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You are uglier than a chicken. Tu eres más feo que un pollo. You are less boring than my Uncle Bernie Tu eres menos aburrido que mi Tio Berni. You are.

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Presentación del tema: "You are uglier than a chicken. Tu eres más feo que un pollo. You are less boring than my Uncle Bernie Tu eres menos aburrido que mi Tio Berni. You are."— Transcripción de la presentación:


2 You are uglier than a chicken. Tu eres más feo que un pollo. You are less boring than my Uncle Bernie Tu eres menos aburrido que mi Tio Berni. You are more fat than a cow. Eres más gordo que una vaca. To compare two unequal things, actions, or quantities, use these constructions más + noun/adjective/adverb /+ que menos + noun/adjective/adverb + que

3 Homer es _________ gordo _________ Mr. Burns. Mr. Burns ____ _________ gordo _______ Homer.

4 El gatito ______ __________ feo ______ el perro. El perro _______ ___________ feo _____________ el gatito.

5 El helado ______ __________ delicioso ______ el pan. El pan _______ ___________ delicioso_____________ el helado.

6 Your mother taught you never to point… its okay today you can! Demonstrative adjectives describe and modify the distance between the noun being modified and the speaker of the sentence Demonstrative adjectives are placed in front of a noun to indicate the proximity of the noun to the speaker. In English you say here or there, but in Spanish you say, here, there, or far away. Demonstrative adjectives agree in gender and in number. Demonstrative adjectives do not have any accents.

7 Spanish DistanceEnglish EquivalentDemonstratives aquíhere1.este, 2.esta, 3.estos, or 4.estas allíthere1.ese, 2.esa, 3.esos, 4.esas alláway over there (far away) 1.aquel, 2.aquella, 3.aquellos 4.aquellas


9 Ingles This video is interesting. This movie is very romantic. These apartments have good views (vistas). These walls are very tall. That suit is black. That skirt is blue. Those teachers are very demanding (exigentes). Those rules (reglas) in class bother me a lot. Español Este video es interesante. Esta película es muy romántica. Estos apartamentos tienen buenas vistas. Estas paredes son muy altas. Ese traje es negro. Esa falda es azul. Esos maestros son muy exigentes. Esas reglas de la clase me molestan mucho.

10 THE ONE… A demonstrative pronoun is basically the same as a demonstrative adjective but is used to replace a noun rather than modify it. If the noun is understood, you must use a demonstrative pronoun rather than a demonstrative adjective. Demonstrative pronouns and demonstrative adjectives are so similar that you can't hear the difference in spoken Spanish. The only difference between them is a written accent mark to differentiate the parts of speech.

11 SingularMasculineFemininePluralMasculineFeminine thisésteéstatheseéstoséstas thatéseésathoseésosésas that (way over there) aquélaquéllathose (way over there) aquéllosaquéllas

Descargar ppt "You are uglier than a chicken. Tu eres más feo que un pollo. You are less boring than my Uncle Bernie Tu eres menos aburrido que mi Tio Berni. You are."

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