos en la máquina, la cual está corriendo un mecanismo de autentificación interno para validar la identidad de quién desea ingresar en él. La validación se produce mediante la sincronización entre la información aportada por el Token y el mecanismo de autentificación del Computador Protegido (ver figura).

Autentificación Tipo2 MemoryCard: Es una tarjeta portátil, que tiene almacenada la información de autentificación del usuario. Ejemplo: Tarjeta de entrada a un edificio o una empresa  Tarjeta RedBanc SmartCard: Es un dispositivo similar al anterior, pero incorpora capacidad de procesamiento propia, lo cual permite un autentificación de 2 factores (pide escribir un Pin para desbloquear la tarjeta y una vez hecho esto, se incorpora la información proporcionada en la máquina debidamente protegida (ver figura). Frase Clave (PassPhrase): Es una serie de palabras que sirven para enmascarar una clave virtual, que permiten validar el acceso a ciertos servicios empresariales.

Autentificación Tipo3: Biometría Las medidas Biométricas son características especiales que identifican a los individuos en forma unívoca por sus rasgos biológicos más distintivos. Estas medidas se pueden obtener mediante dispositivos altamente sensibles, los que permiten medir la geometría de la mano, y ciertos patrones de la forma del ojo, para asegurar la identidad de los individuos. Sin embargo estos dispositivos no han tenido mucha difusión por los siguientes factores: Se hace necesario un proceso de “enrolamiento” previo para registrar la información de los personas. La gente no está acostumbrada a “intervenirse” ciertos órganos esenciales del cuerpo humano (ojos, manos).

Dispositivos Biométricos Debido a su alta sensibilidad estos dispositivos son susceptibles a ciertos errores denominados falsos positivos y falsos negativos. Tasa Falso Negativo= Acepta Usuario no valido (error tipo 2) Tasa Falso Positivo: Rechaza usuario valido (error tipo 1) Tasa de Error Cruzada (CER) Sensibilidad

Tipos de Biometrías Escaneo de la palma de la mano. Geometría de la Mano. Escaneo del Iris. Análisis de Patrón de Retina. Huella Digital. Reconocimiento de Voz. Reconocimiento Facial. Cadencia de la firma. Cadencia de la forma de teclear.

Aceptabilidad de Biometrías Escaneo del Iris. Cadencia de la forma de teclear. Cadencia de la firma. Reconocimiento de Voz. Reconocimiento Facial. Huella Digital. Escaneo de la palma de la mano. Geometría de la Mano. Análisis de Patrón de Retina.


Agenda Visión general de Smart Cards ¿Qué es una Smart Card? Tarjeta y Lector Implementación de PKI en Windows Server 2003 Componentes de PKI Inicio de sesión con Smart Card Implantación de Smart Cards DEMOS !!!!

Instalación de los Servicios de Certificados

Visión general de Smart Cards ¿Qué es una Smart Card? Tarjeta y Lector

¿Qué es una Smart Card? Tarjeta de aspecto similar a las tarjetas de pago actuales ISO 7810 -> tamaño ISO 7816 -> características físicas del soporte plástico (flexibilidad, temperatura), posición de contactos eléctricos, forma de comunicación del chip con el exterior ISO 14443 -> SC de proximidad (contactless) Otros estándares según función Telefonía celular digital Tarjetas de crédito (Europay, Mastercard, Visa) Monedero electrónico (Visacash, Mondex, Proton) Proporcionan portabilidad, seguridad y fácil utilización de los datos que almacenan. Contiene un chip de memoria únicamente o bien un chip de memoria y un microprocesador ISO 7810

Memoria vs. Microprocesador Smart Cards de memoria Almacenamiento simple de datos. 6-24 Kbytes para OS & aplicaciones (ROM). 128-512 Bytes para datos runtime (RAM). 1-16 Bytes para datos de usuario (EEPROM). Uso similar a un floppy. Seguridad opcional (PIN). Tarjetas monedero, tarjetas telefónicas, … Smart Cards de microprocesador Pueden añadir, borrar y manipular la información en la memoria de la tarjeta. Cuenta con S.O., puertos I/O y sistema de almacenamiento con características nativas de seguridad. Mayor cantidad de memoria de usuario (4,8,16,32Kb) Similar a un ordenador en miniatura. Tarjetas criptográficas RSA. Otros algoritmos presentes (DES, 3DES, ECC, SHA1, etc)

Modelos más comunes Smart Cards de contacto Se insertan en un lector. Contacto físico con el lector. ISO y USB-Token

Componentes de la SC Proporcionados por el fabricante de la tarjeta Smart Card CSP SCSP (opcional) Software de instalación Sistema Operativo Windows Powered™ Smart Card, MultOS, Java Card™, GemPlus, Schlumberger, Siemens, Bull, … TIBC1.0 operating system. Typical applications supported by the TIBC cards include VISACash and VISA Easy Entry. The TIBC microprocessors card is a proprietary design owned by SERMEPA. Gemplus is certified by SERMEPA through VISA for the assembly, embedding, personalization and sales of these cards in Latin American and the Caribbean countries.

