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You can print this PowerPoint, but make sure you select “Handouts” so you have at least 2-4 slides per page. Pincha aquí para practicar los tiempos verbales:

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Presentación del tema: "You can print this PowerPoint, but make sure you select “Handouts” so you have at least 2-4 slides per page. Pincha aquí para practicar los tiempos verbales:"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 You can print this PowerPoint, but make sure you select “Handouts” so you have at least 2-4 slides per page. Pincha aquí para practicar los tiempos verbales: You must select “all but vosotros” in the pronouns. You can also choose what verbs to practice (make sure you include venir, ser, ir, poder, salir, graduarse, estar, decir, dar, dirigir, querer, poner and tener). You need to select these TENSES to practice (you can do them all at once or one at a time): Conditional Future Preterite Present Present Subjunctive Imperfect subjunctive (-ra) Present Perfect Subjunctive Past Perfect Subjunctive A summary of some of these tenses follows!

2 FUTURO  Infinitivo +-é-emos -ás -á-án CONDICIONAL  infinitivo +-ía-íamos -ías -ía-ían IRREGULAR STEMS FOR VERBS IN THE FUTURE AND CONDITIONAL: DRUMMERS!!! Querr-(Querer) Tendr-(tener) Podr-(poder) Pondr-(poner) Har-(hacer) Dir-(decir) Sabr-(saber) Saldr- (salir) Vendr-(venir) -AR VERBS -é-amos -aste -ó-aron -ER/IR VERBS -í-imos -iste -ió-ieron WEIRD STEMS -E-IMOS -ISTE -O-IERON(*eron) Anduv- *Dij- Estuv- *Traj- Tuv- * Conduj- Pud- Pus- Sup- Vin- Quis- Hic- IRREGULAR PRETERITES: Ver/dar Vi/diVimos/dimos Viste/diste Vio/dioVieron/dieron Ser/Ir FuiFuimos Fuiste FueFueron Yo bailaréYo bailaría Yo bailé

3 THEY PRETERITERON -RA-RAMOS -RAS -RA-RAN IMPERFECT SUBJUNCTIVE  PRESENT PERFECT SUBJUNCTIVE  PAST PERFECT SUBJUNCTIVE  HAYAHAYAMOS HAYAS HAYAHAYAN HUBIERAHUBIÉRAMOS HUBIERAS HUBIERAHUBIERAN -ADO -IDO -ADO -IDO Irregulares: Escrito Impreso Hecho Muerto Visto Roto IdoAbierto ¡Dudo que hayas visto a un verbo tan perfecto como yo! Dudé que me hubieras visto Si yo fuera tú, no bailaría *Si + Imperfect subj. + Condicional* Si eres bueno, tendrás amigos *Si + Present + Future*

4 UWEIRDO SITUATION FORMULAS Present/present progr./present perfect/future + que + present subj./present perf. subj.. 1 2 Preterite/imperf./past progr./conditional/past perfect + que + imperf. Subj. or past perf. Subj. 1 2 Examples/translation Quiero/Estoy queriendo/He querido/Querré + que + corras/hayas corrido. I want/I’m wanting/I have wanted/I will want that you run / you have ran 1 2 Quise/Quería/Estaba queriendo/Querría/Había querido+ que + corrieras or hubieras corrido I wanted/I used to want/I was wanting/I would want/I had wanted that you ran / had run 1 2

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