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Imperfecto Use the imperfect to talk about what you used to do or what you were like in the past.

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Presentación del tema: "Imperfecto Use the imperfect to talk about what you used to do or what you were like in the past."— Transcripción de la presentación:


2 Imperfecto Use the imperfect to talk about what you used to do or what you were like in the past.

3 The imperfect past tense Weather Age Time USED TO DO Periodically Emotions

4 All of the –ar verbs are regular. The endings for –er and –ir verbs share the same endings. All verbs have a written accent on the nosotros form.

5 -ar endings Yo - aba Nosotros -- á bamos Tu - abas ----- Él/Ella/Ud. - aba Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes - aban

6 -er and -ir Yo -ía Nosotros íamos Tu - ías -- Él/Ella/Ud. -ía Ellos/ - ían

7 Hablar Yo hablabaNosotros Habl á bamos Tú hablabas---- Él/Ella/Ud Hablaba Ellos/Ellas Ustedes Hablaban

8 Nadar Nadaba Nad á bamos Nadabas--- nadabanadaban

9 Correr CorríaCorríamos Corr ías -- CorríaCorrían

10 vivir Viv ía Viv íamos Viv ías --- viv ía viv ían

11 There are only 3 irregular verbs in the imperfect tense!!!!! Ser : to be Ir : to go Ver : to see

12 SER = to be ***Irregular*** Era é ramos Eras-- eraeran

13 Ir= to go***irregular*** iba í bamos ibas--- ibaiban

14 Ver = to see ***irregular*** Ve ía Ve íamos Ve ías --- Ve ía Ve ían

15 Try the following: 1.Hablar (yo) 2.Comer (ellos) 3.Escribir (nosotros) 4.Poner (tú) 5.Dar (Marta y yo) 6.Comprar (Juan y Ana) 7.Beber (usted) 8.Salir (tú) 9.Vivir (ustedes) 10.Estudiar (Paco)

16 Check your answers! 1.Hablaba 2.Comían 3.Escribíamos 4.Ponías 5.Dábamos 6.Compraban 7.Bebía 8.Salías 9.Vivían 10.Estudiaba

17 Check your answers! 1.tenía 2.era 3.vivía 4.jugábamos 5.nadaba 6.corrían 7.pasabas

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