Componentes del lector SC Proporcionados por el fabricante del lector Lector RS-232, PCMCIA, USB Driver del lector Windows 95, 98, Me, NT 4.0, 2K, XP, 2K3 Software de instalación

Componentes de la SmartCard CSP/SCSP/Otros SP Smart Card Services Win2K/XP/2K3 Fabricante de la SmartCard Driver Fabricante del lector Lector Service Providers All cards must have at least one service provider for Windows-based applications to access card-based services. There can be multiple service providers, depending on the type of card and the card issuer. In general, there are two categories of Service Providers: cryptographic and noncryptographic. The distinction is necessary due to import and export restrictions on cryptographic technology imposed by governments. Cryptographic Service Providers CSPs can be software-only, like the Microsoft Base Provider CSP that ships standard on Windows platforms today, or they can be part of a hardware-based solution where the cryptographic engine resides on a smart card (or some other piece of hardware) attached to the computer. A CSP associated with a smart card is called a Smart Card Cryptographic Provider (SCCP) to distinguish it from a more general CSP. Both SCCPs and CSPs expose cryptographic services— such as random number generation, key generation, digital signature, key exchange, and bulk encryption—through CryptoAPI. Smart Card Service Providers Smart Card Service Providers (SCSP) expose the noncryptographic services of a smart card to an application through interfaces. A smart card interface consists of a predefined set of services, the protocols necessary to invoke the services, and any assumptions regarding the context of the services. This is similar in concept to the ISO 7816-5 Application Identifier, but differs in scope. A smart card can register support for an interface through association with the interface’s globally unique identifier (GUID). This binding between a card and an interface is done at the time the card is first introduced to the system, typically when the SCSP is installed. Once the card is introduced to the system, applications can search for smart cards, based on a specific interface or GUID. For example, a cash card could make itself available to Windows-based applications by registering interfaces to access its purse scheme. As part of the Smart Card Base Components 1.0 release, Microsoft shipped several base-level service providers for performing generic operations, such as card location, command and reply APDU (Application Protocol Data Unit) management, and card file system access. The Microsoft-supplied service providers are implemented as COM interface objects to enable software developers and card providers to develop higher-level service providers and applications. Smart Card

Implementación de PKI en Windows Server 2003 Smart Cards Implementación de PKI en Windows Server 2003 Componentes de PKI Inicio de sesión con Smart Card Las Tarjetas Inteligentes cobran importancia cuando se dispone de una infraestructura de clave pública.

Public Key Infrastructure La infraestructura de PKI alude al conjunto de componentes (basados en certificados y CAs) que permiten una comunicación segura entre ambos extremos de la comunicación. Objetivos: Integridad de los datos Autenticación de los extremos Confidencialidad de los datos Valor legal (Non-repudiation) Imposibilidad de reutilización (Anti-replay) A public key infrastructure (PKI) is a system of digital certificates, certification authorities (CAs) and other registration authorities (RAs) that verify and authenticate the validity of each party that is involved in an electronic transaction through the use of public key cryptography. Standards for PKIs are still evolving, even as they are being widely implemented as a necessary element of electronic commerce. For detailed information about planning a PKI and using public key cryptography, see Resources on public key infrastructure. There are a number of reasons why an organization may choose to deploy a PKI using Windows: Strong security. You can have strong authentication with smart cards. You can also maintain confidentiality and the integrity of transmitted data on public networks by using Internet Protocol security and the confidentiality of stored data by using EFS (encrypting file system) Simplified administration. Your organization can issue certificates and in conjunction with other technologies eliminate the use of passwords. You can revoke certificates as necessary and publish certificate revocation lists (CRLs). There is the ability to use certificates to scale trust relationships across an enterprise. You can also take advantage of Certificate Services integration with the Active Directory directory service and policy. The capability to map certificates to user accounts is also available.

