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11/4/13 Repaso. We are going to review the three units we have covered so far! Unidad 1: Bienvenido Greet your neighbor and include the following in your.

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Presentación del tema: "11/4/13 Repaso. We are going to review the three units we have covered so far! Unidad 1: Bienvenido Greet your neighbor and include the following in your."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 11/4/13 Repaso

2 We are going to review the three units we have covered so far! Unidad 1: Bienvenido Greet your neighbor and include the following in your conversation  Greeting  Ask their name  Ask how they are  Say goodbye Be prepared to share your conversation with the class

3 Asking someone else’s name Now you are going to practice asking someone else’s name. You and your partner are going to take turns asking what someone else’s name is and responding Let’s do 2 together:  Roberto  A: ¿Cómo se llama él?  B: Él se llama Roberto.  Clara  A: ¿Cómo se llama ella?  B: Ella se llama Clara.

4 Asking someone else’s name Now do the following with your partner. Take turns asking and answering the questions  1. Miguel  2. Mercedes  3. Nacho  4. Elena  5. Isabella  6. Juan

5 Classroom Objects Let’s review the classroom objects that we covered! With a partner, use the image to answer the question: ¿Qué es esto? Use the appropriate definite and indefinite article  Before we get started, what are the definite and indefinite articles?

6 Definite and indefinite articles Definite articles  el, la, los, las Indefinite articles  un, una, unos unas Definite ArticlesSingularPlural masculineellos Femininelalas indefinite ArticlesSingularPlural masculineununos Feminineunaunas

7 Classroom Objects


9 White Board Game!! We are going to play a game with the white boards! Get into a group of four with the people around you. Put the corners of each desk together I will give you white board, a marker, and some paper towel

10 White Board Game!!











21 Numbers Let’s Review Our Numbers As a group let’s say numbers 1- 10! Now, with a partner say the following numbers  11 – 20

22 Numbers What about the following Numbers? With your partner say the following numbers  30  40  50  60  70  80  90  100

23 Numbers Now try these with your partner  200  300  400  500  600  700  800  900  1000

24 Numbers With your partner say the following numbers  134  255  34  768  59  16  47  33  2013  951

25 Días de la semana What are the days of the week? With a partner, review the days of the week  Monday  Tuesday  Wednesday  Thursday  Friday  Saturday  Sunday

26 Los meses del año What are the months of the year? With a partner review the months of the year  January  February  March  April  May  June  July  August  September  October  November  December

27 Saying the Date Let’s review saying the date in Spanish! How do you ask the date? How would you respond? ¿Cuál es la fecha de hoy? Hoy es el ____________ de __________

28 Saying the Date Take turns with your partner asking what the date is and saying what the date is. Let’s do one together  October 3  A: ¿Cuál es la fecha de hoy?  B: Hoy es el tres de Octubre.

29 Saying the Date November 17 August 1 January 30 September 8 December 12 May 29

30 ¿Cuánto es? We did not cover this phrase at the beginning of the year, so let’s do it now! This is the phrase you will use when asking how much something is Let’s practice asking this question

31 ¿Cuánto es? With your partner, ask how much and respond Follow the model and incorporate the classroom objects $25  A: ¿Cuánto es el banco?  B: Es veinticinco dolares

32 ¿Cuánto es? With a partner, asking and responding with how much the following objects cost. $12 $109 $6 $ 57 $ 32 $1000

33 ????? Do you have any questions about Unit 1?

