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Adjectivos  What is an adjective?  Something that describes a noun or pronoun. In English where do adjectives go in the sentences? In Spanish the adjectives.

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Presentación del tema: "Adjectivos  What is an adjective?  Something that describes a noun or pronoun. In English where do adjectives go in the sentences? In Spanish the adjectives."— Transcripción de la presentación:


2 Adjectivos  What is an adjective?  Something that describes a noun or pronoun. In English where do adjectives go in the sentences? In Spanish the adjectives are located after the noun they are describing.

3 Continuación  Adjectives that that end in an –o or –a must have agreement with the noun.  If the noun is masculine then the adjective must end in an –o; and if the noun is feminine the ending is an –a  Adjectives that end in an –e match both genders.  El maestro inteligente  La maestra inteligente

4  Many adjectives that end in a consonant match both genders  El amigo joven  La amiga joven  Some adjectives that end in a consonant add –a to form the feminine singular  El chico trabajador  La chica trabajadora  To make an adjective plural, add –s if it ends in a vowel; add and –es if it ends in a consonant.  Las chicas guapas  Los chicos trabajadores

5 Repaso  Lets review definite and indefinite articles  What words mean “the” in Spanish  El, la, los, las  What words mean “a or an” in Spanish  Un, una, unos, unas

6 Práctica The little boys The pretty little girl The intelligent students (m) The long hair The nice teacher (m) The boring class The blonde girls The easy test Los chicos pequeños La niña bonita Los estudiantes intelegentes El pelo largo El maestro simpático La clase aburrida Las chicas rubias El examen fácil

7 the artistic boy the tall girl a nice friend (f.) a short man some lazy students (m.) some old ladies the good-looking boy the pretty girl the young women some funny girls el chico artístico la chica alta una amiga simpática un hombre bajo unos estudiantes perezosos unas mujeres viejas el chico guapo la chica bonita las mujeres jóvenes unas chicas cómicas

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