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You’ve already learned to use the preterite tense to speak about completed action in the past. jug____ jug_____ jug__jug____ corr__corr____ corr_____ corri__corr_____.

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Presentación del tema: "You’ve already learned to use the preterite tense to speak about completed action in the past. jug____ jug_____ jug__jug____ corr__corr____ corr_____ corri__corr_____."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 You’ve already learned to use the preterite tense to speak about completed action in the past. jug____ jug_____ jug__jug____ corr__corr____ corr_____ corri__corr_____ -ar verbs -er/ir verbs jugar-to playcorrer- to run IMPERFECT VERBS Sra. Lear

2 Now you will learn about another past tense called the ____________. to speak about _______________________ in a story. to talk about something you used to do as a matter of habit (__________________________) to speak about ___________________________ to say what _____________________ You can use the imperfect in the following ways:

3 Generally speaking, the ______________ is used for actions in the __________ that are _______ seen as _____________. Use of the imperfect tense implies that the past action ______________ have a definite beginning or a definite end. Los niños __________ todos los días. The kids would play everyday. (no definite beginning or end)

4 Conjugating Imperfect Verbs - remove the –ar, -er or –ir and add the appropriate ending -ar verbs -er, -ir verbs

5 Here are the only verbs that don’t follow the pattern. ser-to be ir-to go ver-to see

6 p.117 ACT 11 Todos cambiamos Tell what the people used to do. modelo: No hablo en situaciones nuevas. Antes, hablaba en situaciones nuevas. 1. Mi abuela no trepa a los árboles. Antes, mi abuela trepaba a los árboles.

Descargar ppt "You’ve already learned to use the preterite tense to speak about completed action in the past. jug____ jug_____ jug__jug____ corr__corr____ corr_____ corri__corr_____."

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