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Spanish Pre-Assessment for Quarter 2 Reading Informational Text

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1 Spanish Pre-Assessment for Quarter 2 Reading Informational Text

2 Important Information
This booklet is divided into two parts… Teacher’s Resources Page 1 – 10 Students Assessment (for students who read independently)-(to be printed in a booklet form) Page’s 11 – 25 This booklet is intended for pre-assessing reading informational standards RI5,6 and 7 at the beginning of the second quarter. Do NOT allow students to read the passages before the assessment. Students who do not read independently should be given the assessment as a listening comprehension test. Do NOT read the passage to the students until it is time for the assessment Student scores can be recorded on the Class Learning Progressions Checklists. Each correct response is one point. If students do not read the story independently write LC (listening comprehension) by their name. Printing Instructions… Decide on the primary way to use this booklet, then choose one of the following ways to print this material. You can just print this entire 20 pages – then divide it into the two sections to use. This would print each student page as an 8 ½ X 11 page. OR… You might do the following by sending them to your Print Shop: Print Shop instructions… Print pages 11 – 25 in a Small Student Booklet format. Set print driver properties to - - Original size 8 ½ x 11 Paper size = 11x17 Print type = Small Student Booklet

3 Directions for Pre-Assessment
Independent Readers: Students read selections independently without reading assistance. Students complete the selected response answers by shading in the bubble. Students complete the constructed response answers by writing a response for each question. Not Independent Readers: (Please indicate on record sheet if student is Not an Independent Reader) Read the selection and questions aloud to the student in English or Spanish. Read the selected response answers to the student. Read the constructed response answers to the student. You may write the answer the student says unless he/she is able to do so Note: The constructed response questions do NOT assess writing proficiency and should not be scored as such. The constructed responses are evidence of reading comprehension. Remind students to STOP on the stop page. Do not allow them to go on to the “happy face” page until you have scored their answers. When Scoring.... (Class Learning Progressions Checklists) When students have finished the entire pre-assessment mark each selected response question as correct or incorrect. When students have completed the constructed response score ONLY with a number from 0 – 3. Write and Revise Scoring... (Please Read Page 4). A special section for Write and Revise selected response questions have been added to the second quarter pre-assessment. Please read page 4. You may enter Write and Revise scores on Quarter Two’s Class Assessment Summary Sheet. Write and Revise is NOT on the Class Learning Progressions Checklists. DO NOT write recommendations for the student about why a score was incorrect in their test booklet. It is important for students to reflect on their own answers after the tests are scored on the reflection sheet (last page of student booklet). Student Self-Check Written in “I Can...” Return the scored booklets to the students. On the selected response questions students color happy faces green if their answers were correct or red if they were not correct. Students color the number square blue that shows their constructed response points. The last page in the student booklet is a reflection page. This last page activity is invaluable for understanding how to differentiate student instructional needs. Present ONE specific question for students to reflect on concerning incorrect answers. They can do this on their own, with a peer or with a teacher. Example reflections questions might include: What did you not understand about the question? Underline words you did not understand. Rewrite the question to what you think it is asking

4 Write and Revise The Common Core standards are integrative in nature. Student proficiency develops and is assessed on a continuum. The HSD, Common Formative Assessment (CFA) for quarter two includes the three write and revise assessed categories to prepare our students for this transition in conjunction with our primary focus of Reading Informational Text. Quarter 2 Students “Read to Write” integrating basic writing and language revision skills. Write and Revised Assessed Categories for Quarter Two Writing: Write and Revise (revision of short text) Language: Language and Vocabulary Use (accurate use of words and phrases) Language: Edit and Clarify (accurate use of grammar, mechanics and syntax) Quarter 3 Students write expanded constructed responses and move toward “Full Compositions.” Quarter 4 Students respond to a prompt requiring integrative research as part of a “Performance Task” evidenced by a full composition, speech or visual display.

