Green IT: Innovación tecnológica para la sostenibilidad


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Green IT: Innovación tecnológica para la sostenibilidad Olvido Nicolás Resp. Sontenibilidad Medioambiental Microsoft Ibérica Foro TIC y Sostenibilidad Sevilla – 27 mayo 2009

Nuevos retos y oportunidades 2020: 7-8 billones Emisiones de Carbón ^Impacto global 2020: 7-8 billones de personas GeSI: Global e-Sustainability Initiative Scientists, economists and policy makers are calling for emissions targets of at least 20% below 1990 levels in 2020. Stern Review: to ignore rising carbon emissions that will result in dangerous climate change now will damage economic growth in the future. if no action is taken, the overall costs and risks of climate change will be equivalent to losing at least 5% of global gross domestic product (GDP) each year. Not acting now would incur a wider range of risks and impacts and the estimates of damage could rise to 20% of global GDP or more. The costs of action – reducing GHG emissions to avoid the worst impacts of climate change – can be limited to around 1% of global GDP each year. To reduce emissions by 20 GtCO2e per year, as recommended by Stern, implies that a dramatic change is needed in production and consumption profile. How can a mission of this size be achieved? We now have evidence demonstrating that the ICT industry is a key player in creating a low carbon society and could do a lot more to help push the world in this direction by 2020. *Sector TIC: key player ^ Stern, Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change, 2006 * The Climate Group + GeSI , SMART 2020 Report, 2008

¡¡ Potencial ahorro de costes de más de €600 billones !! Retos del sector TIC Reducir su huella directa: 2% de las emisiones globales de CO2^ Se triplicará para el 2020* Influir y transformar nuestra forma de trabajar y comportarnos: 98% de CO2e Las oportunidades TIC pueden reducir las emisiones en 5 veces su propia huella** ¡¡ Potencial ahorro de costes de más de €600 billones !! 7,8 GtCO2 billones de toneladas de CO2 the ICT sector will have to focus on reducing its direct footprint as the demand for its products and services grows. The role of ICT not only includes emission reduction and energy savings in the ICT sector itself, but also benefits from the adoption of ICT technologies to influence and transform the way our society works and the way people behave. While the sector plans to significantly step up the energy efficiency of its products and services, ICT’s largest influence will be by enabling energy efficiencies in other sectors, an opportunity that could deliver carbon savings five times larger than the total emissions from the entire ICT sector in 2020. In economic terms, the ICT-enabled energy efficiency translates into approximately €600 billion ($946.5 billion2) of cost savings. Fuente: The Climate Group + GeSI , SMART 2020 Report, 2008 Cifras exactas: €553 billones ahorrados en energía y combustible, €91 b adicionales ahorrados en carbón, considerando el coste del carbón €20/ton. En total €644 billones de ahorro ^ Gartner, Green IT: The New Industry Shockwave, 2007 * The Climate Group + GeSI , SMART 2020 Report, 2008: de 0,53 GtCO2e en 2002 a 1,43 GtCO2e en 2020 ** The Climate Group + GeSI , SMART 2020 Report, 2008: 7.8 GtCO2e en 2020 = 15% del total de emisiones del planeta

Huella global e impacto de las TIC Reducciones 2020 con Emisiones Huella de las TIC Oportunidades de reducciones de las TIC Otras reducciones TIC 0.5 TIC 1.4 5 veces su huella directa 2020 Business as Usual 2002 Las TIC pueden ayudar a reducir un 15% del total de emisiones de CO2 del 2020. Fuente: The Climate Group + GeSI , SMART 2020 Report, 2008

