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VERBOSVERBOS Verbs that end in “ar” in español. What’s a verb? A VERB expresses an action or state of being Ejemplos: to jump to run to take to be.

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Presentación del tema: "VERBOSVERBOS Verbs that end in “ar” in español. What’s a verb? A VERB expresses an action or state of being Ejemplos: to jump to run to take to be."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 VERBOSVERBOS Verbs that end in “ar” in español

2 What’s a verb? A VERB expresses an action or state of being Ejemplos: to jump to run to take to be

3 En inglés We change verb endings in English too. Example: I need a pencil. My friend needs a pencil too.

4 Some things to know Infinitive - the ”to do something” form of a verb; regular verbs will end in –ar, -er, or -ir Ejemplo: to buy (comprar) Stem-the ROOTS of all verbs; what is left after removing the ending of the infinitive Ejemplo: compr (comprar) Conjugate= change the verb from the infinitive form; these verbs have a SUBJECT attached to them Ejemplo: I buy (yo compro)

5 What’s the stem? The ending? 1.Llegar: Lleg= stem ar = ending 2. Contestar contest= stem ar = ending 3.Levantar la mano Levant = stem ar = ending

6 Can you think of some verbs that end in “ar” that you have already learned? Can you think of 5? comprar, hablar, estudiar, escuchar, andar en patineta, usar la computadora, sacar buena/mala nota, preguntar, contestar, llegar, tocar la guitarra, mirar la televisión, montar en bicicleta, dibujar, practicar deportes, pasear, trabajar, enseñar

7 Verbs change their endings according to the subject of the sentence. The subject = Who/Whom is doing the action of a sentence. To conjugate (or change) an infinitive that ends in –ar, follow this rule: DROP THE –ar AND ADD THE appropriate ENDING

8 To “drop the ar”, verbs look like this first…. Hablar ---- habl….then, add o, as, a Yo Hablo,Tú hablas, El, Ella, Usted habla I talk, you talk, he/she talks ***él can be a name too…like any masculine singular noun

9 él and ella can also mean… A Proper name like: él : John, Matt Forte, Mr. Nightlinger ella: Srta. D, Lady Gaga, Sally

10 Singular “ar” verb endings Yo (I) = o Tú (you familiar) = as Él (he), ella (she), usted (ud.—you formal). = a

11 To make a sentence negative… Put no in front of the conjugated verb Yo necesito una hoja de papel. Yo No necesito una pluma. Ella habla francés. Ella no habla alemán.

12 ¿Participas tú en clase? Sí, Profesor. Yo levanto la mano. Ella no participa.

13 Plural Subject “ar” verb endings Nosotros, Nosotras, …..y yo (WE) = amos ellos, ellas, ustedes (THEY, YOU ALL) = an

14 The subject pronoun “ellas” (they) can also mean… Names of females and/or groups of females like: ellas = Coach A-Rod, Coach May + Coach Ledbetter The girls on the Cross Country Team

15 The subject pronoun “ellos” (they) can also mean… Names of people and/or groups of people like: ellos = Coach Towne and Coach Profitt, or the LZ football players *Once you add a guy to a group of girls, it automatically becomes masculine. Ejemplo: Sra. Hamilton, Sra. Towne + Sr. Ternes

16 Ellos or Ellas? 1.Aaron Rogers + Jay Cutler Ellos 2.Emily, Sarah, Amy, + Jay Ellos 3.Courtney, Sydney + Claire Ellas 4.The girls on the girls’ Volleyball Team Ellas

17 To make a sentence negative… Put no in front of the conjugated verb. Ellos no necesitan una hoja de papel. Ellos necesitan un libro. Ellas no hablan alemán. Ellas hablan español.

18 A practicar 1.Los profesores de LZHS _________ (enseñar) las clases. 2.Los alumnos _______ (participar) mucho. * Or ….Ellos Get it? 1.Las muchachas de LZHS _________ (estudiar) mucho. 2.Sandra y Carla______ (hablar) español. * Or ….Ellas Get it? enseñan participan estudian hablan

19 ¿Miran, ustedes, la pregunta? Sí, Señora. nosotros miramos la pregunta.










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