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Isaias 54-60.

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Presentación del tema: "Isaias 54-60."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Isaias 54-60

2 Examen pequeño Escribe de memoria Is. 53:4-6. ¿De qué se trata la historia de Bel y el Dragón? ¿Qué dice el Señor acerca de olvidarnos? ¿Cuales son dos analogías de la relación que Dios tiene con Israel? ¿Cuales son dos de las cinco opciones para el siervo de Isaías 53? Extra: ¿Quien es una persona que puso las divisiones de versículos y capítulos?

3 Cartas abiertas Fernando Toledo Arturo Colorado “El Mesías” Vence el jueves 3

4 Capítulo 54 Los resultados del sufrimiento del Mesías, y la gloria futura de Sión. V. 1 Compara con Ga. 4:27 V. 1 La esteril es la iglesia judía, o el pueblo judío? O Jerusalén (49:21) La esteril también era Sará, y Pablo la usa como alegoría de cristianismo, los salvados por la promesa, en contraste con los perdidos o echados por la ley. Lean Gal. 4 Todo esto puede aplicar de forma espiritual a la iglesia.

5 V 4ss imagen otra vez de una esposa, novia, como la iglesia.
V11ss piedras preciosas son como Apoc. 21:19ss V. 12 ventanas (sol) es almenas (ver foto) (Torre y ciudadela de David, antes y después.) V. 13 compara con Juan 6:45, contexto de palabras de Cristo. v. 17 “La batalla es de nuestro Señor”

6 Map of Jerusalem in 1st century A.D.
This map provides a bird’s-eye view of Jerusalem in the Second Temple period. The map gives the primary features of the model, including the three walls, the Temple and Temple Mount, the Antonia Fortress, the Pools of Bethesda, the hippodrome, the City of David, the theater, Herod’s palace, and the tower of Psephinus. It also includes an inner wall (along the east side of the Western Hill) that has since been removed from the model. Map of Jerusalem in 1st century A.D.

7 First and Second Walls from west

8 Upper City from west Upper City from west The Upper City
The Upper City was the location of a wealthy residential quarter in the 1st century A.D. It was located on the summit of the Western Hill. When first constructed, Avi-Yonah was criticized for making the houses too large and luxurious. Since that time, excavations in the Jewish Quarter of the Old City have revealed that the model is too modest. Many priests likely lived in the Upper City. Upper City from west

9 Herod's towers from above
Defensive Towers of Herod’s Palace The Western Hill in the Second Temple Period was the location of Herod’s palace and of the houses of the wealthy. This area was known as the Upper City. Herod built three large defensive towers at the northern end of this palace. The towers were named after important people in Herod’s life: Hippicus (a friend), Phasael (his brother), and Miriamne (his wife). According to Josephus (War 7:1-2), the Roman general Titus destroyed the entire city but decided to save Herod’s three towers and a section of the western city wall because: He wanted to show Jerusalem’s former strength. He had soldiers stationed there using it as living quarters. After destroying Jerusalem, the Tenth Roman Legion was stationed here for 200 years. The three towers appear in the Medeba Map (6th century) and in Crusader materials (12th century), so two of the towers were apparently destroyed in the Mameluk period. One of Herod’s towers remains standing today. It has a solid base; the top part was re-built by Mameluks in the 15th century. It is sometimes called the “Tower of David,” but it was built by Herod and is unrelated to David. Scholars disagree over the identification of this tower; some believe that it was the Phasael tower and others believe it is the Hippicus tower. Herod's towers from above

10 Herod's towers from above

11 Herod's towers from above

12 Herod's towers from above

13 Herod's towers from above

14 Herod's towers from above

15 Herod's towers from above

16 Herod's towers from above

17 Capítulo 55 Habla Dios en 1-4, 8-11 El profeta habla en 5-7, 12-13 V Sed, compara con Mat. 5:6, Jn. 7:37-38 Las bendiciones que vendrán a los que confían en Dios, por gracia. V. 3 Pacto compara con Hch. 13:34 V. 6 llamar a Dios, compara con I Cron. 21:26, Sal. 120:1, de David

18 V. 6-7 buen resumen del mensaje de salvación en la Biblia.
Vv. 8-9 famoso pasaje, nos recuerda de la soberanía de Dios. Poder de la palabra—aplicación para nuestros ministerios? V. 10 compara con 2 Cor. 9:10 V. 11 compara con Mat. 24:35 Vv. 12ss cuadro del tiempo mesiánico, hasta la creación alaba a Dios.

19 Capítulo 56 Comienzo de la tercera sección, en el tiempo después de la vuelta a Jerusalén (536 AC) y la reconstrucción (516 AC). Sentían satisfacción al volver, y esperanza, pero también tentaciones de depender de si mismo, maltratar a los pobres, y enfocar en la parte externa religiosa y no la parte interior.

