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La descarga está en progreso. Por favor, espere

The direct object receives the action of the verb. The indirect object receives the direct object.

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Presentación del tema: "The direct object receives the action of the verb. The indirect object receives the direct object."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 The direct object receives the action of the verb. The indirect object receives the direct object.

2 Example: I love Juan. I love him. Juan= direct object him= direct object pronoun Example: Yes I buy blueberries. Yes I buy them. blueberries= direct object them= direct object pronoun

3 Ejemplo: Amo a Juan. Lo amo. complemento directo= Juan pronombre de complemento directo= lo Ejemplo: Sí, compro los arándanos. Sí, los compro. complemento directo= los arándanos pronombre de complemento directo= los

4 me= menos= us te= youos (España)= you all lo / la= him, it, you (usted) / her, it, you (usted) los / las= them, you all

5 Example: I give money to Juan. I give money to him. Juan= indirect object him= indirect object pronoun Example: Yes I buy blueberries for Juan. Yes I buy him blueberries. Juan= indirect object him= indirect object pronoun

6 Ejemplo: Yo le doy el dinero a Juan. Yo le doy el dinero. complemento indirecto= Juan pronombre de complemento indirecto= le Ejemplo: Sí, le compro los arándanos a Juan. Sí, le compro arándanos. complemento indirecto= Juan pronombre de complemento indirecto= le

7 me= menos= us te= youos (España)= you all le= him, her, it, you (usted)les= them, you all

8 ¡¡¡¡¡Wait a second!!!!! ¿¿¿Doesnt the sentence Yo le doy el dinero a Juan already HAVE the indirect object pronoun le ??? Why, yes it does!!! But isnt that incredibly redundant?? Why, yes it is!!

9 In Spanish if you have an indirect object you have to always also use the indirect object pronoun!!!!!!!!! The indirect object is optional, the indirect object pronoun is NOT!!!!!!!!!

10 Put the indirect first If the indirect is le or les combined with the direct lo, la, los or las, the indirect changes to se.

11 Example: I give money to Juan. I give it to him. money= direct object Juan= indirect object it= direct object pronoun him= indirect object pronoun Ejemplo: Yo le doy el dinero a Juan. Yo se lo doy. complemento directo= el dinero complemento indirecto= Juan pronombre de complemento directo= lo pronombre de complemento indirecto= le (changing to se because its combined with lo)

12 In front ofAttached to 1.conjugated verbs a.lo compramos 2.negative commands lo compres 1.infinitives a.comprarlo 2.affirmative commands a.cómpralo 3.present participle a.comprándolo

13 Always to the present participle comprándolo Always to affirmative commands of 2 or more syllables cómpralo ponlo Always to the infinitive when attaching 2 pronouns comprárselo To affirmative commands of 1 syllable only when adding 2 pronouns póntelo

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