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100 200 300 400 500 400 500 400 300 200 100 500 400 300 200 500 400 300 200 C3V1Gramática Gustar y Querer C3V2Conjugación.

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Presentación del tema: "100 200 300 400 500 400 500 400 300 200 100 500 400 300 200 500 400 300 200 C3V1Gramática Gustar y Querer C3V2Conjugación."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 100 200 300 400 500 400 500 400 300 200 100 500 400 300 200 500 400 300 200 C3V1Gramática Gustar y Querer C3V2Conjugación


3 Which 2 activities are most similar? - alquilar videos - ver televisión - hacer la tarea 1.100Q

4 - alquilar videos - ver televisión 1.100A

5 Which 2 activities are most similar? - nadar en la piscina - ir al cine - ir a la playa 1.200Q

6 - nadar en la piscina - ir a la playa 1.200A

7 Which 2 activities are most similar? - pasear - montar en bicicleta - pasar el rato solo(a) 1.300Q

8 - pasear - montar en bicicleta 1.300A

9 How do you say this in Spanish? I sing at church. 1.400Q

10 Yo canto a la iglesia. 1.400A

11 How do you say this in Spanish? He practices sports every day. 1.500Q

12 Él practica los deportes todos los días. 1.500A

13 Which form of gustar do you use when you say you like to do a certain activity (verb)? 2.100Q

14 gusta 2.100A

15 What are three possible endings for infinitive verbs? 2.200Q

16 -ar, -er, -ir 2.200A

17 Which verb tells the subject? And, what is the subject? Infinitive verb: escuchar Conjugated verb: escuchas 2.300Q

18 Conjugated verb: escuchas (tú) 2.300A

19 What are 3 examples of pronouns? 2.400Q

20 yo, tú, él, ella, usted, nosotros(as), vosotros(as), ustedes, ellos, ellas 2.400A

21 What is another name for a stem-changing verb? 2.500Q (What does the shape look like?)

22 A boot verb 2.500A

23 How would you say this in Spanish? I like to write letters. 3.100Q

24 (A mí) me gusta escribir cartas. 3.100A

25 How would you say this in Spanish? Jennifer likes to go to the mall with you. 3.200Q

26 A Jennifer le gusta ir al centro comercial contigo. 3.200A

27 How would you say this in Spanish? Kaitlin and Josh want to eat ice cream with us. 3.300Q

28 Kaitlin y Josh quieren comer el helado con nosotros. 3.300A

29 How would you say this in Spanish? Do you all (in Spain) want to go to rehersal with me? 3.400Q

30 ¿Vosotros queréis ir al ensayo conmigo? 3.400A

31 How would you say this in Spanish? You like to ride bikes on Thursdays. 3.500Q

32 (A ti) te gusta montar en bicicleta los jueves. 3.500A

33 How would you say this in Spanish? I always play the piano. 4.100Q

34 Siempre toco el piano. 4.100A

35 How would you say this in Spanish? Sam goes to meetings on Tuesdays. 4.200Q

36 Sam va a las reuniones los martes. 4.200A

37 How would you say this in Spanish? Katie studies every day. 4.300Q

38 Katie estudia todos los días. 4.300A

39 How would you say this in Spanish? I do not like to swim when the weather is bad. 4.400Q

40 No me gusta nadar cuando hace mal tiempo. 4.400A

41 How would you say this in Spanish? Sometimes Kevin goes to church with Sara. 4.500Q

42 A veces Kevin va a la iglesia con Sara. 4.500A

43 (yo) descansar 5.100Q

44 descanso 5.100A

45 (ella) practicar deportes 5.200Q

46 Ella practica deportes. 5.200A

47 (Tomás y yo) trabajar 5.300Q

48 trabajamos 5.300A

49 (tú) jugar 5.400Q

50 juegas 5.400A

51 (Julian y tú) ir 5.500Q

52 van 5.500A

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