Abordar el 98% del problema Las TIC pueden ayudar a reducir 7,8 GtCO2 = 15% del total de emisiones en 2020 Transporte Edificios Industria Motores inteligentes Automatización de procesos industriales Desmaterialización* (reducción producción DVDs, papel, etc.) Transporte Logística inteligente Optimización del transporte privado Desmaterialización (e-commerce, videoconferencia, teleworking) Vehículos eficientes Monitorización del flujo de tráfico, planificación y simulación Industria Energía Aside from emissions associated with deforestation, the largest contribution to man-made GHG emissions comes from power generation and fuel used for transportation. It is therefore not surprising that the biggest role ICTs could play is in helping to improve energy efficiency in power transmission and distribution (T&D), in buildings and factories that demand power and in the use of transportation to deliver goods. La automatización industrial y los motores optimizados permitirán unas reducciones de CO2e valoradas en 68 billiones de € La reducciones de emisiones por una logística inteligente a nivel global supondría unos ahorros de energía de 280 billones de € Las tecnologías de edificios inteligentes permitirán ahorrar 216 billiones de € Las tecnologías de Smat Grid para el trasporte y distribución de energía supondrán un ahorro de 79 billiones de € y podrían reducir las emisiones globales 2.03 GtCO2e Dematerialisation or substitution – replacing high carbon physical products and activities (such as books and meetings) with virtual low carbon equivalents (e-commerce/e-government and advanced videoconferencing). Edificios Logística inteligente † Edificios inteligentes Desmaterialización (teleworking) Smart grid ‡ Energía Smart grid Generación eficiente de energía, (CHP) * La desmaterialización afecta a todos los sectores excepto energía † Reduce espacio de almacenamiento reduciendo el inventario ‡ Reduce la energía usada en los hogares cambiando los comportamientos Fuente: The Climate Group + GeSI , SMART 2020 Report, 2008

El restante 2%: la huella global de las TIC Carbón asociado a producción Huella por el uso TICs incluye PCs, redes y dispositivos de telecomunicaciones, impresoras y data centers * Ratio de crecimiento anual compuesto RCAC * 2% de la huella total Crecimiento anual estimado del 6% La huella asociada a los materiales y producción es 1 cuarto de la huella total Just one in 10 people owns a PC in China today; by 2020, that will rise to seven in 10, comparable to current ownership rates in the US. In just 12 years’ time, one in two Chinese people will own a mobile phone and half of all households will be connected by broadband. It will be a similar story in India. Fuente: The Climate Group + GeSI , SMART 2020 Report, 2008

Huella de las TIC por subsector % de GtCO2e Infraestructura y dispositivos de telecomunicaciones Data centers PCs, periféricos e impresoras * % de 0,53 % de 0,83 data centres will grow faster than any other ICT technology, aunque el mayor peso vendrá del desktop, periféricos e impresoras PCs and peripherals En 2020 se estima que habrá más de 4 billones de PCs en todo el mundo Data centres Companies now have a number of options for computing services, which shift costs from the enterprise to an external provider that can potentially deliver these capabilities with economies of scale and at higher energy efficiency. The “software as a service” business model allows companies to access key enterprise applications such as customer relationship management databases or collaboration tools via a web browser, with no need to host their own data centre facilities. Companies can also pay to use server space on demand to build their own applications and websites, the way one would pay monthly for electricity or water, known as “utility computing”. These are both simple examples of what is more generally called “cloud computing”, centralised and highly scalable services that could lead to further capacity to virtualise or consolidate resources with breakthrough gains in energy efficiency. Telecoms infrastructure and devices the number of broadband accounts will more than double 2007-2020 and mobile accounts will almost double during the same period. The relative share of telecoms devices remains fairly constant, but the mobile network will come to dominate the overall telecoms footprint by 2020 % de 1,43 RCAC** * Las impresoras fueron el 11% de la huella total TIC en 2002, 8% en 2007 y serán el 12% en 2020 ** Ratio de crecimiento anual compuesto Fuente: The Climate Group + GeSI , SMART 2020 Report, 2008

¿Que tenemos al alcance de la mano? All companies are learning to adapt quickly to the political, social, economic and fiscal drive towards a global low carbon economy. If your business can turn this challenge into an opportunity, it will be in a stronger position to adapt to a world dealing with the impacts and regulations of climate change. For every organization, Green IT is one place where action can occur immediately and benefits can be realized quite quickly.

Estrategia Medioambiental de Microsoft PRISM FY10 3/29/2017 Estrategia Medioambiental de Microsoft Facilitar la Eficiencia Energética Reducir la energía usada por las TIC Utilizar las TIC para mejorar el uso de energía en Edificios, Grids de Energía, Transporte, y Fabricación Crear aplicaciones y servicios para observar y mejorar el uso de la energía y del carbón Liderar y facilitar avances científicos fundamentales Modelar los impactos del cambio climático Proporcionar acceso a herramientas y potencia de computación a la comunidad científica Acelerar los Avances en Investigación Demostrar Liderazgo Medioambiental Responsable Reducir la huella de carbón directa de Microsoft >30% en 2012 Invertir en programas que reduzcan el impacto medioambiental de nuestras operaciones Optimizar nuestra cadena de suministro Serious efforts to address climate change will require that software plays an even greater role in economy and in our everyday lives. So with this context, we are focusing on 3 core areas: Enable energy efficiency: 2% of the worlds carbon emissions come from the ICT industry (same as airline industry) and with 4 billion people with out access to the first world energy stds you and I enjoy, we need to help reduce energy consumption for not only our industry, but for society at large. Accelerate research breakthroughs: we are already on path to realize a 2 degree rise in temperature over the next 40 years, if we are going to solve some of these tough environmental problems, we will need to partner with leading scientists to accelerate breakthroughs Demonstrate responsible enviro leadership: we need to get our own house in order, and to that end we are setting a goal to reduce our carbon emissions by 30% by 2012.