Componentes de PKI Key and Certificate Management Tools Certificate Publication Point Certification Authority Certificate Revocation List Public Key–Enabled Applications and Services Digital Certificate CA is also responsible to publish the CRL and CA Cert… The basic components of a public key infrastructure include certificate authorities, certificate publication points, key and certificate management, and Certificate authority A certificate authority is responsible for establishing and vouching for the authenticity of public keys belonging to users (end entities) or other certification authorities. Activities of a certification authority can include binding public keys to distinguished names through signed certificates, managing certificate serial numbers, and certificate revocation. Certificate publication points Certificate publication points make certificates and CRLs publicly available, inside or outside an organization. This allows widespread availability of the critical material needed to support the entire PKI. In particular, a good certificate publisher will allow clients to automatically fetch certificates, including all certificates between the root and the desired certificate. Publishers can use any kind of directory service, including X.500, the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), or operating system specific directories; they can also publish certificates and CRLs on Web pages or distribute them on smartcards, disks, or CD-ROM. However, the market trend is clearly toward LDAP, which offer superior interoperability and flexibility. Key and certificate management tools There are a number of administrative tasks that are required to manage PKIs. Sites must keep track of which certificates were issued, when they were issued, and who holds them; old certificates may need to be archived so that encrypted e-mail messages can be read even after the certificate is no longer active. There also has to be some way to control and monitor how the CA and certificate publisher are issuing and publishing certificates and CRLs; that's why one component of a useful PKI must be management, administration, and auditing tools. Public key-enabled applications Once your PKI can issue, publish, and control certificates, the next step is to deploy applications that can use them. Applications can use digital certificates to deliver the benefits of public-key cryptography, and they can combine cryptographic functions like signing and encryption to make possible e-commerce, secure network access, or other desirable services. All Microsoft applications that use public-key cryptography are natively public-key enabled. For example, the Microsoft Outlook® messaging and collaboration client offers built-in signing and encryption support, combined with the ability to use certificate publishers and root certificates from a number of sources. Internet Explorer, Microsoft Money, and Internet Information Server provide the ability to set up encrypted web sessions. PKI-enabled applications can build on industry-standard protocols to speed development and allow easy interoperability with other organizations, too.

PKI Tools Category Tools MMC snap-ins Certification Authority Certificates Certificate Templates Command line Certutil.exe Certreq.exe Resource kit PKI Health (PKIview.msc) Key Recovery Tool (KRT.EXE) To take advantage of the W2K3 certutil … Those of you who will be to the advanced workshop (attend the) will see deeply how it works… KRT is a very practical tool to recover the private key and the associated certificat PKI Health: Enterprise PKI Health Tool from the .NET Reskit ========================== How to Run: =========== 1. Use the following command to register the Snap-in with MMC regsvr32 PKIView.dll 2. To bring up the Tool, * Open pkiview.msc - this opens MMC with the PKI Health tool Snap-in loaded. OR * Open MMC, File -> Add/Remove Snap-in -> Enterprise PKI 3. Click on "Enterprise PKI" node to expand.

Autoridades Certificadoras Enterprise Root CA Enterprise Subordinate / Issuing CA Stand-alone Root CA Stand-alone Subordinate / Issuing CA  Es prioritario tener en cuenta que: Enterprise mode  Integrado en AD Los certificados y las plantillas serán publicados en el AD y se emplearán recursos del dominio. Stand-alone mode  Independiente Se utiliza cuando no existe AD o bien cuando delegamos en una tercera empresa la distribución de los certificados Enterprise mode can reduce significantly the administration cost/task… It depends whether your certificate requester are member of your AD or not. I most of you requester don’t belong to your AD then install CA stanalone. Enterprise mode must be install on a DC or on a member Server of a Win.NET domain (Domain Fonctional level= Win.NET and Forest fonctional level = Win.NET); It must be a Win.NET Enterprise server or Data Center. It ‘s AD integrated (Certificates issued (email), CRL, CA certificate….) You need to be an Enterprise Admin because Certificates Templates are stored in the Confuguration Container of AD. Template is a certificate models for a specific use (EFS, Email, IPSEC…) Stand_Alone mode is independent. You can publish some information in AD like CRL (CDP) and AIA in the container configuration using Certutil (Useful for Stand Alone Root CA Offline, or non MS CA) See 313197 - HOW TO: Use the Directory Services Store Tool to Add a Non-Windows 2000 See 271386 - HOW TO: Install a Windows 2000 Certificate Services Offline Root A stand-alone Windows .NET CA supports more than 35 million certificates per physical CA without any degradation of performance. An individual departmental certification authority running on a server with a dual processor and 51M of RAM can issue more than 2 million standard-key-length certificates per day. Even with an unusually large CA key, a single stand-alone CA with the appropriate hardware is capable of issuing more than 750,000 user certificates per day.

