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Education in Spain before the Bologna reforms EDUCATION IN SPAIN BEFORE THE BOLOGNA REFORMS.

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Presentación del tema: "Education in Spain before the Bologna reforms EDUCATION IN SPAIN BEFORE THE BOLOGNA REFORMS."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Education in Spain before the Bologna reforms EDUCATION IN SPAIN BEFORE THE BOLOGNA REFORMS

2 Education in Spain before the Bologna reforms NARIC SPAIN SUBDIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE TÍTULOS,CONVALIDACIONES Y HOMOLOGACIONES Address: Paseo del Prado, 28. 28014 Madrid E-mail: Tel.: +34 91 506 55 93 Fax: +34 91 5065756

3 Education in Spain before the Bologna reforms Spanish : qualifications 1) Characteristics of official qualifications: - Official Register and catalogue - Difference between “títulos oficiales” and “títulos propios” de las Universidades - Títulos oficiales issued in the name of the King and signed on his behalf by the Minister of Education/CCAA competent authority - in Spanish+co-official language - Special paper, watermarks, number, national coat of arms and standard text.

4 Education in Spain before the Bologna reforms Spanish qualifications 2) Academic and professional effects (Exception: Ley 34/2006, de 30 de octubre, for Abogados and Procuradores).

5 Education in Spain before the Bologna reforms EDUCATION SYSTEM-SISTEMA EDUCATIVO LOGSE Sistema Educativo LOGSE: Nursery School (First Cycle 0-3; 2nd Cycle 3-6) Compulsory Education Primary School (6-12) Compulsory Secondary School (ESO) (12-16)

6 Education in Spain before the Bologna reforms Postcompulsory Education Bachillerato (16-18) Vocational training. (Grado Medio de FP) Título de Técnico de Formación Profesional Design and Artwork (Grado Medio de Artes Plásticas y Diseño) Título de Técnico de Artes Plásticas y Diseño Sports qualifications (Grado Medio) Título de Técnico Deportivo

7 Education in Spain before the Bologna reforms Vocational training. (Grado Superior de FP) Título de Técnico Superior de Formación Profesional Design and Artwork (Grado Superior de Artes Plásticas y Diseño) Técnico Superior de Artes Plásticas y Diseño Sports qualifications (Grado Superior) Título de Técnico Deportivo Superior

8 Education in Spain before the Bologna reforms University Education-Educación Universitaria Access requirements: Título de Bachiller+ Selectividad (Entry exam) Over-25 Special exam UE qualification Non-UE with bilateral agreement Non UE+PAU TGAA: Título de Graduado en Artes Aplicadas. CFGS: Ciclo Formativo de Grado Superior = Título de Técnico Superior.

9 Education in Spain before the Bologna reforms FP2ºG: Formación Profesional de 2º Grado = Título de Técnico Especialista. MPN3: Módulo Profesional de Nivel 3 = Título de Técnico Especialista

10 Education in Spain before the Bologna reforms University Education-Educación Universitaria Degrees: 3-year university degrees (1st cycle) : Diplomado Maestro Ingeniero Técnico Arquitecto Técnico

11 Education in Spain before the Bologna reforms Degrees : 5-year university degrees (first+second cycle ): Licenciado Ingeniero Arquitecto Third cycle degree: Doctor

12 Education in Spain before the Bologna reforms Artwork, Music, Drama and Dance qualifications equivalent to university degrees: Equivalent to Diplomado: Título de Conservación y Restauración de Bienes Culturales Título de Diseño Título Superior de Cerámica Equivalent to Licenciado: Título Superior de Arte Dramático Título Superior de Música

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