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El pretérito The past tense in Spanish.

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Presentación del tema: "El pretérito The past tense in Spanish."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 El pretérito The past tense in Spanish

2 The preterite is one of the two simple past tenses.
It is used to describe action or an event that was completed in the past. *It is not used for repeated or ongoing actions.

3 Conjugation Regular –ar verbs
Yo -é Nosotros/as -amos Tú -aste El, ella -ó Ellos, ellas -aron Ud. Uds.

4 Regular -er,-ir verbs Yo -í Nosotros/as -imos Tú -iste
El, ella -ió Ellos, ellas -ieron Ud. Uds. Don’t forget the accents!

5 Common Irregular Verbs
Dar Di Diste Dio Dimos Dieron Tener Tuve Tuviste Tuvo Tuvimos Tuvieron Estar Estuve Estuviste Estuvo Estuvimos Estuvieron

6 Más Verbos Irregulares Many more verbs are irregular in the preterite.
Some examples: Hacer Hice Hiciste Hizo Hicimos Hicieron Ser/Ir Fui Fuiste Fue Fuimos Fueron Decir Dije Dijiste Dijo Dijimos Dijeron

7 Some irregular verbs follow a pattern.
How do I remember all of these verbs? Some irregular verbs follow a pattern.

8 Some patterns to remember:
Changes in the “yo” form: -gar verbs: jugué -zar verbs: empecé -car verbs: practiqué

9 Verbs with Stem Changes?
A Rule That May Help: Many –ir verbs in the preterite tense are stem-changing verbs in the “he” (él) form and the “they” (ellos, ellas) and “all of you” (Uds.) forms. Verbs with stem changes in the present tense do not change stems in the preterite in many cases.

10 Example of –ir verb change
Dormir (ue, u): To sleep Yo dormí Nosotros/as dormimos Tú dormiste Ellos, ellas, El,ella Ud. durmío Uds. durmieron

11 Verbs that are similar in spelling follow conjugation patterns.
Leer Leí Leiste Leyó Leimos Leyeron Oir Oiste Oyó Oimos Oyeron Verb like leer: creer Verb like oir: incluir

12 We just have to memorize.
Some Other Verbs. . . We just have to memorize. Some examples Poder: Yo pude Saber: Yo supe Poner: Yo puse Querer: Yo quise


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