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C APITULO 2 Segundo Paso (Talking about taking care of yourself)

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Presentación del tema: "C APITULO 2 Segundo Paso (Talking about taking care of yourself)"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 C APITULO 2 Segundo Paso (Talking about taking care of yourself)

2 R EVIEW OF COMMANDS Affirmative commands Use él,ella,usted form of verb. Ex. comer: come hablar: habla dormir: duerme Negative commands Always start with NO Take YO form of verb and drop the O AR-verbs, add ES ER,IR-verbs add AS

3 EXAMPLES Comer Hablar Dormir Nadar Sacar Jugar Gozar No comas No hables No duermas No nades No saques No juegues No goces

4 V ERBS WITH I RREGULAR COMMAND FORMS Verb Affirmative command Negative command HacerhazNo hagas poner ponNo pongas tenertenNo tengas *ir *ve *No vayas *ser*sé *No seas venirven No vengas salir sal No salgas decirdiNo digas

5 los ojos el oido, la oreja el nariz ear nose hear la cabeza eyes The hair el pelo

6 el diente la lengua las pestañas tongue eyelashes mouth la boca tooth los labios lips

7 los hombros la espalda arm back el brazo el cuello shoulders neck

8 la muñeca la mano la cintura los dedos chest wrist elbow el codo hand fingers waist el pecho

9 el tobillo el talon heel thigh el muslo ankle Knee la rodilla la pierna

10 Reflexive verbs Reflexive verbs are verbs in which the action reflects back on the subject The infinitives have SE attached to them Reflexive pronouns are placed before the verb or attached to the infinitive Reflexive pronouns Yo Tú É l/ella Usted me te se Nosotros Ellos/ellas Ustedes } nos se }

11 R EFLEXIVE VERBS Lavarse Ducharse Maquillarse Peinarse Cepillarse (los dientes) Afeitarse Levantarse Dormirse (ue) Vestirse (i) Acostarse (ue) To wash oneself To shower To put on make up To comb ones hair To brush To shave To get up To fall asleep To get dressed To go to bed

12 R EFLEXIVE VERBS ponerse Despertarse (ie) bañarse To put on To wake up To bathe oneself

13 Ex. Lavarse cepillarse vestirse (i) YO TÚ ÉL ELLA USTED NOSOTROS USTEDES ELLOS/AS } } me lavo te lavas se lava nos lavamos se lavan me cepillo te cepillas se cepilla nos cepillamos se cepillan me visto te vistes se viste nos vestimos se visten

14 R EFLEXIVE VERBS WITH INFINITIVES In sentences with more than one verb (a MAIN verb and an INFINITIVE), you can: Attach the pronoun to the infinitive Yo voy a peinarme para la fiesta Marta no piensa acostarse muy tarde Nosotros necestiamo levantarnos temprano

15 R EFLEXIVE VERBS WITH COMMANDS Attach the reflexive pronoun to the end of an affirmative command ¡Cuídate mucho! (Take care of yourself) Place the reflexive pronoun before a negative command No te acuestes muy tarde. (Dont go to bed very late.)

16 T ALKING ABOUT TAKING CARE OF YOURSELF la alimentación Alimentarse bien (ie) Alimentarse mal(ie) Bajar de peso Broncearse Tomar el sol Comer comida sana Compartir con alguien Contribuir Cuidarse el peso Darse cuenta de Dormir (ue, u) lo suficiente Nutrition To eat well To eat poorly To lose weight To suntan To sunbathe To eat healthy food To share with someone To contribute To watch ones weight To realize To get enough sleep

17 T ALKING ABOUT TAKING CARE OF YOURSELF Dormirse (ue, u) Ducharse Echarle mucha sal a la comida Estar a dieta Estar a régimen La grasa Hacer ejercicio (aeróbico) Mantenerse (ie) en forma El peligro Pesarse El piel Ponerse crema protectora To fall asleep To take a shower To put a lot of salt on food To be on a diet Fat To (do aerobic) exercise To stay in shape Danger To weigh oneself Skin To put on sunscreen

18 T ALKING ABOUT TAKING CARE OF YOURSELF Quedarse en frente a la tele Quemarse Sentirse (ie, i) muy solo(a) Subir de peso Tener (ie) buenos hábitos de alimentación El bienestar To stay in front of the TV To get a sunburn To feel very lonely To gain weight To have good eating habits Well- being

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