Albert Satorra ECP2010 Dades del Titanic Relació entre variables categòriques.


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Transcripción de la presentación:

Albert Satorra ECP2010 Dades del Titanic Relació entre variables categòriques

Albert Satorra ECP2010

En el desastre del Titànic, les dones tenien més possibilitats de salvar-se que els homes ?

Albert Satorra ECP2010 Associació entre Gènere & Sobreviuen Classe & Sobreviuen Gènere & Classe...

Albert Satorra ECP2010 data=data=read.table(" /~satorra/dades/Titanic.txt", header=T) dim(data) [1] taula=ftable(data) sobreviu no yes classe adult home 1st adult female male child female 0 1 male 0 5 2nd adult female male child female 0 13 male rd adult female male child female male crew adult female 3 20 male child female 0 0 male 0 0 dim(table(data)) [1] Genere-sobreviu | adult taula=ftable(data[,c(2,3,4)]) taula sobreviu no yes adult home adult female male child female male round(prop.table(taula,1),2) sobreviu no yes adult home adult female male child female male

Albert Satorra ECP2010 Genere-sobreviu | adult class round(prop.table(taula,1),2) sobreviu no yes classe adult home 1st adult female male child female male nd adult female male child female male rd adult female male child female male crew adult female male child female NaN NaN male NaN NaN Genere-sobreviu | class taula=ftable(data[,c(1,3,4)]) round(prop.table(taula,1),3) sobreviu no yes classe home 1st female male nd female male rd female male crew female male

Albert Satorra ECP2010 Taula de contingència Freqüències marginals (fila/ columna) > ftable(table(data[,c(3,4)])) no yes female male  apply( ftable(table(data[,c(3,4)])), 1, sum) Marginal fila: [1]  apply( ftable(table(data[,c(3,4)])), 2, sum) Marginal columna: [1] >

Albert Satorra ECP2010 Associació Gènere & Sobreviuen round(100*ftable(table(data[,c(3,4)]))/apply(ftable(table(data[,c(3,4)])),1,sum),1) no yes female male

Albert Satorra ECP2010 Taula de contingència dim(table(data)) [1] apply(table(data), c(1,3), sum) female male 1st nd rd crew

Albert Satorra ECP2010 Distribucions marginals fila/columna > apply(apply(table(data), c(1,3), sum),1,sum) 1st 2nd 3rd crew > apply(apply(table(data), c(1,3), sum),2,sum) female male >

Albert Satorra ECP2010 Taula de Freqüències condicionades (fila) round(100*ftable(table(data[,c(1,3)]))/apply(ftable(table(data[,c(1,3)])),1,sum),1) female male 1st nd rd crew A 1ra classe, hi ha quasi tants homes com dones. A 3ra classe, els homes dupliquen les dones.

Albert Satorra ECP2010 Associació Classe & Sobreviuen > round(100*ftable(table(data[,c(1,4)]))/apply(ftable(table(data[, c(1,4)])),1,sum),1) no yes 1st nd rd crew

Albert Satorra ECP2010 > round(prop.table(ftable(data[,c(1,4)]),1),3) sobreviu no yes classe 1st nd rd crew > round(prop.table(ftable(data[,c(3,1,4)]),1),3) sobreviu no yes home classe female 1st nd rd crew male 1st nd rd crew >