Adjetivos Posesivos.


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Transcripción de la presentación:

Adjetivos Posesivos

Adjetivos Posesivos Indicate to whom something belongs In English the possessive adjectives are my, your, his, her, our, and their Possessive adjectives have to agree with the noun that is being possessed. They DO NOT agree with the number of people possessing the object.

Adjetivos Posesivos Items Owned One Two or More Owner(s) Yo Mi (my) Las formas Adjetivos Posesivos Items Owned One Two or More Owner(s) Yo Mi (my) mis Tú tu (your/infomal) tus Él/Ella/Ud. su his,her,its,your (form.) sus Nosotros nuestro nuestra (our) nuestros nuestras Vosotros vuestro vuestra (your) vuestros vuestras Ellos/Ellas/Uds. su their,your Explain the different your (familiar/ formal). Three different “yours” informal, formal, and plural but= tu, su. Su. Notice that that * NUESTRO AND VUESTRO AGREE IN BOTH NUMBER AND GENDER!

ONE Ejemplos: MORE THAN ONE my backpack = mi mochila my backpacks= mis mochilas your dog = tu perro your dogs= tus perros his paper = su papel your papers = sus papeles our book = nuestro libro our books = nuestros libros our pen = nuestra pluma our pens = nuestras plumas Notice that the articles el/la are omitted Our book = nuestro libro our books = nuestros libros Our pen = nuestra pluma our pens = nuestras plumas

Practicamos My pen Your books (de ti) Our house Their dog My friends Your class (de Ud.) His cousin Her eyes Mi pluma Tus libros Nuestra casa Su perro Mis amigos Su clase Su primo Sus ojos

Owner: Yo 3 2 1 newspapers = los periódicos 5 church = la iglesia 4

Owner: Tú 3 1 2 hamburgers = las hamburguesas telephone = el teléfono 5 4 grandma = la abuela TV = la televisión

Owner: Ana room = el cuarto feet = los pies 1 2 3 4 cookies = las galletas

Owner: Nosotros family = la familia 3 1 2 children = los hijos 5 4 street = la calle

Owner: Los alumnos 1 2 3 4 5

The possessive construction In Spanish, you CANNOT use ’s to show possession Instead, you use the word “DE” to show possession, especially in cases where su/sus can be confusing. Ex: The girl’s book. El libro de la niña. (The book of the girl) Her book. = Su libro = El libro de ella the possessive adjective SU has different meanings (your, his, her, or their). Its meaning is usually clear by its use in the sentence. However, if there should be any confusion, the preposition de plus a pronoun or noun can be used: Using de If you are using a name or noun to refer to the person or entity that is in possession, the prepositional phrase of de followed by the noun is used, as in el libro de Juan, John's book. A few examples: Ver el perfil de Pablo. See Pablo's profile. Él no cree en el movimiento de mujeres. He doesn't believe in the women's movement. Es la madre de la estudiante. She is the student's mother. It similarly is possible to indicate possession by using de followed by a pronoun, such as in de él, but such usage is somewhat uncommon except when the use of a determiner would be ambiguous in the context. For example, if su libro ("his, her, your or their book") would be ambiguous, we could say el libro de él or el libro de ella ("his book" or "her book").

Possessive “DE” To say that someone or something belongs to someone or something else, invert the possessor and the thing possessed and put de between them. Ex: Our uncle’s book. El libro de nuerto tío. (The book of our uncle)

La oficina de nuestro padre Juan’s dog El perro de Juan My friend’s house La casa de mi amigo (The house of my friend) Our father’s office La oficina de nuestro padre (The office of our dad) Juan’s dog El perro de Juan (The dog of Juan) Monica’s homework La tarea de Monica (The homework of Monica Your (formal) car El coche de Usted

Traduce al español: Laura’s pencil Jack and Jill’s family Jennifer’s homework Daniel’s grandpa The girl’s backpack Your (plural) dogs My mom’s sister Our uncle’s car El lápiz de Laura La familia de Jack y Jill La tarea de Jennifer El abuelo de Daniel La mochila de la niña Los perros de Uds. La hermana de mi mamá El carro de nuesrto tío