34 11/12/13 Repaso Capítulo 1

35 Artículos y Sustantivos Plurales How do you make the following articles plural?  El  La  Un  Una

36 How do you make nouns that end in a vowel plural?  Come up with 3 examples How do you make nouns that end in a consonant plural?  Come up with 3 examples Artículos y Sustantivos Plurales

37 With a partner, come up with the plural forms of the following nouns  Hombre  Mujer  Muchacho  Honesta  Profesor  Azul Artículos y Sustantivos Plurales

38 With your partner say the following in Spanish  The schools (m/f)  The students (m/f)  The boys  The girls  The friends (m/f) Artículos y Sustantivos Plurales

39 With a partner say the following in Spanish  Some students (m/f)  Some boys  Some girls  Some schools (m/f)  Some friends (m/f) Artículos y Sustantivos Plurales

40 When words are plural in Spanish, nouns still come before adjectives. When there are multiple subjects in a sentence in Spanish, both the nouns and the adjectives need to be plural.  For Example  Hombres guapos  Alumnas antipáticas Artículos y Sustantivos Plurales

41 With a partner, use the following descriptions for the four nouns:  unas muchachas  Las muchachas  unos muchachos  Los muchachos Artículos y Sustantivos Plurales


43 Nacionalidad With your partner, answer the following questions:  How do you ask the nationality of someone?  How do you respond? Ask your partner their nationality Respond to your partner’s question

44 Use the nationalities on the next slide to form sentences describing the following groups of people. Don’t forget to use the proper form of the verb SER  Los alumnos  Las alumnas  Unos amigos  Unas amigas Nacionalidad


46 11/13/14 Repaso: Capítulo 2

47 Vocabulario Let’s review the vocabulary from chapter 2

48 11/13/14 Telling Time

49 Video Let’s watch a video about telling time

50 ¿Qué hora es? What does, ¿Qué hora es? mean Let’s practice asking this question Let’s respond In English one would respond with:  It is 3 o’clock In Spanish one would respond with:  Son las tres

51 You Try Try and say the following times in Spanish with your partner Follow the construction:  Son las _____________. 1. It is 5:00 o’clock 2. It is 7:00 o’clock 3. It is 2:00 o’clock 4. It is 10:00 o’clock 5. It is 9:00 o’clock

52 Let’s Say More Complicated Constructions What if you want to say a time that is not on the dot; like 3:10? It is 3:10, in Spanish is:  Son las tres y diez How do you say “It is 4:20”?

53 Try these with a partner It is 5:25 It is 4:16 It is 3:18 It is 2:11

54 What about 15 minutes after? In Spanish, saying it is 15 minutes after the hour you use cuarto. For example: It is 5:15-  Son las cinco y cuarto Another example: 6:15-  Son las seis y cuarto

55 Try with your partner Try the following times with your partner  Follow the Model- It is 8:15 – Son las ocho y cuarto  It is 5:15  It is 2:15  It is 6:15  It is 10:15

56 What if it’s 9:30? In Spanish, saying it is 9:30 is  Son las nueve y media You use “media” when referring to 30 minutes after the hour What is 2:30? What is 4:30?

57 What happens after 30 minutes to the hour? When you want to tell the time after the 30 minute mark, you use the next hour and subtract the minutes For example:  4:45 - Son las cinco menos cuarto  5 Hours – 15 minutes = 4:45  8:50 - Son las nueve menos diez  9 Hours – 10 minutes = 8:50

58 You try! What are the following times in Spanish? Talk with your partner  It is 7:50  It is 4: 45  It is 3:56  It is 1: 42

59 11/15/13 Capítulo 3

60 Vocabulario Repeat after me!  La sala de clase / El salón de clase  El profesor / La profesora  La lección  El examen  Los apuntes  El libro  El cuaderno  El bloc  La libreta  La mochila

61 Vocabulario  La pizarra / El pizarrón  La nota  La calificación  El coche/ El carro  El autobús / El bus  Escolar Verbos  Llegar  Entrar  Hablar  Estudiar

62 Vocabulario  Mirar  Tomar  Sacar  Llevar  Enseñar Otras Palabras y Expresiones  Cuándo  Cuánto  En punto  A eso de  A pie

