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Chapter 6 Creativity: Art & Music When bringing you a “creation,” however simple or strange, a child is unconsciously saying, “Here is a part of myself.

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Presentación del tema: "Chapter 6 Creativity: Art & Music When bringing you a “creation,” however simple or strange, a child is unconsciously saying, “Here is a part of myself."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Chapter 6 Creativity: Art & Music When bringing you a “creation,” however simple or strange, a child is unconsciously saying, “Here is a part of myself I am giving you.” Al traer una "creación", sin embargo simple o extraña, un niño inconscientemente está diciendo: "aquí está una parte de mí te voy a dar." ©2015 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

2 Art, Music and Movement  Music and art are languages  Música y el arte son idiomas  A means of communication  Un medio de comunicación  A developmentally appropriate classroom will weave art, music and movement into the daily curriculum  Un aula apropiado tejerá arte, música y movimiento en el currículo diario  Should be a focused part of the day and also be integrated with other content areas ©2015 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

3 Art, Music and Movement  Debe ser enfocada parte del día y también puede integrarse con otras áreas de contenido  Art, music and movement activities nurture the development of minds, bodies, emotions, and language  Actividades de arte, música y movimiento de fomentar el desarrollo de mentes, cuerpos, emociones y lenguaje ©2015 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

4 Infant & Toddler Developmental Stages in Art  Sensory experience  Experiensas sensoriales  Consider safety and appropriateness of materials  Considerar la seguridad y la conveniencia de los materiales  Children use entire bodies to interact with art materials  Los niños usan cuerpos enteros para interactuar con los materiales de arte ©2015 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

5 Infant & Toddler Developmental Stages in Art  Enjoyment comes from exploration  Disfrute proviene de exploración  Transitions to and from art activities are important  Transiciones hacia y desde las actividades artísticas son importantes  Flexibility is needed both inside and outside  Se necesita flexibilidad tanto dentro como fuera de  Scribbling begins early  Hacer garabatos empieza temprano ©2015 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

6 Children’s Developmental Stages in Art  Preschoolers, pre-kindergartners, and kindergartners  Kellogg’s “20 Basic Scribbles”  Placement stage  Shape and design stage  Pictorial stage  Child creates in order to make sense of world  Niño crea para hacer sentido del mundo  May tear up art work while involved in the process  Puede romper la obra de arte mientras que intervienen en el proceso ©2015 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

7 Children’s Developmental Stages in Art  Children enjoy using their imaginations  Los niños disfrutan usando su imaginación  Do not provide models for copying  No proporcionan modelos para copiar  Continued exploration and manipulation  Manipulación y exploración continua ©2015 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

8 Kellogg’s Stages of Art ©2015 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

9 Children’s Developmental Stages in Art (continued)  Early primary grades  More serious and focused  Más serio y concentrado  Realistic color and proportion emerge  Proporción y color realista emergen  Careful planning is part of the process  Una planificación cuidadosa es parte del proceso  Opinion of adult becomes important  Opinión de adulto se convierte en importante  Child thinks art must be recognizable in both content and subject ©2015 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

10 Children’s Developmental Stages in Art (continued)  Niño cree que el arte debe ser reconocible tanto en contenido como tema  Individual, creative, and cultural differences emerge  Surgen las diferencias individuales, creativas y culturales  Often art is not a major focus of the day, but it should still be included frequently  A menudo el arte no es un foco importante del día, pero aún debe estar incluido con frecuencia ©2015 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

11 Creativity  Creativity is the process of doing, or bringing something new and imaginative into being  La creatividad es el proceso de hacer, o traer algo nuevo e imaginativo a ser  Provide opportunities for creativity to be expressed  Proporcionar oportunidades para la creatividad para expresarse  Show genuine respect  Ensena respeto genuino  Provide an inspiring environment  Proporcionar un ambiente inspirador  Do not be a destroyer of creativity  No ser un destructor de la creatividad ©2015 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

12 Reflect on This  Coloring books are not creative art  Libros para colorear no son arte creativo  How would you handle a parent who brought coloring books that are advertisements from the company where she works?  ¿Cómo manejaría usted un padre que trajo libros para colorear que son anuncios de la empresa donde trabaja? ©2015 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