5 Quarter Two Pre-Assessment Reading Informational Text Learning Progressions with Adjustment Points (in purple). RI.1.5 Know and use various text features (e.g., headings, tables of contents, glossaries, electronic menus, icons) to locate key facts or information in a text. Questions for RL.1.5 1. Where is ___ located? 2. What is in the ____(front, back) of the book? 3. Where can I find information about ____? 4. Which part of the glossary tells me ____? 5. Where is the best place to find ____? 6. What is the purpose of a ___ in a text? 7. The table of contents are about ____ because ____. Teacher Hints: This is the first time “different text features” are addressed. Goal: 1. Use text features to locate information. 2. Use glossaries to locate information. 3. Use electronic menus and icons to locate information. Links: Smart Exchange Use an Index and Glossary Index and Table of Contents Mini-Lesson Worksheet Text Features Parts of a Book Finding Non-Fiction Features The Frog Beyond the Fairy-Tale Character: Searching Informational Text Grade 1 Path to DOK - 1 Path to DOK - 2 End Coal DOK Guide  DOK 1 - Ka DOK 1 - Kc DOK 1 - Ce DOK 1 – Cf DOK 2 – Ch DOK 2 – Cl DOK 2 – APn Standard Path to DOK 2 Informational Text Learning Progressions Locate heading, table of contents, glossaries, electronic menus, and icons in texts that have been read and discussed in class. Define and use Standard Academic Language: text features, (e.g., heading, table of contents, glossary, electronic menu, icon), “key fact”, and “information.” Select appropriate words when describing various text features. Answers questions that require finding answers within various text features (read and discussed). Concept Development Understands that various text features help locate information and gives examples. Locate specific information from the text using headings, table of contents, glossaries, electronic menus, and icons that support the central idea (new text not discussed). Obtain and interpret information using headings, table of contents, glossaries, electronic menus, and icons (interpret means to apply learned information to a question). Student NAME RI.1.6 Distinguish between information provided by pictures or other illustrations and information provided by the words in a text. Questions for RL.1.6 1. What is this a picture of? 2. What is another name for picture? (illustration) 3. What does the illustration tells about? How is it different that the words? 4. How are the words in the text and the illustrations the same/different? 5. What does the illustration and words in the text both show us? Teacher Hints: A picture may show how a plant needs water and light. The text however; may explain why its important. Goal: 1. Identify who is telling the story. Links: information on sensory mental images from written or oral text Circular Plot Structure Visualizing Word Poster Grade 1 Path to DOK - 1 Path to DOK - 2 End Goal DOK Guide  DOK 1 - Ka DOK 1 - Kc DOK 1 - Ce DOK 1 – Cf DOK 2 – Ch DOK 2 – Ck DOK 2 – APn Standard Path to DOK 2 Informational Text Learning Progressions Locate a picture, caption or text in a story that has been read and discussed in class. Define and use Standard Academic Language: illustrations, text, information, words, pictures, provide and distinguish between. Select appropriate term when referring to information provided by pictures (illustrations) or by text (words). Ask and answer who, what, when, why, and how questions about information provided by illustrations and by text. Concept Development Understands that information is provided by pictures. Understands that information is provided by text. Locate information provided by pictures. Locate information provided by the text. Obtain (select the accurate source for…) information based on text and illustrations. Student NAME RI.1.7 Use the illustrations and details in a text to describe its key ideas Questions for RL.1.7 1. What is the text mostly about? 2. What are ___ ideas in the text about ____? 3. What words in the text tell us about ____? 4. Find the illustration(s) in the text that tell us that ____. 5. What else can we learn from the illustration about ___? Teacher Hints: Goal: 1. Use illustrations to describe key ideas. 2. Use details to describe key ideas. Links: Chart: Features of Informational Text Finding the Best Main Idea Students need to locate details before finding key ideas Identify Main Idea Find the Main Idea (key) about Storms Grade 1 Path to DOK - 1 Path to DOK - 2 End Goal DOK Guide  DOK 1 - Ka DOK 1 - Kc DOK 1 - Ce DOK 1 – Cf DOK 2 – Ch DOK 2 – Cl Standard Path to DOK 1,2 Informational Text Learning Progressions Retell parts of a story by referring to pictures or words in a text (read and discussed in class). Define and use Standard Academic Language: Illustrations, details, text, describe and phrase key ideas. Select appropriate words when talking about a story (uses the words illustrations and/or text). Answer who, what, when, where and how describing questions about key ideas in a text (read and discussed). Concept Development Understands that illustrations can show key ideas. Understands that details in the text tell about key ideas Locate key ideas using details in illustrations Locate key ideas using details found in the text. Student NAME

