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Santiago Bilingual Primary School.

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Presentación del tema: "Santiago Bilingual Primary School."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Santiago Bilingual Primary School.
La Línea. Spain. ANIMALS

2 Animal actions. Animals can do many actions.
(Los animales pueden hacer muchas acciones:) Animal actions. (Acciones de los animales.) Walk. (Andar.) Jump. (Saltar.) Run. (Correr.) Fly. (Volar.) Crawl. (Reptar.) Climb. (Trepar.) Swim. (Nadar.)

3 Animals. (Animales.) Animals can be divided into: Vertebrate animals:
(Los animales se pueden dividir en:) Vertebrate animals: (Vertebrados.) Animals: (Animales.) They have an internal skeleton. (Tienen esqueleto interno.) Invertebrate animals: (Invertebrados) The don´t have an internal skeleton. (No tienen esqueleto.)

4 Mammals. Mamals. (Mamíferos) (Mamíferos.) They are vetebrate animals.
(Son animales vertebrados.) Mamals. (Mamíferos) They are viviparous. (Son vivíparos.) They have hair or fun on their bodies. (Tienen pelo o piel sobre su cuerpo.)

5 Mammals feeding. Mammals can eat different food. Carnivores.
(Alimentación de los mamíferos.) Mammals can eat different food. (Los mamíferos pueden comer alimentos diferentes.) Carnivores. (Carnívoros.) Herbivores. (Hervíboros.) They eat others animals. (Comen otros animales.) They eat plants. (Comen plantas.) Omnivores. (Omnivoros.) They eat plants and others animals. (Comen plantas y otros animales.)

6 Birds. Birds. (Aves.) (Aves.) They are vetebrate animals.
(Son animales vertebrados.) Birds. (Aves.) They are oviparous. They are born from eggs. (Son ovíparos. Nacen de huevos.) They can be carnivores, herbivores or omnivores. (Pueden ser carnívoros, herbívoros u omnívoros.)

7 Birds parts. Beak. Wings. Tail. Feathers. Legs. (Patas.) (Pico.)
(Partes de un ave.) Beak. (Pico.) Wings. (Alas.) Tail. (Cola.) Feathers. (Plumas.) Legs. (Patas.)

8 Vocabulary: Birds. (Vocabulario: Aves.)
Penguin. (Pingüino.) Duck (Pato.) Chicken. (Pollo.) Pigeon. (Paloma.) Vocabulary: Birds. (Vocabulario: Aves.)

9 Reptiles. Reptiles. (Reptiles.) (Reptiles.)
They are vetebrate animals. (Son animales vertebrados.) They are oviparous. (Son ovíparos.) Reptiles. (Reptiles.) They have scales. (Tienen escamas.) Many of them crawls and have a tail. (Muchos reptan y tienen cola.) They live on land. (Viven en la tierra.)

10 Amphibians. (Anfibios.) They are vetebrate animals.
(Son animales vertebrados.) Amphibians. (Anfibios.) They are oviparous. (Son ovíparos.) Their skin is wet. (Su piel es húmeda.) They live in or near the water. (Viven en el agua o cerca de ella.)

11 Frog. (Rana.) Crocodile. (Cocodrilo.) Salamander (Salamandra.) Tortoise. (Tortuga.) Chamaleon. (Camaleón.) Snake. (Serpiente.) Vocabulary: Reptiles and amphibians. (Vocabulario: Reptiles y anfibios.)

12 Fish. Fish. (Peces.) (Peces.) They are vetebrate animals.
(Son animales vertebrados.) Fish. (Peces.) They are oviparous. (Son ovíparos.) They have fins and scales. (Tienen aletas y escamas.) They live in fresh water or seawater. (Viven en agua dulce o salada.)

13 Vocabulary: Fish. (Vocabulario: Peces.)
Sardine. (Sardina.) Swordfish (Pez espada.) Trout. (Trucha.) Carp. (Carpa.) Tuna. (Atún.) Shark. (Tiburón.) Vocabulary: Fish. (Vocabulario: Peces.)

14 Most insects have wings.
They are invertebrate (Son invertebrados) Insects (Insectos) They are oviparous. (Son ovíparos.) They have six legs . (Tienen seis patas.) They have two antennae. (Tienen dos antenas.) Most insects have wings. (La mayoría tienen alas.)

15 Spider. (Araña.) Ladybird. (Mariquita.) Ant. (Hormiga.) Centipede. (Ciempiés.) Fly. (Mosca) Butterfly. (Mariposa.) Grasshopper. (Saltamontes.) Vocabulary: Invertebrate animals. (Vocabulario: Animales invertebrados.)


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