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Gramática CONTENT OBJECTIVE: I.W.B.A.T. use and differentiate between DIRECT and INDIRECT OBJECT PRONOUNS.

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2 os direct object pronouns 2. 3. 5. 4. 1. me te lo / la los / las nos
Remember that you use direct object pronouns when you don’t want to keep repeating the direct object nouns. becomes Comemos tamales. Los comemos. We eat tamales. We eat them. becomes Llamé al mesero. Lo llamé. I called the waiter. I called him. os direct object pronouns 2. 3. 5. 4. 1. Note that the direct object mesero is a person. That is why it takes a person a. me nos te lo / la los / las

3 Direct object pronouns are usually placed before conjugated
verbs. They can follow infinitives and –ndo forms. When you put the pronoun after the infinitive or –ndo form, it attaches to the verb Lo llamé. I called him. attaches Lo voy a llamar. Voy a llamarlo I’m going to call him. attaches Lo estoy llamando. Estoy llamándolo I’m calling him. becomes La mesera puso la mesa. La puso. The waitress set the table. She set it.

4 Hablar Pregúntale a un(a) compañero(a) si comió o tomó lo
Direct Object Pronouns 6 ¿Lo comió? Hablar Pregúntale a un(a) compañero(a) si comió o tomó lo Siguiente durante la semana pasada. 1. Tomar un batido de chocolate 2. Comer una zanahoria 3. Comer el arroz 4. Comer unas salchichas 5. Tomar jugo de manzana 6. Comer pan con mantequilla 7. Comer pescado 8. Tomar leche Sí, lo tomé. or No, no lo tomé. Sí, la comí. or No, no la comí. Sí, lo comí. or No, no lo comí. Sí, las comí. or No, no las comí. Sí, lo tomé. or No, no lo tomé. Sí, lo comí. or No, no lo comí. Sí, lo comí. or No, no lo comí. Sí, la tomé. or No, no la tomé.

5 indirect object pronouns
Remember that you use indirect object pronouns to replace or accompany indirect object nouns. D.O. I.O. I.O.P D.O. becomes Le compró regalos a sus amigos. Les compró regalos. She bought presents for her friends. She bought them presents. The first and second person indirect object pronouns are the same as the direct object pronouns: me, te, nos. os indirect object pronouns 2. 3. 5. 4. 1. If there’s an indirect object there’s usually also a direct object. me nos te le les

6 Like D.O.P.’s, I.O.P.’s are usually placed before conjugated
Indirect Object Pronouns Like D.O.P.’s, I.O.P.’s are usually placed before conjugated verbs, and may be attached to infinitives and –ndo forms. becomes El mesero dio la cuenta a Laura. El mesero le dio la cuenta. The waiter gave Laura the bill. The waiter gave her the bill. attaches El mesero va a darle la cuenta. The waiter is going to give her the bill. attaches El mesero está dándole la cuenta. The waiter is giving her the bill.

7 me te you (familiar) lo, la le him, her, it, you (formal) nos us os
DO Pronouns IO Pronouns English Equivalent me te you (familiar) lo, la le him, her, it, you (formal) nos us os you-all (familiar) los, las les them, you-all (formal)

8 You have learned about both direct and indirect object
Double Object Pronouns You have learned about both direct and indirect object pronouns. They both go before the conjugated verb. What happens if you want to have both direct and indirect object pronouns in the same sentence? The indirect object pronoun goes first. i.o.p. d.o.p. Te los compramos. We bought them for you. i.o.p. d.o.p. El mesero me los dio. The wiater gave them to me.

9 Vas a comprármelos. Estás comprándomelos.
Double Object Pronouns Remember that when a conjugated verb appears with an infinitive or an –ndo form, you have two choices. You can put the pronouns before the conjugated verb, or you can attach them to the infinitive or –ndo form. i.o.p. d.o.p. i.o.p. d.o.p. Me los vas a comprar. Vas a comprármelos. You are going to buy them for me. i.o.p. d.o.p. i.o.p. d.o.p. Me los estás comprando. Estás comprándomelos. You are buying them for me.

10 Double object pronoun replacements
When a third person indirect object pronoun (le or les) precedes a third person direct object pronoun (lo, la, los, or las), the indirect pronoun must be changed to se. Context will let you know whether the se is replacing le or les.

11 Whenever both pronouns begin with the letter "l" change the first pronoun to "se."
le lo = se lo le la = se la le los = se los le las = se las les lo = se lo les la = se la les los = se los les las = se las

12 ¿Qué compraste para tu familia?
¿Compraste un batido para tú hermano? Si, (No, no) se lo compré. ¿Compraste pasta para tú mamá? No, no se la compré. ¿Te compraste una torta? Si, me la compré.

13 ¿Compraste papas para las chicas?
No, no se las compré. ¿Compraste pescado para ti? Si, me lo compré. ¿Compraste frijoles para mi? No, no te los compré.

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