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Hagan Ahora {Antes} What is a reflexive verb?. Verbs that are used to tell that a person does something to or for him or herself. Examples: wash your.

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Presentación del tema: "Hagan Ahora {Antes} What is a reflexive verb?. Verbs that are used to tell that a person does something to or for him or herself. Examples: wash your."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Hagan Ahora {Antes} What is a reflexive verb?

2 Verbs that are used to tell that a person does something to or for him or herself. Examples: wash your face (as opposed to wash your car), brush your hair (as opposed to brush your cat)

3 How do you conjugate a reflexive verb? Step 1- move the se in front Step 2- make the se agree with the subject Reflexive Pronouns Yo – meNosotros- nos Tú – te El/ ella/ ud.- seellos/ellas/uds. – se Step 3- conjugate the verb like normal, drop the – ar, -er, or –ir Step 4- add ending to make the verb agree with the subject

4 Example Lavarse Yo me lavoNosotros nos lavamos Tú te lavas El/ella/ud. se lava Ellos/ellas/uds. se lavan

5 Stem-changing Verbs 1 st - o -> ue (ex. Acostarse) 2 nd - e -> ie (ex. Despertarse) 3 rd - e -> i ( ex. Vestirse)

6 Acostarse Step 1 – move se to the front Step 2- make se agree with subject Step 3- change o to ue, except in nosotros Step 4- drop –ar Step 5- add appropriate endings

7 Acostarse Yo me acuesto Tú te acuestas El/ ella/ ud. se acuesta Nosotros nos acostamos Ellos/ellas/uds. se acuestan

8 Despertarse Step 1- move se in front Step 2- change se to agree with subject Step 3- change e to ie, except in nosotros Step 4- drop –ar Step 5- add endings to make verb agree with subject

9 Despertarse Yo me despierto Tú te despiertas El/ella/ud. se despierta Nosotros nos despertamos Ellos/ellas/uds. se despiertan

10 Vestirse Step 1- move se in front Step 2- make se agree with subject Step 3- change e to i, except nosotros Step 4- drop –ir Step 5- add appropriate ending

11 Vestirse Yo me visto Tú te vistes El/ella/ud. se viste Nosotros nos vestimos Ellos/ellas/uds. se visten

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