6 Class Learning Progressions Checklist (for pre-assessments)
Scoring Directions: For students who read independently, record student pre-assessment selected response scores on Class Learning Progressions Checklists (below) for instructional adjustments. Students who do not read independently should have LC written by their name to indicate the story was read to them. The second quarter CFA score can be recorded in the last column as a comprehensive score. Class Learning Progressions Checklist (for pre-assessments) RI.1.7 Use the illustrations and details in a text to describe its key ideas Questions for RL.1.7 1. What is the text mostly about? 2. What are ___ ideas in the text about ____? 3. What words in the text tell us about ____? 4. Find the illustration(s) in the text that tell us that ____. 5. What else can we learn from the illustration about ___? Teacher Hints: Goal: 1. Use illustrations to describe key ideas. 2. Use details to describe key ideas. Links: Chart: Features of Informational Text Finding the Best Main Idea Students need to locate details before finding key ideas Identify Main Idea Find the Main Idea (key) about Storms Grade 1 Path to DOK - 1 Path to DOK - 2 End Goal DOK Guide  DOK 1 - Ka DOK 1 - Kc DOK 1 - Ce DOK 1 – Cf DOK 2 – Ch DOK 2 – Cl Standard Path to DOK 1,2 Informational Text Learning Progressions Retell parts of a story by referring to pictures or words in a text (read and discussed in class). Define and use Standard Academic Language: Illustrations, details, text, describe and phrase key ideas. Select appropriate words when talking about a story (uses the words illustrations and/or text). Answer who, what, when, where and how describing questions about key ideas in a text (read and discussed). Concept Development Understands that illustrations can show key ideas. Understands that details in the text tell about key ideas Locate key ideas using details in illustrations Locate key ideas using details found in the text. Student NAME Assessment Summary Sheet ( for pre-assessment and CFA)

7 3 2 1  SBAC Reading Assessment
Short Constructed Response General Template 3 The response: gives essential elements of a complete interpretation of the prompt addresses many aspects of the task and provides sufficient relevant evidence to support development is focused and organized, consistently addressing the purpose, audience, and task includes sentences of varied length and structure 2 gives some of the elements of an interpretation of the prompt addresses some aspects of the task and provides some evidence to support development has a focus but lacks strong organization and inconsistently addresses the purpose, audience, and task. includes sentences of somewhat varied length and structure 1 gives minimal elements of an interpretation of the prompt addresses few aspects of the task and provides little relevant evidence to support development. lacks focus and organization and generally does not address the purpose, audience, and task. includes sentences with little variety in length and structure The response does not meet any of the criteria. Short Constructed Response Short constructed response sample questions are designed to assess CCLS reading standards. These are single questions ask students to respond to a prompt or question by stating their answer and providing textual evidence to support their answer. The goal of the short response questions is to require students to show succinctly their ability to comprehend text. In responding to these questions, students will be expected to write in complete sentences.

8 3 2 1 7. What did you learn about penguins from the text and the map?
Quarter 2 Pre-Assessment Constructed Response Answer Key Constructed Response What did you learn about penguins from the text and the map? Scoring [Notes “Teacher and Rubric Language”] Essential Elements: Students address the prompt - by stating facts about penguins found not only in the text but also in the map. Both should be evident. Aspects/relevant evidence: Evidence of understanding the prompt should include details or facts about penguins stated in the text. These could be that penguins are birds but can’t fly, there are many different kinds of penguins and where they live. The largest and smallest penguin should be mentioned. Facts can also include how penguins stay warm and that they are good swimmers. Organization: Students writing should be organized to make sense of the topic and not “veer” away from the topic. Sentences are structured and varied. 3 Sample Response “Student Language” Evidence of using the map and the text to state facts about penguins as well as complete details and sentence variety. Penguins are birds that can’t fly! There are 17 kinds of penguins. Some penguins live in Antarctica where its cold and windy. The map shows that Antarctica has oceans all around it and it is near the South Pole! The biggest penguin there is the Emperor and the smallest is the Adelie. Penguins stay warm because they have lots of fat. They stay dry because they have special feathers. Of course they are great swimmers too! 2 Sample Response Some evidence of using the map and text. Details are not complete and sentences are simple. Some penguins live where its really cold. It is the South Pole. There is a big and little penguin. Penguins can swim. 1 Sample Response No evidence of using map and very little of the text. Student veers away from the topic. Penguins are black and white. They can swim too. I think they are cute. Sample Response Student writing has little or nothing to do with the question. I saw a movie about Happy Feet. He was a penguin too. RI DOK 3 - Cl Locate information to support the main topic in specific paragraphs.