Standalone CA Vs. Enterprise CA Attributes Standalone CA Enterprise CA AD integration Non-AD integrated AD integrated Enrollment method Web forms-based MMC-based or Web forms-based Certificate templates None Supports certificate templates Subject information Entered manually Derived from AD Certificate issuance Manual certificate approval Based on certificate template DACL Host server Workgroup or domain member Domain member Publication of CRL and certificate Manual publication to AD Automatic publication to AD This is a summary. All information you have to take into consideration is to choose the proper CA type. Note that Enterprise CA must be installed either on a member server or on a DC. With a Standalone CA, you can’t request a certificate using certificate snap-in Enterprise CA - Certificate request is done via RPC/DCOM or HTTP - Depending on its type the certifcate is downloaded automatically into the profile user and published to AD based on template definition (ex: SC logon not publish, SC User publish because of the Email feature)

Aplicaciones que hacen uso de PKI Smart Card Logon Digital Signatures Secure E-mail Windows .NET Certificate Services Encrypting File System Software Code Signing Security requirements are derived from your organization’s security policy. A security policy outlines For example if your organization requires electronic purchasing, secure email, secure connections for roaming users or digital signing of files; you need to configure CAs to issue and manage certificates for each of these business solutions. Smart Card Logon => Allow you to store extremely strong credentials in an easy to use form. Secure Email => Standard email is sent as plaintext over open networks with no security. Secure email services provide confidential communication, data integrity and non repudation for transmitted email. Software Code signing => Authenticode digital signature helps against installation of unauthorized ActiveX controls. Autenticode technology allows software publishers to sign digitally any form of active content, including multiple file archhives. IP Security => IPsec Allows encrypted and digitally signed communication between 2 computers (or with router). Wireless (802.1X) security => Wireless networks must ensure that only authenticated users can access the wireless network and the data transmitted across the wireless network cannot be intercepeted. Software restriction policies => These allow administrators to identify what programs can be execute on the computer. This is accomplished by a policy-driven mechanism that identifies approved software programs running on computers in a domain and allows those programs to execute. The approved programs can be defined by a digital hash. The key pair used to sign the digital hash must be acquired from a CA. Internet authentication => Ensure that the other endpoint is trustworthy. Client authentication of the server takes place when the client verifies the cryptographic signatures on the certificate of the server, and any intermediate CA certificates to a root CA certificate located in the trusted root store on the client. Server authentication of the client do the same process. When the identity of the client is verified client, the server can establish a security context to determine what ressources the client is allowed or not allowed to use on the server. Encrytping file system (EFS) => Allows to encrypt data and prevent others who authenticate to the system from viewing the information. Digital signatures => A digital signature is a means for the originators of a message, file, or other digitally encoded information to bind their identity to the data (secure electronic transactions by providing verification that individual sending the message is who he claims to be and by confirming that the message received is identical to the message sent. Internet Authentication IP Security Software Restriction Policy Wireless Security

