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Gramática Repaso Present tense of regular verbs 1A- pagina 6.

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Presentación del tema: "Gramática Repaso Present tense of regular verbs 1A- pagina 6."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Gramática Repaso Present tense of regular verbs 1A- pagina 6

2 A verb usually names the in a sentence. Do you remember? action The most basic form of the verb is called an. infinitive Basic form of the verb. In English we say “to + (verb)”.

3 Remember that in Spanish there are three groups of regular verbs:. To form the present tense of a regular verb, the -ar,-er or -ir ending from the infinitive and the appropriate present tense ending. Use the present tense to talk about what someone or what someone. -ar, -er, or -ir drop add is doing does

4 habl ar habl o as a amos áis an Conjugation of -ar verbs

5 Conjugation of -er verbs com o es e emos éis en er

6 Conjugation of -ir verbs viv o es e imos ísís en ir

7 1. Yo _______________ en bicicleta. (montar) 2. José _______________ jugo. (beber) 3. Pepe y yo _______________ el periódico. (comprar) 4. Tú _______________ a la escuela. (asistir) 5. Julia y Miguel _______________ mucho. (estudiar) 6. Usted _______________ la televisión. (mirar) 7. María _______________ cartas. (recibir) 8. Ustedes _______________ helado. (comer) monto bebe compramos asistes estudian mira recibe comen Conjugate the verbs.

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