9 3 2 1 12. How do Adelie penguins act or behave? Use details from
Quarter 2 Pre-Assessment Constructed Response Answer Key Constructed Response 12. How do Adelie penguins act or behave? Use details from the text. Scoring [Notes “Teacher and Rubric Language”] Essential Elements: Students write only about the prompt using details found exclusively in the text. Aspects/relevant evidence: Students show evidence of understanding the prompt by using details from the text to explain how Adelie penguins act or behave. Students should only response to the Adelie penguins actions or behaviors (not what it looks like ). Specific details about actions/behaviors could include what they eat (an action) – fish and krill and snow and behaviors such as the male penguin taking care of the egg. Other facts can include how the penguins fight over the best rocks, loving to sled down hills and playing. Organization: Ideas should make sense and be consistent with the prompt. Sentences are varied and structured. 3 Sample Response “Student Language” Students focuses on actions and behaviors only, uses complete sentences that are varied and make sense. Adelie penguins do lots of things. They like to eat fish and krill and snow! That’s because they don’t drink water! They behave funny. Sometimes they jump out of the water and sled down hills! They even like to play. The male Adelie takes care of the eggs and makes a nest of stone. They fight over the best rocks! 2 Sample Response Student focuses on some actions and behaviors but not all (mentions how it looks) Sentences are simple but make sense. The Adelie is a black and white penguin . It has a white ring around the eye. It acts mean. It fights about rocks. It can swim. 1 Sample Response Students focuses very little on actions. Sentences veer from topic. The penguin is cold. It is looking around. It swims fats. Sample Response Student writing has little or nothing to do with the question. I like to swim. I have a penguin pillow. RI DOK 3 - Cl Locate information to support the main topic in specific paragraphs.

10 Quarter 2 Pre-Assessment Selected Response Answer Key
Question 1 Look at the map. What might be the best title for the map to go with the text? C Question 2 Look at the glossary. Where can you read about how penguins swim? Question 3 Where does the map show that Emperor and Adelie penguins live? B Question 4 What is the biggest penguin that lives in Antarctica? A Question 5 What can you learn about penguins from the text that you can’t learn from the map? D Question 6 Where can you find information about how a penguins’ skin stays dry? Question Constructed Response RI.1.6 Question 8 What is the smallest penguin in the Antarctica called? Question 9 What do Adelie penguins make their nests with? Question 10 What new information does the illustration tell about how an Adelie penguin looks? Question 11 How do we know Adelie penguins are strong swimmers? Question Constructed Response RI.1.7 Write and Revise Question 13 Read the paragraph below. Which sentence could be added to the paragraph (Write and Revise W.2) Question 14 The Adelie penguin is very small. Which word could be used to replace small? Question 15 Read the sentence below. Which is the correct way to write the sentence?

11 Pre-Evaluación para el Texto Informativo de Lectura
Grado Pre-Evaluación para el 2do Cuarto. Texto Informativo de Lectura Nombre __________________

12 Pingüinos 1 Los pingüinos son aves que no pueden volar. Hay 17 diferentes tipos de pingüinos. 2 Algunos pingüinos viven en el continente antártico. La Antártida es un lugar muy ventoso y frio. El pingüino más grande que vive en la Antártida se llama pingüino emperador y el más pequeño es llamado pingüino de Adelia. 3 Los pingüinos son grandes nadadores y tienen mucha grasa para mantener el calor. Ellos nadan muy bien y pasan mucho tiempo de su vida en el mar. 4 Ellos tienen más plumas que la mayoría de otras aves. Sus plumas mantienen el agua fuera de su cuerpo y les ayudan a mantener su piel seca. Océano Atlántico Océano Indico Glosario Párrafo 1 Algunos tipos pingüinos Párrafo 2 Pingüino emperador y pingüino de Adelia Párrafo 3 Los pingüinos nadan Párrafo 4 Plumas ANTARTICA Polo Sur Océano Pacifico "Copyright"

13 1 2 Nombre ______________
Mira al mapa. ¿Cuál podría ser el mejor título del mapa que vaya con el texto? Un lugar frio Antártida Los pingüinos viven en la Antártida El polo sur 1 Toward RI Cf Responden a las preguntas que requieren encontrar respuestas dentro de varias características de un texto. 2. Mira la glosario. ¿Dónde puedes leer sobre cómo nadan los pingüinos? Párrafo 1 Párrafo 2 Párrafo 3 Párrafo 4 2 Toward RI Cl Localizan información específica en el texto mediante títulos, tablas de contenido, glosarios, menús electrónicos, e iconos que apoyan la idea central.