Verificación de la autenticidad del certificado (certificate chaining) Step Process Certificate discovery Collect CA certificates from Cache, Group Policy, Enterprise Policy, applications, and AIA URLs. Path validation Process public key certificates and issuer certificates for validity. Path validation terminates at a root certificate. Revocation checking Ensure no certificates are revoked Windows 2000: Revocation checked after chain is built Windows XP/W2K3: Revocation checked as chain is built The status of a public key certificate is determined through three distinct, but inter-related processes implemented in the CryptoAPI: Certificate Discovery The process of collecting CA certificates from the cache, Group Policy, Enterprise Policy, and Authority Information Access (AIA) pointers in issued certificates, and the certificate enrollment process. To increase performance, the certificate chain engine uses a least-recently-used (LRU) caching scheme. This scheme creates a cache entry for each certificate it encounters during its process of building the certificate chain. Each cache entry includes the status of the certificate so that the best certificate chain may be built from cached items on subsequent calls to the chaining API without having to re-determine the status of each certificate. Once a certificate has been added to the cache, it will not be removed until it expires or is revoked. During the path validation process, valid cached certificates will always be selected. If valid cached certificates are not found, then a store search will be performed. For issuer certificates and CRLs, URL retrieval may be required to download the certificates and CRLS from the distribution point indicated in the URL. All certificates are stored in cache when the certificates are selected from a store or from a URL. The only difference is the location where the cached certificates are stored. Certificates can be stored in: Memory. All retrieved certificates are cached in memory CA Store. All certificates retrieved from any WinInet-supported URLs (e.g. HTTP, FTP, LDAP, and FILE) via the Authority Information Access (AIA) extension are cached in the CA store. For more information on WinInet, refer to MSDN at Local File System. If the retrieval URL is LDAP://, FTP://, or HTTP://, then the certificate (or CRLs) is also cached by WinInet in the local file system. The actual location is the \Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files folder. Note Caching settings cannot be modified or turned off. In some cases, the certificate may be cached in all three locations. For example, a certificate retrieved from an http: URL will be cached in memory, the CA store and in the local file system by WinInet. Path validation The process by which public key certificates and their issuer certificates are processed in a hierarchical fashion until the certificate chain terminates at a trusted, self-signed certificate. Typically, this is a root CA certificate. Revocation checking Each certificate in the certificate chain is verified to ensure that none of the certificates are revoked. The revocation checking can take place either in conjunction with the chain building process, or after the chain is built. Windows 2000 performs revocation checking after the chain is built The certificate chain engine performs basic revocation checking during chain building, but the process differs between Windows 2000 and Windows XP.

How CRLs Are Published Revoke Cert5 Revoke Cert7 Delta CRL #2 Delta CRL #3 Cert5 Cert5 Cert7 Revoke Cert5 Revoke Cert7 Base CRL #1 Time Base CRL #4 Los Base CRLs se publican en intervalos más largos Cert3 Cert3 Cert5 Cert7 Los Delta CRLs se publican con más frecuencia Las entradas de los Delta CRLs se incluyen en el siguiente Base CRL 1 2 3

Types of CRLs Characteristics Base CRLs Delta CRLs Certificates Contain all certificates that have been revoked Contain only those certificates that have been revoked since the last base CRL Publication interval Published at less frequent intervals Published at shorter intervals Size Larger in size Smaller in size Supported by Supported by all Windows Clients Only recognized by Windows XP and Windows 2003 computers References of the delta CRL is in the Base CRL. W2K clients will ignore this information whereas WinXP W2K3 will use this information to retreive the delTa CRL One of the biggest decisions faced by a CA administrator is determining the publication schedule for CRLs. If a CA publishes a complete CRL frequently, then clients are aware of a newly revoked certificate very quickly. However, this causes higher amounts of network traffic due to the more frequent downloading of the updated CRL to all clients. If a CRL publishes CRLs less often, this reduces the amount of network traffic, but increases the latency before a client is aware of a newly revoked certificate. If a CA revokes a large number of certificates, the size of the base CRL can grow to be larger than 1 MB in size if large numbers of certificates are revoked. If the CRL is published at frequent intervals, this can result in problems for clients connecting over slow connections. Alternatively, if the base CRL is published at longer intervals, this can result in the CRL information being out of date and reducing the validity of the CRL information. Delta CRLS, defined in RFC 2459, address these problems, by publishing changes to a Base CRL (bCRL), in a smaller file known as a Delta CRL (sCRL). When Delta CRLs are implemented, a client can download a Base CRL at longer intervals, and then download smaller Delta CRLS at shorter intervals to validate any presented certificates. The Delta CRLs can be published at very short intervals, such as once an hour, to increase the confidence in the certificates being validated. All of the time information stored in CRLs is stored as UTC. Note This does not eliminate the requirement to download the larger Base CRLs. The Base CRL must be downloaded initially and when the previous Base CRL expires. The Delta CRL can force the client to retrieve a more recent Base CRL even though the current Base CRL is still time valid. This is achieved by having the Delta CRL point to a higher number Base CRL. When Delta CRLs are implemented, only changes from a Base CRL are published in a Delta CRL, resulting in a reduction in the size of the CRLs downloaded to the clients. This reduction in size allows for more frequent publishing of the CRL with both a minimal impact on the network infrastructure, and an improvement on the up-to-datedness of CRL information.

