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Past Continuous.

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Presentación del tema: "Past Continuous."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Past Continuous

2 Affirmative was were Sujeto + + ___________-ing …

3 Negative was were Sujeto + + not + _______-ing …

4 Interrogative Was Were + sujeto + ____-ing …?

5 Short answers was. Yes, + sujeto + were.

6 Short answers was not. No, + sujeto + were not.

7 Utilizamos el past continuous para describir acciones prolongadas que estaban sucediendo en el pasado.

8 We were watching TV. She wasn’t listening to music. I was wearing jeans. Were you reading a book? Yes, we were. Was Paul running? No, he wasn’t. They weren’t coming home.

9 Estaba viendo una película.
I was watching a film.

10 Ella no estaba leyendo un periódico.
She wasn’t reading a newspaper.

11 ¿Estabas estudiando inglés? Si, estaba.
Were you studying English? Yes, I was.

12 They weren’t having dinner.
No estaban cenando. They weren’t having dinner.

13 Estábamos hablando sobre películas.
We were talking about films.

14 ¿Estaba ella jugando al baloncesto? No, no estaba.
Was she playing basketball? No, she wasn’t.

15 I was wearing jeans, a white T-shirt and blue trainers.
Llevaba puestos vaqueros, camiseta blanca y zapatillas deportivas azules. I was wearing jeans, a white T-shirt and blue trainers.

16 Los niños estaban jugando al fútbol a las cinco ayer.
The children were playing football at five o’clock yesterday.

17 Ella no llevaba puesto un vestido rojo y zapatos negros.
She wasn’t wearing a red dress and black shoes.

18 Llamaste mientras estaba viendo la tele.
You called while I was watching TV.

19 ¿Llevaban puesto un jersey verde y una falda amarilla? No, no llevaban.
Were they wearing a green sweater and a yellow skirt? No, they weren’t.

20 A las 9 anoche estábamos cenando.
At 9 o’clock last night we were having dinner.

21 Marga Renedo Gómez

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