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El período colonial.

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Presentación del tema: "El período colonial."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 El período colonial

2 El virreinato del Perú En los siglos XVI y XVII, se extendía desde el estrecho de Magallanes hasta Ecuador Su capital fue Lima In 1532, a group of conquistadors led by Francisco Pizarro defeated and captured Inca Emperor Atahualpa. Ten years later, the Spanish Crown established the Viceroyalty of Peru, which included most of its South American colonies.[12] Viceroy Francisco de Toledo reorganized the country in the 1570s with silver mining as its main economic activity and Amerindian forced labor as its primary workforce.[13] Peruvian bullion provided revenue for the Spanish Crown and fueled a complex trade network that extended as far as Europe and the Philippines.[14] However, by the 18th century, declining silver production and economic diversification greatly diminished royal income.[15] In response, the Crown enacted the Bourbon Reforms, a series of edicts that increased taxes and partitioned the Viceroyalty of Peru.[16] The new laws provoked Túpac Amaru II's rebellion and other revolts, all of which were defeated.[17] Virreinato- viceroyship- a person appointed to rule a country as the deputy of the sovereign

3 Las ciudades coloniales
La forma era igual a la de España: Las calles se cruzaban en una red octagonal El centro tenía una plaza La Plaza de Armas Edificios administrativos y religiosos

4 Las casas más cercanas a la plaza
eran las más importantes La mayoría eran de 2 pisos con balcón

5 La segunda zona era de casas de un piso
De una clase menos acomodada Pintadas de colores alegres Las afueras Para los indígenas

6 los criollos y los hidalgos
la sociedad colonial los europeos los criollos y los hidalgos mestizos indígenas mulatos africanos descendientes de los conquistadores-- criollos Mulatos – mezcla de africanos y europeo Mestizo – mezcla de europeo con indio

7 Noticias corrientes 1800 Los reyes en España eran Carlos IV (1788 – 1808) y su hijo Fernando VII (1808, ) débiles con más interés en cazar o en la moda In 1788, Charles III died and Charles IV succeeded to the throne. Even though he had a profound belief in the sanctity of his office and kept up the appearance of an absolute, powerful monarch, he never took more than a passive part in the direction of his own government, occupying himself with hunting. The affairs of government he left to his wife and his prime minister. In 1792, Maria Luisa finally succeeded in ousting the Count of Floridablanca from office and had him replaced with Pedro Pablo Abarca de Bolea, Count of Aranda, the chief of the Aragonese party. However, in the wake of the war against Republican France, the liberal-leaning Count of Aranda was replaced by Manuel de Godoy, a favourite of the Queen and allegedly her lover, who thenceforth enjoyed the lasting favour of the King. Equestrian statue of Charles IV in Mexico City. Silver 8 real coin of Charles IV, struck in 1806. Godoy continued Aranda's policy of neutrality towards France but after Spain protested against the execution of the deposed king in 1793, France declared war on Spain and in 1795 forced Godoy to conclude an alliance and declare war on the Kingdom of Great Britain. In 1803, after smallpox had affected his daughter María Luísa, the king commissioned his doctor Francisco Javier de Balmis to bring the vaccine to the Spanish colonies on state expenses. Spain remained an ally of France and supported the Continental Blockade until the British naval victory at Trafalgar. However, After Napoleon's victory over Prussia in 1807, Godoy again steered Spain back onto the French side. This switching back and forth devalued Charles' position as a trustworthy ally while the return to the French alliance increased Godoy's unpopularity and strengthened partido fernandista, the supporters of Crown Prince Ferdinand, who favoured a close relationship with the United Kingdom. [edit] Abdication When King Charles was told that his son Ferdinand was appealing to Napoleon against Godoy, he took the side of the minister. When the populace rose at Aranjuez in 1808 he abdicated on 19 March, in favour of his son,[2] to save the minister who had been taken prisoner. Ferdinand took the throne as Ferdinand VII, but was mistrusted by Napoleon who had 100,000 soldiers in Spain by that time. Charles IV found refuge in France, and became a prisoner of Napoleon: the latter, posing as arbiter, summoned both Charles IV and his son to Bayonne in April and coaxed Charles (who had a difficult time restraining himself from assaulting his son) to retract his earlier abdication and abdicate, on 5 May 1808, in favour of Napoleon.[3] Napoleon then made his brother Joseph Bonaparte king in Spain

8 ¿Qué pasaba en el resto del mundo?
Napoleón Bonaparte iba conquistando Europa incluso la Peninsula Ibérica --tenía mucha influencia con Godoy

9 Las colonias americanas ganaron su independencia en 1776
Haití se revolucionó violentamente en 1791

10 La Independencia Eran colonias por 3 siglos
Ganaron inspiración de las revoluciones francesa y americana Los criollos pidieron reformas PERO no querían ser subyugados por Francia y Bonaparte ni querían servir a un amo francés, José Bonaparte.