20 Vv 3-5 compara con Hch. 8:26ss, esperanza para él.
Vv. 6-8, esp. v. 7 compara con Mateo 21:13, Marc. 11:17, Lucas 19:46, Is. 2:2-4 ¿Por qué estaba enojado Cristo? También esperanza para los gentiles, que podían entrar al templo y ser incluído en el pueblo de Dios. Pared (soreq) dentro del lugar del templo, promesa de entrar al Lugar Santísimo. Heb. 10:19ss, Ef. 2:14 V. 8 compara con Juan 10:16

21 Herod's Temple from northeast

22 Temple with Court of Women from east
The Courts of the Temple The Court of the Gentiles was separated from the Court of the Women by a balustrade 3 cubits (4.6 ft.; 1.4 m) high known as the “Soreg.” Warnings to Gentiles against entry lined the outside of this fence. One complete inscription and another partial one have been found. The complete inscription is in the Istanbul Museum; the fragmentary one is in the Israel Museum. One of most elaborate gates leading from the outer court to the inner court of Temple is Nicanor’s Gate. Some believe that Nicanor’s Gate is the same as the “Beautiful Gate” mentioned in Acts 3:2. Temple with Court of Women from east

23 Capítulo 57 Isaías profetiza a tres grupos 1. A las naciones gentiles 56:9-57:2 Tres imágenes—atalayas (líderes que se gratifican a si mismo), perros, pastores—no cumplen con sus responsabilidades. 57:1-2 es descripción sorprendente de la muertos de los santos que no escuchamos nunca

24 2. A los judios del remanente que se han entregado a la adoración de ídolos. 57:3-13c
V Compara con Deut. 6:4-9 La ley estaba en el marco de la puerta, el pacto era con Dios, y las actividades eran para acercarlos en todo momento a Dios. Pero aquí ponen “tu recuerdo” detrás de la puerta, con ídolos, y las actividades los alejan de Dios. V. 11 ¡Gran pregunta! ¿de quién te asustaste…?

25 3. A los humildes que se refugian en Dios, que Dios les sanará
3. A los humildes que se refugian en Dios, que Dios les sanará. 57:13d-21 V. 14 camino de santidad, cap. 35 V. 15, compara con Juan 14:20ss V. 19 compara con Efes. 2:17

26 Capítulo 58--Religión verdadera
V. 2 “hubiese” inglés “parecen ser”, todo es fingido, aun el ayuno, y sus acciones delatan su corazón verdadero. Vv. 5 en adelante—compara el ayuno verdadero con el falso, y las bendiciones de espiritualidad verdadera. Lee de Willis, pp

27 Capítulo 59 Enfatiza que son los pecados de la gente que impiden que el Señor les ayude, no que Dios no quiera. Nota las imágenes nítidas que utiliza para comunicar. V. 7-8, compara con Rom. 3:15-17 V. 16 Solo el Señor puede salvar. V. 17 compara con Ef. 6:10ss V. 20 Sión, antes y después. 173 veces en la Biblia para Sión. (Harper´s) Vv compara con Rom. 3:26-27

28 Jerusalem aerial from east
Sión viejo y nuevo

29 Jerusalem aerial from southeast
Modern Mt. Zion Hinnom Valley

30 Mt. Zion aerial from south
Mt. Zion desde el sur

31 Mt. Zion aerial from south
Dormition Abbey Mt. Zion aerial from south

32 Mt. Zion from east Mt. Zion from east Mount Zion Churches
A church was built in the Byzantine period on the traditional site of the Last Supper (either in 340 A.D. by Maximus, or by John II [ A.D.], both bishops of Jerusalem). This church also marked the place where the apostles gathered at Pentecost. One of the most important of the Jerusalem churches in the Byzantine period, it was known as the Mother of All Churches. It is depicted on the Medeba map. Its interior was damaged in the Persian conquest of 614 A.D., but the church was still in use in the Early Arab period. Remains were discovered during the construction of the Dormition Abbey in Some walls were found on which two crosses were incised. M. Renard discovered a network of walls belonging to the west wing of the church. Limited remains make reconstructions of the church very speculative. The Church of Theodosius was the octagonal building constructed next to the synagogue (which later became the Church of the Apostles). It was built around 382 A.D. The Church of Hagia Sion (Holy Zion) was built over this same spot about 415 A.D., possibly by Bishop John. This church was burnt during the Persian invasion in 614 A.D. It was rebuilt, and then, partially destroyed in 1009 A.D. Mt. Zion from east

33 Mt. Zion with snow from east

34 60-62 La restauración Los penitentes serán restaurados, tanto el templo y Jerusalén como el estado espiritual de la gente. (Después de 445 AC) Las naciones vendrán a Dios y a Sión, a través de Israel, y bendecidos por ellos y Dios.

35 Capítulo 60 V. 1, 4 Cuadro mesiánico (o fin del mundo, o milenio) Sión como mujer desolada sentada en el suelo. V. 11 Apoc. 21:25 V. 13 lugar de mis pies (el templo, santuario) Sal. 132:7, Ez. 43:7 Boaz—”en él es fuerza” Jaquín—”él establece” V. 18 Salvación y alabanza son sus muros y puertas. Sal. 22:3 Tú habitas la alabanza… V compara con Apoc. 21:23, 22:5

36 Temple with Court of Women from east
The Courts of the Temple The Court of the Gentiles was separated from the Court of the Women by a balustrade 3 cubits (4.6 ft.; 1.4 m) high known as the “Soreg.” Warnings to Gentiles against entry lined the outside of this fence. One complete inscription and another partial one have been found. The complete inscription is in the Istanbul Museum; the fragmentary one is in the Israel Museum. One of most elaborate gates leading from the outer court to the inner court of Temple is Nicanor’s Gate. Some believe that Nicanor’s Gate is the same as the “Beautiful Gate” mentioned in Acts 3:2. “Pies de Dios” pilares Boaz y Jaquin

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