13 Providing an Art Environment  Provide time, space, and materials  Proporcionar tiempo, espacio y materiales  Spacious area near a window if possible  Amplia zona cerca de una ventana si es posible  Art experiences through out the day  Arte de experiencias a través del día  Plan art activities for centers, small groups and outdoors  Plan de actividades artísticas para centros, pequeños grupos y al aire libre ©2015 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

14 Providing an Art Environment  Keep safety in mind  Mantener la seguridad en mente  Encourage children to participate in all phases of art, including set-up and clean-up  Anímelos a participar en todas las fases del arte, incluyendo la puesta en marcha y limpiar  Ensure that each and every child will be successful  Asegurar que cada niño tenga éxito ©2015 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

15 The Art Environment  Bring order to the environment by setting up the structure of space, time, and materials to reflect your educational goals  Poner en orden el ambiente estableciendo la estructura del espacio, tiempo y materiales para reflejar sus metas educativas  Design thought out space where children can discover, process, experiment, and explore  Diseño pensado espacio donde los niños pueden descubrir, procesar, experimentar y explorar  Arrange the materials and space so that the children can self-select if you want them to work independently  Organizar los materiales y el espacio para que los niños pueden seleccionar si quieres que trabajen de forma independiente ©2015 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

16 The Art Environment  Store and label materials and tools so that children learn how to get what they need and put an item back and clean-up by themselves  Almacene y etiquete los materiales y herramientas para que los niños aprenden cómo conseguir lo que necesita y poner un elemento nuevo y limpiar por sí mismos  Be flexible (Se flexible)  Adjust the arrangement of the easels, tables, chairs, and other furniture to suit the needs of individual children at specific times  Ajustar el arreglo de los caballetes, mesas, sillas y otros muebles para satisfacer las necesidades de cada niño en momentos específicos ©2015 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

17 Outdoor Environment  Provides  Expanded space  Freedom to move  Freedom to mess  Wider choices of media  Nature excursions also can inspire creativity in artwork  Proporciona: espacio expandido, libertad de moverse, con libertad a ensuciarse, más amplia opciones de medios, excursiones de naturaleza también pueden inspirar la creatividad en la obra de arte ©2015 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

18 Aesthetic Environment  Being artistic does not just mean making art or music, it also means developing a sense of aesthetics  Ser artístico no sólo significa hacer arte o música, también significa desarrollar un sentido de la estética  Recognize beauty, inside and out  Reconocer la belleza, dentro y por fuera  Pay attention to and use details of sounds, color, shape, patterns, and texture  Preste atención a y utilizar datos de sonidos, color, forma, patrones y texturas ©2015 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

19 Aesthetic Environment  Use books with all types of illustrations  Usa libros con todo tipo de ilustraciones  Display fine art and listen to a variety of music  Exhibición de Bellas Artes y escuchar una gran variedad de música  Use light and sound in interesting ways  Uso de luz y sonido en formas interesantes ©2015 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

20 Involving Children in All Forms of Art  Tearing, cutting, and gluing  Painting  String painting  Object painting  Finger painting  Crayons, markers, and chalk  Crayon rubbings  Crayon resist  Three-dimensional materials  Height, width, depth  Texture  Use of hands ©2015 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

21 Involving Children in All Forms of Art  Rasgado, cortar y pegar  Pintura  pintura con hilo  pintura con objetos  pintura con los dedos  crayones, marcadores y tiza  calcos con crayones  Resistencia con crayones  Materiales tridimensional  altura, anchura, profundidad  textura  Uso de las manos ©2015 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

22 How Art Activities Can Support Development  Tearing, cutting, and gluing (Rasgado, corte y pegando)  Help small muscle development  Contribuye al desarrollo de los músculos pequeños  Provide tactile experiences  Experiencias tactiles  Collage making (hacer un collage)  Painting (Pintar)  Encourages language development  Helps with judgment of spatial relationships ©2015 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

23 How Art Activities Can Support Development  Develops form perception  Allows for the coordinated use of many muscles  Provides opportunities for manipulation and experimentation  Fomenta el desarrollo de lenguaje  ayuda a juicio de las relaciones espaciales  Desarrolla forma de percepción  permite la utilización coordinada de muchos músculos  proporciona oportunidades para la manipulación y experimentación ©2015 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

