Gustar + infinitive to like / to be pleasing to. How to form gustar To talk about what we like, we use the verb gustar. With gustar, we use indirect object.

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Presentación del tema: "Gustar + infinitive to like / to be pleasing to. How to form gustar To talk about what we like, we use the verb gustar. With gustar, we use indirect object."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 gustar + infinitive to like / to be pleasing to

2 How to form gustar To talk about what we like, we use the verb gustar. With gustar, we use indirect object pronouns. They are: (A nosotros) nos (A vosotros) os (A ellos(as), Uds.) les (A mí) me (A ti) te (A él, ella, Ud) le

3 What are those words in parenthesis? (A nosotros) nos (A vosotros) os (A ellos(as), Uds.) les (A mí) me (A ti) te (A él, ella, Ud) le They are used to clarify and emphasize WHO you’re talking about.

4 How to form gustar – part 2 You will always use the él form of the verb gustar to talk about activities that you like. That form is: gusta Then, we add an infinitive. (Get it? Gustar + infinitive)????

5 WHAT IS AN INFINITIVE? An infinitive is simply: a verb in its original form (before you change the ending.) to talk to swim to dance to come to like hablar nadar bailar venir gustar

6 Putting it together the forms of gustar that we will see in this chapter are: A mí me gusta A ti te gusta A Paco le gusta A él le gusta A ella le gusta A Ud. le gusta A nosotros nos gusta A vosotros os gusta A ellos les gusta A ellas les gusta A Uds. les gusta

7 if you used…you should have… A mis abuelosles gusta A mis padresles gusta A mi profesor de..le gusta A mi amigo y a mínos gusta A mi amigole gusta A míme gusta A mis amigos(as)les gusta A mi hermano(a)le gusta

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