Inicio de Sesión Tarjetas Inteligentes Reader SC 1 Card insertion causes Winlogon to display GINA 4 LSA accesses smart card and retrieves cert from card 2 User inputs PIN 8 Smart card decrypts the TGT using private key allowing LSA to log user on 3 GINA passes PIN to LSA 6 KDC verifies certificate then looks up principal in DS 5 Kerberos sends certificate in a PKINIT login request to the KDC LSA Kerberos Kerberos KDC 7 KDC returns TGT, encrypted with a session key which is in turn encrypted using user’s public key

Implantación de política de inicio de sesión con Smart Card

Requisitos para iniciar sesión con Smart Cards

How to enroll an Smart Card using an Enrollment Agent

How to configure Smart Card removal behavior

Implantación de Smart Cards

Smart Cards en PKI Introduction A smart card possesses the following major characteristics: A built-in processor. The processor on the smart card interacts with the cryptographic service provider (CSP) to generate key pairs. A programmable card. The smart card works with the CSP to enable access to the key pair and to certificates that are stored on the smart card. Secure storage of private keys. The smart card protects access to private keys by requiring a PIN or other mechanism, such as the user’s thumbprint, to unlock the private key. Isolation of security-related operations. Smart card cryptographic functions for authentication, digital signing, and key exchange are performed on the smart card and are isolated from the computer’s operating system. Note The feature set of the smart card and the smart card management tools are the primary decision factors when you choose a smart card vendor. Typically, these factors are more important in the selection of a smart card vendor that the price of the individual smart cards. Smart card storage A smart card uses a custom file system to store data. It provides storage for one or more of the following things: Private keys. The private key is protected by the PIN of the smart card. Public keys. The public key of the key pair is presented as a form of authentication. Certificates. The certificate that is associated with the key pair is presented during authentication.

Entornos de uso de Smart Cards Almacenamiento seguro de credenciales PKI Incremento de seguridad: ‘two-factor authentication’ Aumento de la seguridad: de inicio de sesión de usuario interactivo De autenticación de cliente para acceso selectivo a datos, recursos y sitios Web Inicio de sesión remoto (Dial-Up, VPN) Autenticación Wireless Introduction Before you deploy smart cards in your organization’s network, determine whether smart cards will meet your organization’s business objective. Business objectives You can meet the following business objectives by implementing smart cards: Store PKI credentials securely. Smart cards provide a separate physical device that stores the user’s certificate and key pair, and protects them with a PIN, rather than the user’s password. Enable two-factor authentication. Smart cards increase authentication security by implementing two-factor authentication. This type of authentication requires something you have—the physical smart card—and something you know—the PIN that unlocks the private key stored on the smart card. Enhance the security of interactive user logons to the corporate network. Smart cards prevent the transmission of unencrypted or weakly encrypted credentials over the network. Provide selective access to data, resources, and Web sites. You can restrict access to resources by deploying smart cards to authorized users only. You can also require that the users are authenticated by using their smart card. Increase password security for remote users. Smart card authentication protects dial-up and VPN users from network credential interception.

Recomendaciones para Usuarios y Políticas Definir política de uso de smart card para logon interactivo Definir qué ocurrirrá si el usuario extrae la tarjeta del lector Power Users y Administradores Definir política de uso de smart card para estas cuentas Uso de políticas de contraseña largas RAS configurado para exigir autenticación vía Smart Card

Configuración vía GPO

Configuración vía GPO

Windows Server System Protocolos de autenticación en Windows Server System. Estándar. PAP. SPAP. CHAP. MS-CHAP. MS-CHAPv2. Extensibles. EAP y PEAP SMARTCARDS y CERTIFICADOS DIGITALES

Nuevas funcionalidades de Smart Cards bajo W2K3 Introduction In Windows 2000, there were limitations on smart card use for administrative functions. Windows XP Professional and Windows Server 2003 family provide enhancements to smart card use that enable the use of smart cards for administrative tasks. Administrative tasks When you use client computers running Windows XP Professional or Windows Server 2003, you can use a smart card for the following administrative tasks: Promote a domain controller. When you install a new domain controller in the domain, provide a smart card and PIN on the Network Credentials page in the Active Directory Installation Wizard. Note: The new domain controller must be a domain member to allow smart card authentication when running Dcpromo.exe. Use alternate credentials. Use the runas command with the /smartcard option to use a smart card as proof of identity when running applications that use the Secondary Logon service. Connect to a terminal server. Use Remote Desktop Connection to enable smart card authentication to a terminal server if the terminal server runs a Windows Server 2003 family operating system. Connect to network resources. Use the net use command with the /smartcard option to provide a smart card as authentication when you connect to network resources with alternate credentials. Or, if the Credential Manager appears when you connect to a network resource, you can choose the smart card and type the associated PIN to prove your identity.