63 LA HISTORIA Pobre Pepito

64 Buenos días Pepito. ¿Puedo hablar contigo? ¿Cómo estás? Muy mal Señor Ruiz. ¿Y usted?

65 Pobre Pepito Bien. ¿Qué pasó?

66 Pobre Pepito Llego a la sala de clase muy tarde.

67 Pobre Pepito ¿Por qué llegas tarde?

68 Pobre Pepito ¡El autobús no llegó! Entonces, llego a la sala de clase a pie. X

69 Pobre Pepito Llevo la mochila con los libros, el cuaderno, y los apuntos. Son my pesados.

70 Pobre Pepito Pobre Pepito. Pues, tengo malas noticias. ¿Qué es?

71 Pobre Pepito Hoy, tenemos un examen. ¡En serio!

72 Pobre Pepito No estoy listo Bien. Puedes estudiar por cinco minutos. No más

73 Pobre Pepito Pepito estudia y estudia. Él mira a los apuntes en el cuaderno y la información en el libro.

74 Pobre Pepito También, piensa en la nota y cuánto estudia. ? Pepito no estudia mucho.

75 Pobre Pepito Pepito toma el examen.

76 Pobre Pepito Terminé. Aquí es el examen Gracías Pepito. Puedo corregirlo ahora.

77 Pobre Pepito Bien. Señor Ruíz corrige el examen de Pepito.

78 Pobre Pepito ¿Saco una buena nota? Señor Ruíz está triste.

79 Pobre Pepito Lo siento Pepito. No sacas una buena nota.

80 Pobre Pepito ¡Qué lástima! Hoy es el peor día de mi vida. ¿Qué va a hacer Pepito?

81 11/18/13 Vocabulary

82 Vocabulary Pictionary Get into groups of 4 2 people make one team Draw an image that represents a vocabulary word  Partner guesses before time is up If time runs out, other team can guess once to steal the point  Keep score on paper or whiteboard Pass board to next person and continue Alternate between who guesses and who draws

83 11/19/13 Conjugation

84 What is the rule? You and your group members are going to work together to discover the rule for conjugating –AR verbs Get into a group of 4 with the people sitting around you and put your desks together

85 What is the rule? Each person in your group needs to draw 2 of the following items:  mochila  La sala de clase  El Profesor  El libro  Estudiar  Los apuntes  Enseñar  Mochila

86 What is the rule? Now that you have a picture for each of the 8 items, listen to the following story.

87 What is the rule? Now, listen to the story a second time and place the pictures in order based on the story.

88 What is the rule? Since you and your group members are familiar with the story, I want you to focus on the grammar within the story I will give each of you a copy of the story First:  Underline every verb that you recognize from the chapter 3 vocabulary Second:  Fill in the table with the verbs you underlined according to the person they refer to.

89 What is the rule? What do you notice? Is there a pattern? Can you come up with a rule?

90 What is the rule? -AR Verbs Yo Tú Él/Ella /Usted

91 What is the rule? Yo - 0 Tú Él/Ella /Usted -AR Verbs

92 What is the rule? Yo - 0 Tú -as Él/Ella /Usted -AR Verbs

93 What is the rule? Yo - 0 Tú -as Él/Ella /Usted -a -AR Verbs

94 Practice! Conjugate the following verbs in the singular –AR forms in the space on your note sheet  Llevar  Llegar  Entrar  Tomar  Estudiar  Enseñar  Mirar

95 Práctica Let’s practice what you have discovered! Find out the following information about the people at your tables:  Arrival at school  Grades they receive  When they study  What they look at  What they carry in their backpacks Useful words:  ¿Qué? – What?, ¿ Cómo ?– How?, ¿ Cuándo? – When?

96 12/2/13 Capítulo 4

97 Vocabulario del Capítulo 4 In this chapter, we are going to learn vocabulary that focuses on music. You and 3 other students are going to create gestures for all of the vocabulary words  I will choose your groups Be prepared to share at least one gesture with the class The gesture should: connect to the word, simple, memorable  Gestures will be done standing up

98 TPRS We are going to try something a little different today We are going to create a story using our vocabulary You are going to answer questions as I ask them and help me create the details of the story This will be done all in Spanish Through out the story, we will pause to have some of you act out what was told

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