Tres estrategias para la eficiencia energética Reducir Eficiencia energética incorporada Optimización de recursos Guías y formación Gestionar Control centralizado Analizar las operaciones y monitorizar objetivos Replantear Reducir las viajes y desplazamientos Agilizar la colaboración Oficina sin papeles Microsoft can help organizations address their sustainability or Green IT needs by helping them: Reduce Energy Demands Manage Environmental Footprint Rethink business practices

Reducir el consumo energético de las TI “Usa Lo Que Necesites Cuando Lo Necesites" Eficiencia energética incorporada Gestión de energía activada por defecto +36 nuevas funcionalidades de gestión de energía Ahorro de +50€ por PC al año Optimización de recursos Windows Server 2008 10% mas eficiente en energía Kit de Herramientas de Valoración y Planificación Virtualización Utilización media de CPU <15% Soluciones de virtualización end-to-end Múltiples servidores virtuales = coste energético de 1 servidor físico Utilizando virtualizacion, The Scooter Store ahorra $150K-$200K al año en costes HW, incrementando su ROI un 50%. “Tenemos 13 servidores haciendo lo que hacían 52 servidores”, – Barrett Blake, IT Architect From “always on” to “always available” Enable Windows power management: >30% energy reduction Deploy Windows Server 2008: 10% savings on same workload Virtualization: avg CPU utilization < 15% In the US alone, Vista power savings would reduce carbon emissions by over 3 million tons per year, or the equivalent of removing nearly 400,000 cars from the road. - National Resource Defense Council

Gestionar la energía y la huella "No Se Puede Monitorizar Lo Que No Se Puede Medir" Control centralizado Completo sistema end-to-end monitorizando la salud a todos los niveles Informes proactivos de uso de energía Gestión de políticas de grupo optimizadas Analizar las operaciones 4 Environmental Performance Indicators clave definidos por GRI Considerar la huella en toda la organización Recopilar datos de varias fuentes en un único lugar Monitorizar objetivos Usar BI para gestionar datos y cálculos Crear scorecards para monitorizar y planificar iniciativas Con Microsoft System Center Virtual Manager, Continental ahorró más de $2M en costes de servidores, y aceleró el tiempo de provisión de 4 semanas a 2 horas You can’t monitor what you can’t measure Use Microsoft System Center to reduce number of running servers Operations Manager 2007 informs you about performance monitoring over time Configuration Manager 2007 informs you about Installed hardware and software (incl. CAL tracking) Desired Configuration Monitoring helps you to keep your components and settings “green” Analyze Operations and Monitor Goals As with any program, the endeavor needs to show progress. Metrics can cover a range of issues, including energy efficiency, carbon dioxide emissions, waste management, materials efficiency, supplier management and so on. At the very least, energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions should be measured.

Replantear las prácticas de negocio "Incrementar la Productividad Reduciendo la Huella de Carbón" Reducir los viajes de trabajo Las Comunicaciones Unificadas (CU) de Microsoft pueden reducir los costes de viajes un 10-30% (Forrester, Oct ’07) Reducir tiempos de viajes y pérdida de productividad CU pueden marcar la diferencia: los UE-25 podrían ahorrar ~22 MT CO2 al año con un 20% reducción de viajes (WWF) Automatizar los procesos en papel Convertir los procesos físicos y basados en papel en procesos online Aplicar el workflow para aumentar la productividad Nuevas formas de trabajar Facilitar a los trabajadores virtuales servicios para mantener la productividad en cualquier lugar MSFT Data Centers consumen 50% menos energía que hace 3 años Compensar la huella con servicios hosted “Volvo IT estima que solo con los productos de colaboración de Microsoft ahorran viajes que suponen eliminar 900 tons de CO2e al mes, y el uso de estas herramientas se incrementa gradualmente” - Magnus Holmqvist, Director del Volvo IT Innovation Center Enhance employee productivity by enabling collaboration with anytime, anywhere access to email, VoIP, IM, Presence and Conferencing