SSL en IIS 6.0 con OWA Se recomienda utilizar solo conexiones SSL cuando se habilita la autenticación básica. Para habilitar SSL en el directorio virtual de RPC se debe obtener un certificado y publicarlo en el sitio Web Click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager. Expand Web Sites, expand Default Web Site, right-click Rpc, and then click Properties. Click the Directory Security tab, and then click Edit under Secure communications. Click to select the Require secure channel (SSL) check box and the Require 128-bit encryption check box. Note We recommend that you click to select the Require 128-bit encryption check box. However, RPC over HTTP functions correctly even if you do not require 128-bit encryption. Click OK, click Apply, and then click OK.

Certificados y firma digital en Outlook 2003. Firma digital  Asociar una huella digital a mi e-mail Huella digital. Yo “firmo” los datos del correo electrónico. Cifrado  Usar un certificado digital para firmar mi correo electrónico. Encripta la información cuando se envía a través de Internet. Garantiza la confidencialidad, integridad, y que la persona que envía el correo es quién dice ser. Evita ataques “man-in-the-middle”  SNIFFING + SPOOFING ARP = HIJACKING (SECUESTRO) Y ENVENAMIENTO DE SESIONES

IPSec - Introducción Gran cantidad de los datos que circulan por la red circulan en claro y pueden ser capturados e interpretados por un analizador de red. Estos datos además de ser interpretados pueden ser modificados y retransmitidos posteriormente a la red. Los sistemas no comprueban la autenticidad del origen de los datos.

IPSec - Escenarios El sistema IPSEC puede trabajar en dos modos: Modo de transporte: donde la encriptación se realiza de extremo a extremo. Modo túnel donde la encriptación se realiza únicamente entre los extremos del tunel.

Modos IPSEC Modo de transporte Proporciona cifrado y autenticación de extremo a extremo Cifrado Modo de túnel Proporciona cifrado y autenticación sólo entre los puntos finales del túnel Cifrado

IPSec en Windows 2000 - 2003 Se configura mediante políticas. Almacenadas en el Directorio Activo o en en Registro Local del Servidor. Controlan la entrada y salida de paquetes permitidos. IPSec policies, rather than applications, are used to configure IPSec services. The policies provide variable levels of protection for most traffic types in most existing networks. IPSec policies are based on your organization's guidelines for secure operations. There are two storage locations for IPSec policies: Active Directory The registry on a local computer You can configure IPSec policies to meet the security requirements of a domain, site, or organizational unit for an Active Directory domain. IPSec policy can also be implemented in a non-Active Directory domain environment by using local IPSec policies. IPSec policies are based on IP filter lists and IP filter actions. An IP filter list is a list of protocols and folders. For example, you can create a filter list entry that allows all computers to gain access to TCP port 80 on the local interface. Another entry in the same filter list might allow access to TCP port 25 on the local interface, and a third filter list entry might allow access to User Datagram Protocol (UDP) port 53 on the local interface. If a packet that arrives on the computer interface has a matching entry on the filter list, IPSec Policy Agent applies a filter action that you assign to the filter list. For example, if you assign a Block filter action to the above filter list. When you do this, any packet that is destined for TCP port 80, TCP port 25, or UDP port 53 is blocked. However, if you assign a Permit filter action to the above filter list, the packets that are destined for TCP port 80, TCP port 25, or UDP port 53 is allowed. You can use IPSec filter lists and filter actions as an effective method of access control on all interfaces. Note that IPSec policies are applied to all interfaces on a multiple-homed computer. There is no procedure that you can use to allow selective application of IPSec policies to a particular interface. Note For information on how to create IPSec policies, go to;en-us;313190. Filter Actions For each filter rule, you must choose a filter action. The filter action defines how the traffic defined in the IP filter will be handled by the filter rule. Permit Allows packets to be transmitted without IPSec protection. For example, Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) includes support for devices that might not be IPSec aware. Enabling IPSec for SNMP would cause a loss of network management capabilities for these devices. In a highly secure network, you could create an IPSec filter for SNMP and set the IPSec action to Permit to allow SNMP packets to be transmitted without IPSec protection. Block Discards packets. If the associated IPSec filter is matched, all packets with the block action defined are discarded. Negotiate Security Allows an administrator to define the desired encryption and integrity algorithms to secure data transmissions if an IPSec filter is matched.

IPSec - Políticas Podrán utilizarse políticas por defecto o las creadas manualmente. El sistema proporciona 3 políticas por defecto que van a determinar diferentes comportamientos de la máquina con respecto a IPSEC. Cliente. Servidor. Servidor seguro.

