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The Imperfect Tense Knowing When to Use the Imperfect.

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Presentación del tema: "The Imperfect Tense Knowing When to Use the Imperfect."— Transcripción de la presentación:


2 The Imperfect Tense Knowing When to Use the Imperfect

3 Actions in the past that occurred repeatedly, which can be translated as “used to” (a.k.a., habitual actions) Yo caminaba todos los días. = (“I walked every day,” “or “I used to walk every day.”) Hablaba con mamá todas las mañanas. = (“I talked with my mom every morning,” or “I used to talk with my mom every morning.”) Ejemplos: The Imperfect Expresses… 1.

4 Actions in the past that occurred over an extended period of time (within a non- specific time/date frame – no set start or end date; can be translated as “would…”) De niño, yo miraba la televisión los sabados, por la mañana. = (As a kid, I watched/would watch television on Saturday mornings.) Yo estaba enferma a menudo. = (I was sick often/I would be sick often.) Ejemplos: 2.

5 Más ejemplos: Yo estudiaba español en el colegio. = (“I studied Spanish in high school,” or “I used to study Spanish in high school.”) Vivía en España cuando tenía 18 años. = (“I lived in Spain when I was 18,” or “I used to live in Spain when I was 18.”) Trabajaba en un restaurante cuando era adolesente. = (“I worked in a restaurant when I was a teen,” or “I used to work in a restaurant when I was a teen.”)

6 Feelings and emotions experienced in the past Yo tenía miedo a las fantasmas. = (I was/used to be afraid of ghosts.”) Quería ir a Disney World. = (I wanted to go to Disney World.) Me gustaban las películas de terror. = (“I liked horror movies,” or “I used to like horror movies.”) Ejemplos: 3.

7 Time in the past. ¿Qué hora era? = (What time was it?) Eran las tres de la tarde. = (It was 3 in the afternoon.) Ejemplo: 4.

8 Describing and expressing background information in the past Hacía frío. = (It was cold.) Estaba en la escuela. = (He was in the school.) La casa era blanca. = (The house was white.) Ejemplos: 5.

9 Ongoing actions in the past (translated as “was/were…ing”) Comía pollo. = (I was eating chicken.) El tomaba el sol. = (He was sunbathing.) La mujer estaba riendo. = (The woman was laughing.) Ejemplos: 6.

10 How old someone was Él tenía nueve años. = (He was 9 years old.) Ejemplo: 7.

11 Phrases that describe the frequency of past actions a menudo = often a veces = sometimes siempre = always todos los días = every day generalmente = generally frecuentemente = frequently

12 Phrases that describe the frequency of past actions cada año = each year cada mes = each month cada día = each day cada verano = each summer cada primavera = each spring cada invierno = each winter cada otoño = each fall/autumn

13 ar For –ar verbs add the following endings to the verb stem: aba yo –aba abas tú –abas aba usted, él, ella –aba ábamos nosotros/as –ábamos abais vosotros/as –abais aban ustedes, ellos, ellas –aban Note: Only the nosotros/as form has an accent mark.

14 er ir For –er and –ir verbs, add the following endings to the verb stem: –ía yo –ía –ías tú –ías –ía usted, él, ella –ía –íamos nosotros/as –íamos –íais vosotros/as –íais –ían ustedes, ellos, ellas –ían Note: All forms have an accent mark over the i.

15 There are only 3 irregular verbs in the imperfect. serirver eraibaveía erasibasveías eraibaveía éramosíbamosveíamos eraisibaisveíais eranibanveían

16 serirver eraibaveía erasibasveías eraibaveía éramosíbamosveíamos eraisibaisveíais eranibanveían What irregularities do they have? Drop the “s” Except for the “yo” form, add endings of an “ar” verb in the present tense. Add “ar” endings of the imperfect. Add “er/ir” endings of the imperfect. Drop the “r”

17 ¿Qué hora era? Corría a la escuela todos los días. Vivíamos en Perú. Estaban contentos. Cantaba todos los días. What time was it? I ran to school every day. We lived in Perú. They were (feeling) happy. She sang every day.

18 A few more… (Try them first, then check your answers on the next slide.) I used to sing and dance. You (informal) would play soccer. He was watching TV. She would put on makeup. We (mixed gender) were studying. You (plural, feminine) used to eat meat before! They (masculine) used to be short.

19 Respuestas (Yo) Cantaba y bailaba. Tú jugabas al fútbol. Él miraba/veía la tele. Ella se maquillaba. Nosotros estudiábamos. Vosotras comíais carne antes! Ellos eran bajos.

20 Credits ©2010 Teacher’s Discovery Written by: Jami Sipe Edited by: M. Benford Additional Information by: Suzanne Rutkowski Adriana Miretti Graphics and Design: Joseph Kohler Order Today! To get more of these Spanish grammar presentations, go to: Search: Grammar PowerPoints™

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