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SEMANA CUATRO Pensamientos In the first column of the KWL chart in your ¿ qu é hacemos hoy? packet, write what a respectful, prepared, proactive, and positive.

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Presentación del tema: "SEMANA CUATRO Pensamientos In the first column of the KWL chart in your ¿ qu é hacemos hoy? packet, write what a respectful, prepared, proactive, and positive."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 SEMANA CUATRO Pensamientos In the first column of the KWL chart in your ¿ qu é hacemos hoy? packet, write what a respectful, prepared, proactive, and positive student does in our class In the second column, write what you want to know about how to be a respectful, prepared, proactive, and positive student in our class **agarre un libro de texto para cada persona en su grupo

2 Que ya séQue quiero saber Que aprendí Respetuoso Dispuesto Proactivo positivo

3 Reviso: How to describe what someone needs to do Mire a sus apuntes o las p á ginas 214 y 217 para contestar a las preguntas en su paquete. Look at your notes or pages 214 and 217 to answer the questions in your ¿ qu é hacemos hoy? packet. Comportamiento: sitting and taking notes from book, low noise level, can get up to use resources and can work with group

4 1.What is the verb in Spanish that means to need ? necesitar 2.What is a phrase using the word tener you can use to also say you need to, you have to, or you must ? Tener que 3.In that phrase, what is the verb you must conjugate? tener 4.When you use a reflexive verb in the infinitive, what part of the verb changes? Se ejemplo: ponerse

5 1.Fill in the graph of reflexive pronouns below: Yo meNosotros nos T ú te Vosotros os Ella seEllos se 2. How would you say I am in the mood to eat a hamburger ? Tengo ganas de comer una hamburguesa. 3. How would you say I need to shower but I am in a hurry ? Necesito ducharme pero tengo prisa. 4.How would you say I must brush my teeth but I am sleepy ? Tengo que lavarme los dientes pero tengo sue ñ o.

6 Competición de bolsa 1.One person from the class goes to the front and pulls a subject from one bag and a chore/daily routine from the other bag. 2.All the teams write on their whiteboard a sentence using: el sujeto the subject necesitar/tener que need/have to quehacer/rutina diaria the chore/daily routine 3.Ms. Mehl calls on a group to read their sentence. If the sentence is correctly written the group wins a point. If it is incorrect another group is called on. 4.The group with the most points at the end wins stickers.

7 Actividad de práctica A Combine el sujeto, tener que, necesitar, y las palabras de vocabulario en oraciones completas para describir que necesitan hacer para prepararse. Combine the subject, tener que or necesitar, and the vocabulary word/phrase to create a COMPLETE SENTENCE describing what these people need to do to get ready. Modelo: Los estudiantes tienen que levantarse. Yo necesito sacar la basura.

8 Actividad de práctica A: Respuestas 1.Britnay tiene que cortar el c é sped. 2.Sasha y su hermana necesitan peinarse. 3.Madre, tiene que ponerse la ropa. 4.Nosotras necesitamos maquillarnos. 5.T ú tienes que afeitarte. 6.Yo necesito ducharme. 7.Ustedes tienen que planchar.

9 Reviso: How to describe the date and the time Mire a las p á ginas 88 y 154 para contestar a las preguntas en su paquete. Look at pages 88 and 154 to answer the questions in your ¿ qu é hacemos hoy? packet.

10 1.How would you write It is 10:00am Son las diez de la ma ñ ana. 2.How would you write The party is at 10:00am La fiesta es a las diez de la ma ñ ana. 3.What is the formula for giving the date? El + number + de + month + de + year 4.What is the first day of the month called? El primero 5.How would you write The party is on July 30th, 2009 La fiesta es el treinta de julio de 2009

11 Actividad de práctica B 1.Write a sentence about when some parties your family is going to have will be. Modelo: January 25 / 8:00pm La fiesta es a las ocho de la noche el 25 de veinticinco de enero. 1.After finishing, look for the answers on the walls. 2.Write in your packet the letters underneath the correct answers. 3.Unmix the letters to find out Profa. Mehl s birthday and write it in your packet. Comportamiento: working independently, sitting and walking, low noise level, move on to the next activity in your packet once you have finished

12 1.La fiesta es a las nueve de la mañana el ocho de enero. 2.La fiesta es a las diez de la noche el dieciocho de febrero. 3.La fiesta es a las tres de la tarde el once de marzo. 4.La fiesta es a las seis de la mañana el veintiséis de abril. 5.La fiesta es a las nueve de la mañana el diecinueve de mayo. 6.La fiesta es al mediodía el cinco de julio. 7.La fiesta es a las siete de la noche el primero de agosto. Cumpleaños de Profa. Mehl: el cinco de julio

13 Draft of Drawing of Party with Caption and Invitation Get out the following for your party project: instructions/rubric draft of the drawing of party with caption draft of invitation Correct and fix your drafts using the notes and what you learned today. Once you have fixed the drafts, grade your work using the rubric for the project. Scores you gave yourself (1-4) Drawing of party with captionInvitationSpellingConjugationPunctuationSentence structure

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