Tres estrategias para la eficiencia energética Reducir Gestionar Replantear

Investigar nuevas soluciones Impulsar avances en eficiencia energética Proyecto DC Genome: reducir los costes de operacion de los data centers incrementando su capacidad Gen 4: ir mas allá Mirar el mundo físico en tiempo real SensorMap: comunidad abierta y diversa de datos de sensores en tiempo real ClearFlow: encuentra rutas basadas en el menor tráfico Hydroseek: nuevas formas de visualizar datos Modelos Predictivos Modelo climaticos Migraciones de especies Bancos de peces Rutas de enfermedades Oxford, Cambridge, York, Imperial, Kings College, UCL, Southampton, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Birmingham, INRIA, CNRS, Madrid, Portugal, EPFL, ETH, Trento (CoSBi), Amsterdam, Denmark, Weizmann Institute of Science, Moscow State University, Kansas, Princeton, Scripps, SantaFe, UCSB, Costa-Rica.

Opportunity: Address the 98% problem Examples Building & energy mgt control systems Energy modeling Autodesk Johnson Controls Talisen Virtual Earth/Clearflow Windows Mobile MS Auto/Fiat GridPoint Areva Itron ESRI Dynamics Sustainability Dashboard MSR Oxford, Cambridge Princeton Smart Buildings Smart Transportation Traffic optimization and route planning Transportation efficiency and optimization Smart Grid Better planning and forecasting Remote grid mgt Smart metering Computational Ecology and Environmental Science: Lab: Microsoft Research Cambridge Autonomous Monitoring of Vulnerable Habitats Automatic monitoring of the effects of changing environmental conditions on the ecology and behaviour of the Manx Shearwater. (Robin Freeman) Cambridge University Herbarium Digitisation Digitization and online publication of the most scientifically and historically significant parts of the Cambridge University Herbarium’s collection. (Rich Williams) Computational Tools for Biodiversity Science A multi-institution consortium addressing the scientific and technological needs of biodiversity scientists and policy makers. (Rich Williams & Elizaveta Pachepsky) Data-constrained Simulation Modelling of Plant Growth Plant communities may act to amplify or dampen changes in the Earth’s climate system caused by anthropogenic CO2 pollution, but current understanding of these potential effects is limited by a lack of quantitative knowledge of individual plant growth. This project will build a tool for defining, parameterizing, and running simulations of non-linear biological models, and use this tool to generate plant growth models whose predictions can be trusted enough to integrate into larger analyses. (Drew Purves) Environmental Scenario Search Engine Developing tools to do fuzzy logic queries on terabyte datasets. (Rich Williams) Structure and Dynamics of Complex Ecological Networks Computational approaches to studying food webs, networks of who eats whom in an ecosystem. (Rich Williams) Toolbox for Spatial Analysis of Invasive Species Spread Invasive species are causing significant economic and environmental damages worldwide. This project will develop a tool to calculate the rate of spatial spread of an invasive species though habitat, and to determine the factors that determine that rate. (Elizaveta Pachepsky) Tools for the Analysis, Interpretation, and Visualization of Primary Biodiversity Data from Mexican Cloud Forests Evaluating and applying emerging ecological niche modelling techniques to study the changing distribution of Mexican cloud forests. (Rich Williams) Using 25 Years of Infra-red Satellite Data to Derive a New Global Fire Model Forests harbour around 60% of the world’s biodiversity and around half of its terrestrial carbon, so there is an urgent need to predict how forests will respond to increased atmospheric CO2, logging and land-use change.  This project will collate millions of pre-existing field measurements of trees from national forest inventories into a coherent, user-friendly database and use this data in the development and parameterization of models fire at global scales. (Drew Purves) Projects in development: Ecological Data Management. Working closely with academic partners to identify common themes and problems in the management of such data, we aim to create the tools that allow ecologists to collate, manage and disseminate their data in an efficient, powerful but easy to use way. (Robin Freeman) Spatial Modelling and Optimization Tools for Conservation Science. This project will develop a spatial modelling and optimization tools for optimal marine reserve design and other optimization problems in ecology and biology. (Elizaveta Pachepsky) Analysing Animal Movement. High resolution data from animal movement can now be collected allowing researchers to identify changes in the animals’ behaviour. Here, we hope to create tools and techniques that allow researchers to apply these tools to arbitrary positional information. (Robin Freeman) Building a Global Database of Forest Inventory Data. Forests harbour around 60% of the world’s biodiversity and around half of its terrestrial carbon, so there is an urgent need to predict how forests will respond to continuing anthropogenic perturbations including increased atmospheric CO2, logging and land-use change. To aid in the development and parameterization of models to predict these responses, this collaboration will collate millions of pre-existing field measurements of trees from national forest inventories, into a coherent, user-friendly database. (Drew Purves) Smart Logistics Optimize inventory and transportation Model and optimize supply chain e-Science Do we really understand what 6 degrees means?

