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Presentación del tema: "Repaso del Capitulo 6 LOS MANDATOS AFIRMATIVOS (COMMANDS)"— Transcripción de la presentación:


2 Repaso del Capitulo 6







9 Jeopardy Commands Describing Food Ordering Food VocabularyVerbsDOPs 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 Final Jeopardy

10 $100 Question Commands Change the following phrase to an affirmative informal command: –Mezclar la ensalada

11 $100 Answer Commands Mezcla la ensalada OR Mézclala

12 Return

13 $200 Question Commands Create a command using the following phrase: –Poner el arroz en un plato

14 $200 Answer Commands Pon el arroz en un plato OR Ponlo en un plato

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16 $300 Question Commands Create a command to say: –Mix the vegetables and rice (you don’t need to use a DOP)

17 $300 Answer Commands Mezcla las verduras y el arroz

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19 $400 Question Commands Create a command to say: –Order it (it=the tuna sandwich)

20 $400 Answer Commands Pídelo

21 Return

22 $500 Question Commands Create a command to say: –Put it (the flan) in the refrigerator.

23 $500 Answer Commands Ponlo en el refrigerador/refri

24 Return

25 $100 Question Describing Food Choose the correct verb: –Los sándwiches de Quizno’s (son / están) deliciosos.

26 $100 Answer Describing Food Los sándwiches de Quizno’s están deliciosos.

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28 Daily Double

29 Daily Double Question Describing Food Choose the correct verb: –Esta ensalada de verduras (es / está) muy buena. Me gusta mucho.

30 Daily Double Answer Describing Food –Esta ensalada de verduras está muy buena. Me gusta mucho.

31 Return

32 $300 Question Describing Food Choose the correct verb: –Me gusta más el atún porque (es / está) una comida saludable.

33 $300 Answer Describing Food Me gusta más el atún porque es una comida saludable.

34 Return

35 $400 Question Describing Food Translate: –The French fries are hot!

36 $400 Answer Describing Food ¡Las papas fritas están calientes!

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38 $500 Question Describing Food Translate: –Where is the food?

39 $500 Answer Describing Food ¿Dónde está la comida?

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41 $100 Question Ordering Food Translate: –Quisiera un vaso de agua.

42 $100 Answer Ordering Food I would like a glass of water.

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44 $200 Question Ordering Food Translate: –¿Qué vas a pedir?

45 $200 Answer Ordering Food What are you going to order?

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47 $300 Question Ordering Food ¿Qué tal si pruebas el arroz con pollo?

48 $300 Answer Ordering Food How about if you try the chicken and rice?

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50 $400 Question Ordering Food How do you ask a waiter/waitress for the check?

51 $400 Answer Ordering Food ¿Me trae/Nos trae la cuenta, (por favor)?

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53 $500 Question Ordering Food How do you order (politely) a salad and a tuna sandwich?

54 $500 Answer Ordering Food Quisiera una ensalada y un sándwich de atún, (por favor).

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56 $100 Question Vocabulary Para comer la sopa, ¿qué necesitas?

57 $100 Answer Vocabulary Una cuchara, un plato hondo

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59 $200 Question Vocabulary Para tomar agua, ¿qué necesitas?

60 $200 Answer Vocabulary Un vaso

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62 $300 Question Vocabulary Para preparar un sándwich, necesito… –El queso –El agua –El refresco

63 $300 Answer Vocabulary El queso

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65 $400 Question Vocabulary Translate: –I prepare juice with fruits.

66 $400 Answer Vocabulary Preparo el jugo con las frutas.

67 Return

68 $500 Question Vocabulary Nombra 5 cosas que necesitas para poner la mesa…

69 $500 Answer Vocabulary El plato, el plato hondo, la servilleta, el vaso, la cuchara, el cuchillo, el tenedor

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71 $100 Question Verbs Translate: –Nunca pido el jugo de tomate.

72 $100 Answer Verbs I never order tomato juice.

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74 $200 Question Verbs Translate: –Mis primos prueban la salsa picante.

75 $200 Answer Verbs My cousins try the hot/spicy salsa.

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77 $300 Question Verbs Translate: –They serve water for dinner.

78 $300 Answer Verbs Ellos sirven el agua para la cena.

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80 $400 Question Verbs We’re trying the fruit salad.

81 $400 Answer Verbs Probamos la ensalada de frutas.

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83 $500 Question Verbs Translate: –I prefer chicken, but I’m trying the fish.

84 $500 Answer Verbs Prefiero el pollo, pero pruebo el pescado.

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86 $100 Question DOPs Which DOP would I use to replace the direct object in the following sentence? –Mi mamá prepara el tocino.

87 $100 Answer DOPs Lo

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89 $200 Question DOPs Which DOP would I use to replace the direct object in the following sentence? –Ella no calienta la sopa.

90 $200 Answer DOPs La

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92 $300 Question DOPs Which DOP would I use to replace the direct object in the following sentence? –Nosotros servimos el arroz y el pollo para la cena.

93 $300 Answer DOPs Los

94 Return

95 $400 Question DOPs Restate the following sentence to replace the direct object with a DOP: –¿Vas a preparar el pastel esta noche?

96 $400 Answer DOPs ¿Vas a prepararlo esta noche? ¿Lo vas a preparar esta noche?

97 Return

98 $500 Question DOPs Restate the following sentence to replace the direct object with a DOP: –Ellas no quieren lavar el carro.

99 $500 Answer DOPs Ellas no lo quieren lavar. Ellas no quieren lavarlo.

100 Return

101 Final Jeopardy Topic Un Poco de Todo

102 Final Jeopardy Question Translate: –Cut the carrots and put them in the bowl.

103 Final Jeopardy Answer Corta las zanahorias y ponlas en el plato hondo.

104 Buena suerte…¡estudia mucho!

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