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Cone people and gatherer get your items to collect papers.

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Presentación del tema: "Cone people and gatherer get your items to collect papers."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Cone people and gatherer get your items to collect papers

2 Bienvenida


4 objetivos Create a partner clock. Ask and respond to questions in the book. Use flash cards to play a game

5 ALC 28 match the opposites. Generoso/a Impaciente Desordenado/a Trabajador/a Serio/a Atrevido/a Deportista Tacaño/a Paciente Ordenado/a Perezoso/a Gracioso/a Prudente Artístico/a

6 ALC 28 Answers. Atrevido/a Deportista Desordenado/a Generoso/a Impaciente Serio/a Trabajador/a Prudente Artístico/a Ordenado/a Tacaño/a Paciente Gracioso/a Perezoso/a

7 Use the 1 minute transition time to hand in papers and get a book. Cone people should have cones. Score and turn in your ALC If you have late work turn it into the cone people. Cone people: make a separate pile of papers for papers. One for late work one for ALCs Get papers to gatherer quickly.

8 Cantar la canción las mañanitas. Estas son las mañanitas, que cantaba el Rey David, Que canciones tan bonitas, la que te cantan a ti.el Rey David (Hoy por ser día de tu santo, te las cantamos a ti,)

9 Despierta, mi bien, despierta, mira que ya amaneció, Ya los pajarillos cantan, la luna ya se metió.

10 Que linda está la mañana en que vengo a saludarte, Venimos todos con gusto y placer a felicitarte,

11 El día en que tu naciste nacieron todas las flores En la pila del bautismo, cantaron los ruiseñores

12 Ya viene amaneciendo, ya la luz del día nos dio, Levántate de mañana, mira que ya amaneció.

13 On a sheet of paper in your notebook draw a large circle.

14 Make a line at 12:00,3:00,6:00and 9:00

15 Find a person and write the name of that person in 12:00 JOHNJOHN

16 Find another person and write the name of that person in 3:00 JOHNJOHN Mary

17 Find another person and write the name of that person in 6:00 JOHNJOHN Mary MIKeMIKe

18 Find another person and write the name of that person in 9:00 JOHNJOHN Mary MIKeMIKe Jane

19 Open your book to p 40 Work through the oral conversation on page 40 with your partner following the model Two groups will be able to present what they did to the class.

20 Get with your 6:00 partner

21 Open your book to p 41 Work through the oral conversation on page 41 with your partner following the model Two groups will be able to present what they did to the class.

22 On an assignment paper do page any three questions and responses from page 40 and three from page 41 Assignment paper is title p 40-42.

23 Go to your 12:00 partner. Take your flash cards. Check your partners paper to see if they have written with capital letters where necessary and have the correct punctuation. Answer the questions on p 42 section 1

24 Score your paper. You get 6 points for completing page 40 6 points for completing page 41 6 points for completing page 42 2 points for your title. Hand the paper in to the cone person and have your flash cards ready.

25 Flash cards- Memory Use both sets of cards. Shuffle the cards. Place them face down on the tables.

26 Game one Find the same card Generoso-generoso Say the card in Spanish each time you pick it up.

27 Game two Find the opposite card Generoso-tacaño Say the card in Spanish each time you pick it up.

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