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Los Pronombres de Complementos Indirectos Indirect Object Pronouns IOPs Español II Unidad 8A.

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Presentación del tema: "Los Pronombres de Complementos Indirectos Indirect Object Pronouns IOPs Español II Unidad 8A."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Los Pronombres de Complementos Indirectos Indirect Object Pronouns IOPs Español II Unidad 8A

2 Estamos en página 9 de la guía de estudiar.

3 Indirect Object Pronouns (IOPs) An indirect object is something that tells us __________ or __________ something is said or done. to whom for whom

4 An indirect object pronoun (called pronombre de complemento indirecto) may replace an indirect object. You have actually already seen these used with the verb gustar. Gustar – to like something, to be pleased by something Me gusta – I likeNos gusta – we like Te gusta – you likeOs gusta – you all like Le gusta – he/she/Ud. likeLes gusta – they/Uds. like

5 The Indirect Object Pronouns (IOPs) look like the Direct Object Pronouns (DOPs), with the exception of le and les. Singluar IOPsPlural IOPs me – to me, for menos – to us, for us te – to you, for youos – to you all, for you all le – to you, for you (Ud.) To him, for him To her, for her les – to you, for you (Uds.) To them, for them

6 Estamos en página 10 de la guía de estudiar.

7 IOPs – Placement Rules and Practice IOPs follow the same rules for placement that we used with DOPs. Rule #1: If you have one conjugated verb, the IOP goes before the verb. Ejemplo: Yo le doy el papel.  I’m giving him/her the paper.

8 IOPs – Placement Rules and Practice Ejemplo: Yo le doy el papel.  I’m giving him/her the paper. We can also add the person’s name or él/ella for emphasis or clarification. Yo le doy el papel a él.  I’m giving him the paper.

9 Vamos a Practicar: 1.Rosa buys a vacuum for her. Rosa le compra una aspiradora. Rosa le compra una aspiradora a ella. le

10 Vamos a Practicar: 2. You sell them the milk. Tú les vendes la leche. Tú les vendes la leche a ellos. les

11 Vamos a Practicar: 3. He cooks me dinner (la cena). Él me cocina la cena. Él me cocina la cena a mí. me

12 Vamos a Practicar: 4. They decorate the room for us. Ellos nos adornan el cuarto. Ellos nos adornan el cuarto a nosotros. nos

13 Vamos a Practicar: 5. They give you presents on your birthday. Ellos te dan regalos en tu cumpleaños. Ellos te dan regalos en tu cumpleaños a ti. te

14 Estamos en página 11 de la guía de estudiar.

15 IOPs – Placement Rules and Practice Continued If you have two verbs, the IOP can go in one of two spots: Before the conjugated verb OR attached to the infinitive Here’s how it looks before the conjugated verb: Pilar me va a preparar una ensalada.  Pilar is going to make me a salad.

16 IOPs – Placement Rules and Practice Continued Here’s how it looks before the conjugated verb: Mi mamá le necesita dar el regalo.  My mom needs to give him/her the present. Mi mamá le necesita dar el regalo a ella.  My mom needs to give her the present.

17 ¡Vamos a Practicar! Please translate with the IOP before the conjugated verb. 1.I am going to write to her. Le voy a escribir Le voy a escribir a ella. le

18 ¡Vamos a Practicar! Please translate with the IOP before the conjugated verb. 2. We need to hang the coats for him. Le necesitamos colgar los abrigos. Le necesitamos colgar los abrigos a él. le

19 ¡Vamos a Practicar! Please translate with the IOP before the conjugated verb. 3. She is going to clean the patio for us. Ella nos va a limpiar el patio. Ella nos va a limpiar el patio a nosotros. nos

20 Estamos en página 12 de la guía de estudiar.

21 IOPs – Placement Rules and Practice Continued Here’s how it looks when attached to the infinitive: Pilar va a prepararme una ensalada.  Pilar is going to make me a salad. Mi mamá necesita darle el regalo.  My mom needs to give him/her the present. Mi mama necesita darle el regalo a ella.  My mom needs to give her the present.

22 IOPs – Placement Rules and Practice Continued Here’s another example that uses the present progressive: Te estoy escuchando.  I’m listening to you. Estoy escuchándote.

23 ¡Vamos a Practicar! Please translate with the IOP attached to the infinitive. 1.Raúl is going to fold the clothes for her. Raúl va a doblarle la ropa. le

24 ¡Vamos a Practicar! Please translate with the IOP attached to the infinitive. 2. El Sr. Martínez is going to make the beds for us. El Sr. Martínez va a hacernos las camas. nos

25 ¡Vamos a Practicar! Please translate with the IOP attached to the infinitive. 3. They never want to clean the house for him. Ellos nunca quieren limpiarle la casa. le

26 Okay, now, let’s translate these using the present progressive. (form of estar + verb ending in –ando/-iendo) 4. María is cleaning the table for me. María está limpiándome la mesa. María me está limpiando la mesa. me

27 Okay, now, let’s translate these using the present progressive. (form of estar + verb ending in –ando/-iendo) 5. Cristóbal is washing the plates for them. Cristóbal está lavándoles los platos. Cristóbal les está lavando los platos. les


29 ¡Muy Bien, Clase! FIN

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