14 ¿En qué parte del mapa muestra dónde viven los pingüinos emperadores y los pingüinos de Adelia?
cerca del Polo Sur cerca del Polo Norte en el agua en el hielo 3 Toward RI APn Obtienen e interpretan información mediante títulos, tablas de contenido, glosarios, menús electrónicos, e iconos. ¿Cuál es el pingüino más grande que vive en la Antártida? el pingüino emperador los pingüinos más grandes el pingüino de Adelia el pingüino macho 4 Toward RI Cf Hacen y responden preguntas quién, qué, cuándo, y cómo acerca de la información proporcionada por las ilustraciones y el texto.

15 ¿Qué se puede aprender acerca de los pingüinos usando el texto que no se puede aprender usando el mapa? Los pingüinos viven cerca de los océanos. Algunos pingüinos viven en la Antártida. Los pingüinos viven cerca del Polo Sur. Los pingüinos tienen mucha grasa para mantener el calor. 5 Toward RI Ch Desarrollo del concepto Entienden la información que es proporcionada por las imágenes y el texto. ¿Dónde puedes encontrar información sobre cómo los pingüinos mantienen su piel seca? en el texto en el mapa en el glosario en el agua 6 Toward RI APn Obtienen (seleccionan las fuentes precisas para…) información basada en el texto y las ilustraciones.

16 7. ¿Qué aprendiste acerca de los pingüinos usando el texto y que aprendiste acerca de los pingüinos usando el mapa? 7 Toward RI APn Obtienen (seleccionan las fuentes precisas para…) información basada en el texto y las ilustraciones.

17 Ellos viven en la Antártida. Qué comen
Pingüino de Adelia Dónde vive Ellos viven en la Antártida. Qué comen Ellos comen peces y krill. Los pingüinos no beben agua, pero comen nieve. Cómo lucen Su cabeza es negra con un anillo blanco alrededor de sus ojos. Tienen largas plumas en la cola que arrastran cuando caminan. Tiene el vientre blanco y la espalda negra. Su pequeño pico esta casi todo cubierto por sus plumas. Los pingüinos de Adelia pesan entre 8 y 9 libras, y miden 24 pulgadas de alto. Datos interesantes Los pingüinos de Adelia son los más pequeños de la Antártida. El pingüino macho es el que incuba el huevo. Ellos hacen sus nidos de piedras, y se pelean para conseguir la mejor roca. Son buenos nadadores. Ellos pueden saltar del agua hasta la orilla. Les encanta deslizarse como trineos cuesta abajo. Les gusta jugar. El pichón de pingüino de Adelia crece más rápido que los otros pingüinos. Las focas leopardo son su peor enemigo. Alas que no pueden volar, pero que actúan como aletas para nadar en el agua. Patas palmeadas con garras. anillo ocular blanco Color negro en la espalda, color blanco en el pecho, el vientre y bajo las alas. Pingüino de Adelia (Pygoscelis adeliae)

18 8 9 8. ¿Cómo se llama el pingüino más pequeño de la Antártida?
un pichón de pingüino el pingüino emperador el pingüino de Adelia muchos pingüinos son pequeños 8 Toward RI Ce Seleccionan las palabras adecuadas cuando se habla de una historia (utiliza las palabras ilustraciones y / o textos). 9. ¿Con qué hacen sus nidos los pingüinos de Adelia? ramitas piedras hojas hielo 9 Toward RI Ck Responden preguntas descriptivas sobre quién, qué, dónde, cómo, y cuándo acerca de las ideas clave en un texto (leído y hablado).

19 10. ¿Qué información nueva te muestra la ilustración de cómo se ven los pingüinos de Adelia?
Un pingüinos de Adelia tiene 24 pulgadas de alto. Un pingüino de Adelia es negro en la espalda. Un pingüino de Adelia tiene el vientre blanco. Un pingüino de Adelia tiene pies palmeados. 10 Toward RI Cl Buscan ideas clave con detalles en las ilustraciones. 11. ¿Cómo sabemos que los pingüinos de Adelia son buenos nadadores? Ellos pueden saltar del agua hasta la orilla. Ellos pasan la mayor parte de su vida en el mar. Ellos comen peces. A ellos les gusta nadar. 11 Toward RI Cl Buscan ideas clave con detalles en el texto.

