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Page 114 – Chapter 2 En Español 3.  You already know how to give affirmative commands to someone you address as tú.  You take the 3rd person form of.

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Presentación del tema: "Page 114 – Chapter 2 En Español 3.  You already know how to give affirmative commands to someone you address as tú.  You take the 3rd person form of."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Page 114 – Chapter 2 En Español 3

2  You already know how to give affirmative commands to someone you address as tú.  You take the 3rd person form of the verb.

3  Camina por la puerta.  Come la cena.  Abre el regalo.

4  Some verbs have irregular affirmative tú commands.  To form many of these commands, take the yo form of the present tense and drop the -go:

5  Poner (Infinitive)  Yo form?  Pongo  Command form?  Pon

6  Tener (Infinitive)  Yo form?  Tengo  Command form?  Ten

7  Tener (Infinitive) Yo form? Tengo Command form? Ten

8  Decir (Infinitive)  Yo form?  Digo  Command form?  Di

9  Salir (Infinitive)  Yo form?  Salgo  Command form?  Sal

10  Venir (Infinitive)  Yo form?  Vengo  Command form?  Ven

11  Hacer, Ser, and Ir have irregular tú command forms that must be memorized:  haz, sé, ve

12  ¿Cómo se va a la escuela?  Sal de aquí y continúa derecho hasta el tercer semáforo

13  Remember that pronouns can be attached to commands.  You will also need an accent in most cases.

14  Josefina, ¡hazlo ahora mismo!  Martin, ayúdame.

15  Dime la verdad siempre  Explícale a tu padre por qué llegaste tarde.

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