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Verbs and Expressions that Use the Infinitive

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Presentación del tema: "Verbs and Expressions that Use the Infinitive"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Verbs and Expressions that Use the Infinitive

2 Verbs that Use the Infinitive
When you use two verbs together in Spanish, the second one is usually the infinitive. Óscar prefiere llevar jeans los fines de semana. ¿Vas a llevar un suéter esta noche?

3 Verbs that Use the Infinitive
Here are some verbs and expressions that you have used that are often followed by an infinitive:

4 Verbs that Use the Infinitive
Me gusta / gustaría Me encanta Poder (o > ue) Deber Preferir (e > ie) Querer (e > ie) Pensar (e > ie) Necesitar Tener que Ir a I like / would like I love To be able Ought to, should To prefer To want To plan To need To have to To be going to

5 Verbs that Use the Infinitive
You can use the present tense of the verb acabar followed by de + the infinitive to indicate that something has just happened:

6 Verbs that Use the Infinitive
Nosotros acabamos de escuchar esa canción. We just listened to that song.

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