20 12. ¿Cómo actúan o se comportan los pingüinos de Adelia
12. ¿Cómo actúan o se comportan los pingüinos de Adelia? Utiliza detalles del texto para elaborar tu respuesta. 12 Toward RI Cl Buscan ideas clave con detalles en el texto.

21 13. Lee el siguiente párrafo. (Escribe y Revise W.2)
La cabeza del pingüino de Adelia es negra con un anillo blanco alrededor del ojo. Cuenta con plumas largas en la cola que arrastran en el suelo cuando caminan. El pingüino de Adelia tiene un vientre blanco y una espalda negra. ¿Qué oración se podría agregar al párrafo? Al pingüino de Adelia le gusta jugar. El pingüino macho incuba al huevo. Los pingüinos de Adelia sólo pesan entre 8 y 9 libras. Los pingüinos de Adelia viven en lugares muy fríos. 14. El pingüino de Adelia es muy pequeño (Escriben y Revisan _L.6) ¿ Qué palabra podría usarse para reemplazar pequeño? bajo grande gordo feliz

22 15. Lee la siguiente oración. (Escriben y Revisan L.2.c)
Los pingüinos de Adelia comen pescado krill nieve e incluso calamares. ¿Cuál es la forma correcta de escribir esta oración? Los pingüinos de Adelia comen pescado, krill nieve e incluso calamares. Los pingüinos de Adelia comen pescado, krill, nieve e incluso calamares. Los pingüinos de Adelia comen pescado, krill, nieve, e incluso calamares. Los pingüinos de Adelia comen pescado krill nieve e incluso, calamares..

23 ¡Cierra tus libros y espera por instrucciones!
¡Alto! ¡Cierra tus libros y espera por instrucciones!

24 Nombre _________________ Colorea la carita feliz de verde si tu respuesta fue correcta, o roja si tu respuesta fue incorrecta. 3 1 2 Standard RI.1.5 Conocen y utilizan las diferentes funciones del texto (por ejemplo, títulos, tablas de contenido, glosarios, menús electrónicos, iconos) para localizar los hechos clave y la información en un texto. DOK 1 - Cf Puedo encontrar las respuestas en el texto. DOK 2 - Cl Puedo encontrar la información de diferentes características del texto. DOK 2 - APn Puedo encontrar la información sobre diferentes características del texto y explicar lo que significa. 7 4 5 6 Colorea tu puntaje de azul. Standard RI.1.6 Distinguen entre la información proporcionada por las imágenes u otras ilustraciones y la información proporcionada por las palabras en un texto. DOK 2 - Cf Puedo preguntar y responder las preguntas quién, qué, cuándo, por qué sobre la información de las imágenes y el texto. DOK 2 – Ch Yo sé que la información se puede encontrar en imágenes y texto. DOK 2 – APn Puedo elegir la información correcta de las imágenes y el texto para contestar las preguntas. 1 2 3 7. ¿Qué aprediste acerca de los pingüinos del texto y el mapa? 8 9 10 11 Standard RI.1.7 Usan las ilustraciones y los detalles en un texto para describir sus ideas clave DOK 1 - Ce Selecciono las palabras adecuadas cuando se habla de una historia (utilizo las palabras ilustraciones y / o textos). DOK 1 - Ck Respondo las preguntas descriptivas, quién, qué cuándo , dónde , y cómo sobre ideas clave en un texto (leído y hablado). DOK 2 - Cl Encuentro ideas clave usando los detalles en las ilustraciones. DOK 2 - Cl Encuentro ideas clave con detalles en el texto. Colorea tu puntaje de azul. 13 14 15 Escriben y Revisan Escriben y revisan preguntas que preparan a los estudiantes para responder a preguntas de respuesta construida de manera más eficiente. 1 2 3 12. ¿Cómo actúan o se comportan los pingüinos de Adelia? Usa detalles del texto. W.2 ¿Qué oración se podría agregar al párrafo? L.6 ¿Qué palabra podría usarse para reemplazar pequeño? L2c ¿Cuál es la forma correcta de escribir esta oración? 12 Quarter Two Pre-Assessment Informational Text – Important Adjustment Points

25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

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