Alianzas para el cambio Colaborar en problemas globales Clinton Foundation Climate Initiative Agencia Europea de Medio Ambiente (EEA) Imagine Cup Trabajar juntos en soluciones Herram. gestión energ. desktop: Verdiem, 1E Edificios/Gestión operac.: Gridlogix, Johnson Controls Extender el papel de las TI: Fiat, Yello Strom Fomentar Buenas Prácticas en la industria Green Grid: Buenas Prácticas en Data Center EPA: programa Energy Star Low Carbon IT Climate Savers Computing Initiative For example, we are working with the Clinton Foundation to create a free software plus services application to enable cities around the globe to measure, track and improve their greenhouse gas emissions. This application will allow cities to help meet their commitment to lowering greenhouse gas emissions. Clinton Foundation Climate Initiative Solution for Carbon Management Evaluate effectiveness of emissions reductions programs Over 1000 cities engaged European Environment Agency (EEA) 5 year partnership with EEA Creation of Environmental Observatory with focus on European water soil, air and ozone indicators Covers 27 European countries Develop Benchmarks and Standards Green Grid Data Center best practices Defining meaningful, user-centric models and metrics Developing standards, measurement methods, processes and new technologies to improve performance Adoption of energy efficient standards, processes, measurements and technologies. Department of Energy EnergyStar program Charter member of LowCarbonIT program Launched Configuration Management Pack for EnergyStar Establish Shared Industry Goals Board Member of Climate Savers Computing Intiative Goal to Reduce 54M Tons of Carbon by 2010 Launched free consumer Power Management Tool Extending the Life of Technology Microsoft Authorized Refurbisher (MAR) programs Recycling >500,000 PCs every year Digital Pipeline Program to help developing countries by donating used computers Reduce Environmental Impact Across Industries GridLogix - Drive down operation, maintenance, security, energy and compliance costs Autodesk - Visualize, simulate, and analyze and improve the real-world performance in the design process Johnson Controls - Operating buildings effectively and efficiently Maximize Current Technology Verdiem, 1E- Enterprise-level, PC power management software to manage, measure and reduce energy. Expand the Role of Technology Fiat introduced to monitor their CO2 emissions and provides tips on how to modify driving styles to reduce CO2 and save money on fuel Yello Strom's meter enables utility customers to track electrical usage and reduce power consumption. Other areas where we are working with partners including the World Wildlife Fund, Intel, HP and other partners where we have created groups like the Climate Savers Computing Initiative and Green Grid which aim to help consumers and IT professionals reduce energy use for computers and data centers. In addition, through programs like our Microsoft Authorized Refurbishing program, we are extending the life of over 500,000 PC’s per year where older PC’s can be refurbished and used in developing countries to extend the life of PC’s and provide access to technology to people who historically have not been able to have access to PCs.

Actúa hoy Protege tu factura energética Activa la gestión de energía de Windows: >30% reducción energía Instala Windows Server 2008: 10% ahorro en la misma carga Usa Virtualización: utilización media de CPU <15% Promueve el teletrabajo y las reuniones virtuales con Comunicaciones Unificadas Planifica, analiza, monitoriza tus esfuerzos con Business Intelligence Piensa de forma holística en tu data center Sustituye tu viejo hardware por hardware eficiente energéticamente Aplica “Reducir, Gestionar, Replantear” a las impresoras Involucra a tus empleados; facilítales el cambio al verde

Nuestro compromiso En Microsoft, estamos comprometidos a desarrollar innovaciones tecnológicas que ayuden a las personas y organizaciones en todo el mundo a mejorar el medio ambiente. Nuestro objetivo es reducir el impacto de nuestras operaciones y productos y ser un lider en responsabilidad medioambiental.