11 La Independencia cont. Comenzó a manifestarse el sentimiento patrio y de identidad nacional. El concepto de libertad adquirió gran significado con el nacionalismo

12 Quejas: La política intervencionalista
El control económico de los españoles La monarquía permitió comercio sólo con España España compraba las materias primas a precios bajos y las vendían a precios altos

13 Una monarquía débil Carlos fue un rey débil
Cedió mucho poder a su reina y Godoy Napoleón manipuló la abdicación de Carlos José Napoleón fue nombrado rey por Bonaparte

14 Quejas cont: En vez de ser colonias de un francés (José Bonaparte), querían más autonomía (tenían intención de volverse colonias españolas después de que se recuperara un español el trono de España)

15 Rebeliones Al principio del siglo XIX Simón Bolivar al norte
en Venezuela y Colombia General José de San Martín en Argentina y Chile hasta Lima El movimiento de independencia empezó con los criollos que no querían aceptar a Napoleón y José Bonaparte. Solo querían gobernarse hasta que regresó la monarquía española

16 Rebeliones cont. Antonio José de Sucre Bernardo O’Higgins
Hijo ilegítimo Libertador de Chile Amigo de San Martín

17 La independencia Victorias en Junín y Ayacucho en 1824 terminó el dominio español

18 Ecuador Guayaquil en 1820 fue la primera ciudad que logró independencia 24 de mayo, 1824 se liberó el resto del país bajo el Gen. Sucre 1830 se separó Luz de la América -el apodo de Quito Las acciones en Ecuador inspiraron el movimiento de independencia

19 Perú En 1821 San Martín capturó Lima y declaró su independencia
Ganaron su independencia oficialmente en 1824 cuando el general Sucre ganó en la batalla de Ayacucho

20 Simón Bolívar “El Libertador” Era un hombre educado e idealista
Un líder militar y político de la revolución, era venezolano Participó en la independencia de Bolivia, Ecuador, Perú y Venezuela (en el norte)

21 José de San Martín Un general argentino Luchó para la indepen-
dencia de Sudamérica Dirigió el Ejército de los Andes Trabajó con Bolívar para librar a Perú, y tuvo éxito

22 Bernardo O'Higgins Quería autonomía porque no le gustaba un rey francés en el trono español chileno ilegítimo Trabajó con San Martin para librar a Chile de España Freed Chile 2nd supreme director of chile Irish & basque Sp gov was French dominated 1810 Criollos wanted a limited self gov w/ aim to restore Spanish king to throne

23 Antonio José de Sucre Era venezolano, amigo de Bolívar
Un general en la lucha de la independencia In 1821, Bolívar put him in charge of the campaign to liberate Quito, and Sucre won a decisive victory at the Battle of Pichincha on May 24, Shortly after the battle, Sucre and Bolívar entered the newly-liberated Quito and Sucre was named President of the Province of Quito. Further victories followed over the Spanish forces in Perú, notably on August 6, 1824 at the Battle of Junín. On December 9, Sucre decisively captured the bulk of the Spanish troops and command, including the Viceroy, at Ayacucho. The victory ensured the independence of Peru and Alto Perú, which Sucre and others soon established as the new country of Bolivia, thus ending all fighting for independence in Spanish South America. As a reward for his efforts, Sucre was given the highest possible honorary title of the "Grand Marshall of Ayacucho" at the age of 29. After the victory at Ayacucho, Bolívar would write his Resumen Sucinto de la Vida del General Sucre, a short biography full of flattering comments about his lieutenant. In a letter telling Sucre of the biography he had written, Bolívar said: “Believe me, General, nobody loves your glory as much as I do. Never has a Chief paid more glorious tribute to a lieutenant. At the moment it is being printed, a telling of your life done by myself; being faithful to my conscience I give you all that you deserve. I say this so that you can see that I am fair: I disapprove much that I do not think is right, but at the same time I admire that which is sublime.Sucre was elected president of Bolivia in 1826 Presidente de Bolivia después de la independencia

24 Después del movimiento
Ecuador, Perú y Bolivia han tenido una historia política bastante turbulenta con enfrentamientos entre conservadores y liberales y militaristas Han tenido gobiernos democráticos y dictaduras

25 Después del movimiento cont
Han gozado de períodos estables y han sufrido períodos inestables. Los 3 paíes han conservado la mayor población indígena de todos los países sudamericanos. Los indígenas y mestizos alcanzan aproximadamente 70% aunque su voz es menor.

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