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Francisco de Goya Un maestro español.

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Presentación del tema: "Francisco de Goya Un maestro español."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Francisco de Goya Un maestro español

2 Goya nació en Zaragoza, España en 1746.
Cuando tenía17 años, se mudó a Madrid, España. Su carrera abarcó 60 años. Todavía pintaba cuando tenía 82 años.

3 Cuando Goya fue a Madrid, dos grandes pintores lo enseñaron: …Tiepolo y Antonio Raphael Mengs.
En 1766, entró en una competencia en la Academia Real de Fernando… y fracasó. En 1770, entró en una competencia en la Academia Real de Fernando… y fracasó … otra vez. Luego fue a Roma, Italia..

4 Cuando estaba en Roma, ganó segundo lugar en una competencia de pintar.
Volvió a Zaragoza y estudió con Francisco Bayeu. Goya floreció y desarrolló la pintura con tonos delicados. En 1773, se casó con Josefa Bayeu… la hermana de su amigo, Francisco. Debido a las conecciones de Bayeu, Goya tuvo la oportunidad de diseñar tápices (42) que se expusieron en El Escorial y el Palacio Real de Pardo.

5 Goya pintó muchas pinturas religiosas.
“Cristo Crucificado” (Christ Crucified) fue pintado en 1780 y ahora está en el Museo del Prado en Madrid, España.

6 Goya pintó muchos retratos de personas ricas.
Retrato de María Teresa de Borbon y Vallabriga, 1783

7 Más tarde lo aceptaron en la Academia Real de Bellas Artes.
Goya es conocido como pintor de la familia real. Goya pintó a Carlos III y a su familia. In , Goya se enfermó y se puso sordo en el oído izquierdo. También se puso encerrado en si mísmo e introspectivo.

8 La familia de Carlos IV, 1800 Charles IV and his family it is thought to reveal the corruption present under Charles IV. Under his reign his wife Louisa was thought to have had the real power, which is why she is placed at the center of the group portrait. From the back left of the painting you can see the artist himself looking out at the viewer, and the painting behind the family depicts Lot and his daughters, thus once again echoing the underlying message of corruption and decay.

9 Hay otra versión…¡sin ropa!
La maja vestida ( ) The Maja is one of his most famous paintings. There are two versions of this painting… one with clothes and one without. The model is unknown. La maja vestida is a painting by Spanish painter Francisco de Goya between 1798 and It is a clothed version of La maja desnuda and is exhibited next to it in the same room at the Prado Museum in Madrid. The painting, which was first owned by Prime Minister Manuel de Godoy, who was known as an avid womanizer, was originally hung in his home in front of the naked maja in a way that the naked maja could be revealed at any time with the help of a pulley mechanism. During the Spanish Inquisition, the painting was stolen. It was held twice at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando, and is now held in the Museo del Prado, since 1901. Hay otra versión…¡sin ropa!

10 Autorretrato, 1815

11 Tres de mayo, 1808 Third of May, commemorates the Spanish resistance against Napoleon.

12 Durante estos años, Goya experimentó con tipos diferentes de pinturas y grabados. Los grabados se publicaron en 1799, bajo el nombre Caprichos. Los Caprichos incluyeron 80 grabados que se burlaron de la sociedad española de esa época. Estos son lo que lo ayudaron a conocerse como el padre del arte moderno entre los españoles. Pronto después de su publicación, Los Caprichos ya no estaban en venta.





























41 Retrato de Goya, pintado por Vicente López y Portaña en 1826

42 At the age of 75, living alone and in mental and physical despair, he completed the work as one of his 14 of this “Black Paintings”, his final major series, which were executed in oil directly onto the plaster walls of the house he was living in outside Madrid. Goya did not intend for any of these paintings to be seen by others; they were executed during an intense period of physical, mental and political disillusionment, and he never spoke or wrote about them. Compared to his earlier works, there is a huge contrast. These paintings were named after his death.

43 The Laughing Women, Men Reading, two old men

44 Perhaps the best known of the Black Paintings is Saturn Devouring His Son. The image portrays the Roman god Saturn eating one of his children. Fearing a prophecy that one of his children would overthrow him, Saturn ate each of his children upon their birth. Goya depicts this act of cannibalism with startling savagery. The background is black, while the limbs and head of Saturn seem to pop out of the shadows. Saturn's eyes are huge and bulging as if he is mad. His fingers dig into the back of his child, whose head and right arm are already consumed. Saturn is about to take another bite of the body's left arm. The only use of color besides flesh-tones is the splash of red blood covering the mutilated outline of the upper part of the partially-eaten, motionless body, which is chillingly depicted in deathly white.

45 After losing his wife, Josefa, in 1812, he started to be a recluse
After losing his wife, Josefa, in 1812, he started to be a recluse. He left Spain in 1824 and returned to France. He died at age 82 in Bordeaux. His remains were transferred to the Royal Chapel of St. Anthony of La Florida in Madrid.

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