24 More on How Art Activities Can Support Development  Painting (continued)  With string, gadgets, feet  With various textured paints and objects  Crayons, markers, and chalk  Provide excellent prewriting experiences  Drawing, rubbings, resist  Three-dimensional materials  Encourage exploration  Help children release emotional tensions and frustrations ©2015 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

25 More on How Art Activities Can Support Development  Pintura (continuación)  con hilo, gadgets, pies  con diferentes textura y objetos  Crayones, marcadores y tiza  proporcionar preparación excelentes experiencias de escribir  dibujo, calcos, resistir  materiales tridimensionales  fomentar exploración ayuda niños liberación emocional las tensiones y frustraciones ©2015 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

26 Reflect on This  Is it art or is it a craft?  ¿Es arte o es un arte?  How can you tell if an activity is truly creative?  ¿Cómo puede saber si una actividad es realmente creativa? ©2015 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

27 Art Across the Curriculum  Connect art to everything you do  Conectar el arte a todo lo que haces  Encourage the use of art vocabulary  Fomentar el uso del vocabulario de arte  Combine art and math on a regular basis  Combinan arte y matemática de manera regular  Use art to explore scientific principles  Usar el arte para descubrir principios científicos ©2015 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

28 Art Across the Curriculum  Promote literacy and brain development  Promover el desarrollo de la alfabetización y el cerebro  Art is multimodal and multisensory learning  Arte es el aprendizaje multisensorial y multimodal ©2015 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

29 Art and Science  Discover what a specific material can do and what the child can do to control it  Descubra lo que puede hacer un material específico y lo que el niño puede hacer para controlarlo  Observe what happens when colors are mixed together  Observar lo que sucede cuando se mezclan colores ©2015 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

30 Art and Science  Notice what happens when flour and water are combined  Observe lo que sucede cuando se combinan la harina y el agua  Experiment with thick paint and thin paint  Experimentar con pintura gruesa y fina pintura ©2015 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

31 Art and Science  Discover what happens when you press down hard or lightly with a brush or crayon on paper  Descubrir lo que ocurre al pulsar hacia abajo duro o ligeramente con un cepillo o lápiz sobre papel  Observe what happens when paint is brushed over a crayon picture  Observar lo que ocurre cuando la pintura está sobre un cuadro de crayón ©2015 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

32 Art and Science  Determine what occurs when different ingredients are mixed together  Determinar lo que ocurre cuando se mezclan diferentes ingredientes ©2015 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

33 Technology  Art and music can be enhanced by using  Overhead projectors  Cameras  Photocopiers  Tape recorders/CDs/MP3 players  Videotapes  Computer technology  ALWAYS preview software so you know it is developmentally appropriate and meets your educational objectives ©2015 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

34 Art and Special Needs Children  Art and music are open-ended, so they can accommodate the needs of each and every child  Adaptations  Art center  Music center  Materials  Implements  Arte y música son abiertas, por lo que pueden satisfacer las necesidades de cada niño. Adaptaciones: centro de arte, música instrumentos, materiales ©2015 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

35 Use of Food in Art Projects  Considerations  Sends mixed messages about playing with food  World hunger  Expense  Cultural sensitivity  Allergies  Self-regulation skills of toddlers  Food products such as flour, cornstarch, salt, and food coloring are acceptable  Alternative choices ©2015 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

36 Use of Food in Art Projects  Consideraciones  envía mensajes mixtos acerca de jugar con la comida  hambre mundial  Cuesta mucho dinero  sensibilidad Cultural  Alergias  habilidades de autorregulación de los niños pequeños  alimentos como harina, almidón de maíz, sal y colorante son alternativas aceptables ©2015 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

37 Tips for Displaying Children’s Art  Display art in the classroom  Exhibición de arte en el aula  Display art at the children’s eye-level  Exhibición de arte en el nivel de los ojos de los niños  Change the art displays frequently  Cambiar la muestra de arte con frecuencia  Mount or frame art like in a museum  Soporte o marco de arte como en un museo ©2015 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

38 Tips for Displaying Children’s Art  Display all types of creations, not just the best or all at one time  Mostrar todos los tipos de creaciones, no sólo los mejores o todos a la vez  Avoid visual over-stimulation  Evitar sobreestimulación visual  Use different methods to display art work  Utilizan métodos diferentes para mostrar la obra de arte ©2015 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

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