Implementación IPSEC en un Hospital Texto claro 3ecto elgtasp Texto cifrado Médico Servidor B. de D. Servidor Servidor Seguro Resto del Personal No IPSEC Conexión

IPSec - Despliegue GPO GPO Site Despliegue centralizado desde el directorio activo. Configuración posible mediante plantillas. Domain OU

Políticas de Grupo Introduction Implementing Group Policy on a domain provides the network administrator with control over computer configurations throughout the network.

Reglas IPSEC Las reglas IPSEC determinan el comportamiento del sistema en la transmisión de la información. Las reglas están compuestas por los siguientes objetos: Filtros. Acción de filtros. Método de autentificación.

Configuración de Reglas IPSEC En la configuración de las reglas hay que especificar las siguientes acciones: Determinar la posibilidad o no de establecer un túnel de comunicación. Qué redes se van a ver afectadas por la regla. El método de autentificación inicial para la transmisión. Métodos de seguridad. Los filtros y las acciones de filtrado.

IPSec - Filtros En la configuración de los filtros hay que especificar los siguientes parámetros: Determinar la posibilidad o no de establecer un túnel de comunicación. Qué redes o equipos se van a ver afectados. El método de autentificación para la transmisión. Métodos de seguridad. Las acciones de filtrado.

Métodos de autentificación Determinan el proceso inicial de la comunicación IPSEC. Existen 3 metodologías de autentificación: Clave Compartida. Kerberos. Certificado.

IPSec - Autenticación Kerberos Certificados Secretos Compartidos. Requiere tiempo de sincronización. Solo dentro del bosque. Certificados Requiere la implementación de PKI. CRL está deshabilitado por defecto. Secretos Compartidos. Tan seguro como sea el secreto. En entornos grandes es dificil de mantener. Selecting an IPSec Authentication Method During the initial construction of the IPSec session—also known as the Internet Key Exchange, or IKE—each host or endpoint authenticates the other host or endpoint. When configuring IPSec, you must ensure that each host or endpoint supports the same authentication methods. IPSec supports three authentication methods: Kerberos X.509 certificates Preshared key Authenticating with Kerberos In Windows 2000 and Windows XP, Kerberos is used for the IPSec mutual authentication by default. For Kerberos to be used as the authentication protocol, both hosts or endpoints must receive Kerberos tickets from the same Active Directory directory service forest. Thus, you should choose Kerberos for IPSec authentication only when both hosts or endpoints are within you own organization. Kerberos is an excellent authentication method for IPSec because it requires no additional configuration or network infrastructure. IMPORTANT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some types of traffic are exempted by default from being secured by IPSec, even when the IPSec policy specifies that all IP traffic should be secured. The IPSec exemptions apply to Broadcast, Multicast, Resource Reservation Setup Protocol (RSVP), IKE, and Kerberos traffic. Kerberos is a security protocol itself, can be used by IPSec for IKE authentication, and was not originally designed to be secured by IPSec. Therefore, Kerberos is exempt from IPSec filtering. To remove the exemption for Kerberos and RSVP, set the value NoDefaultExempt to 1 in the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_ MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\IPSEC, or use the Nodefaultexempt.vbs script located in the Tools\Scripts folder on the CD included with this book. Authenticating with X.509 Certificates You can use X.509 certificates for IPSec mutual authentication of hosts or endpoints. Certificates allow you to create IPSec secured sessions with hosts or endpoints outside your Active Directory forests, such as business partners in extranet scenarios. You also must use certificates when using IPSec to secure VPN connections made by using Layer Two Tunneling Protocol (L2TP). To use certificates, the hosts must be able to validate that the other’s certificate is valid. Authenticating with Preshared Key You can use a preshared key, which is a simple, case-sensitive text string, to authenticate hosts or endpoints. Preshared key authentication should be used only when testing or troubleshooting IPSec connectivity because the preshared key is not stored in a secure fashion by hosts or endpoints.

Métodos de seguridad Determina la seguridad de la transmisión de la información. Se pueden definir: Integridad AH (Algoritmos SHA1, MD5). Integridad ESP (Algoritmos SHA1, MD5). Confidencialidad ESP (Algoritmos DES, 3DES).

IPSec + EFS + Certificados Acceso seguro: IPSec + EFS + Certificados  Combinamos IPSec + EFS, estando la autenticación de IPSec basada en certificados digitales

Autenticación Biométrica

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