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LA TAREA para la semana entrante proyecto “Un viaje a la Península Ibérica”

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Presentación del tema: "LA TAREA para la semana entrante proyecto “Un viaje a la Península Ibérica”"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 LA TAREA para la semana entrante proyecto “Un viaje a la Península Ibérica”

2 REPASEMOS LA TAREA Use the “If clauses” that you created for HW and write statements in the conditional that tell what you (or others) would do under those circumstances

3 Try to incorporate as much of the vocabulary from Imagina, chapter 9, page 304 as possible to plan your activities. Describe 2-3 activities for each day. Spain has beautiful mountain ranges, so you you may include some activities or extreme sports for those places. Writea narrative for each day. Add some artwork / photos for your destinations. Make an attractive presentation to be handed in. Your presentation will be a summary of the highlights of your trip. It will be presented to the class, but must not be read. Make note cards, and memorize as much as you can for the maximum grade possible. you can also make use of the websites Vamos a visitar 3 - 4 ciudades o regiones de España. For this project, you will write about a trip to Spain. You must include activities and destinations (cities or regions) for each day of this trip Decide on some leisure activities that you would like to do, beginning with the day of your arrival date, Sunday (el domingo) through Monday (el lunes)

4 Let’s use the conditional to tell what you would do: Si nosotros tuvieramos clases en el verano, ________________________________________ Si mis padres me dieran cualquier regalo para la graduación, _______________________________ Si yo conociera (met) a una persona famosa en una fiesta, ___________________________________ Si pudiera asistir a la universidad de mis fantasías, _________________________________________ Hoy es miércoles. Es el 27 de Mayo del 2015 ¿Qué harías…? Using the conditional to tell what you would do under various circumstances

5 To start with, you need an infinitive, i.e. vivir, comer, escuchar..... Then, you need to add on the endings to the infinitive. The endings are … -ía -ías -ía -íamos -íais -ían These endings work for -er, -ir and also -ar verbs, like the future tense.

6 el condicional Expresses the idea of “would + action” If I had the opportunity, I would visit all the wonders of the modern world If you had stayed at your first job, you would be the owner of that business today

7 el condicional uses the entire infinitive + endings -ía -íamos -ías -ía-ían hablar comer vivir ser comprar dormir

8 el condicional (irregulares) use the irregular stems drop letters“d” group -ía -íamos -ías -ía-ían hacer haría, harías decir diría, dirías... poder podría, podrías... quarter querría, querrías... saber sabría, sabrías... haber (hay) habría, habrías... poner pondría, pondrías... tener tendría, tendrías... salir saldría, saldrías... venir vendría, vendrías...

9 The Conditional and the imperfect subjunctive We use this combination to express what someone would do or what might happen, depending on the (hypothetical) outcome of some event por ejemplo: If I had a million dollars, I would help my family Si yo tuviera un millón de dólares, yo ayudaría a mi familia or Yo ayudaría a mi familia si yo tuviera un millón de dólares

10 LECTURA – selección Si yo ganara la lotería…

11 REPASO ¿Qué harías si fueras rico/a? ¿Adónde irías si pudiera viajar a cualquier país? ¿Quién sería tu esposo/a de fantasía si tú tuvieras la oportunidad?

12 LA TAREA para miércoles Write 8 sentences using “si clauses” that use vocabulary from chapter 9 ( las diversiones)

13 parejas– periodo 3 Sarah Stephanie Antonio Steven Gibron Jacobo Connor Mateo Jaspreet SakshiMikayla Carlos Guillermo Kayla Tomás Emily Neema Shadner Aziz Meagan Nicholas Raheela Emma Myles Gianmarco Samir Sergio

14 grupos de tres – periodo 3 1. Sarah Stephanie Steven 5. Gibron Jacobo Sakshi 2. Mateo Jaspreet Mikayla 6. Guillermo Tomás Raheela 3. Neema Shadner Aziz 8. Meagan Nicholas Carlos 4. Gianmarco Samir Emma 9. Antonio Emily Myles 7. Kayla Sergio Connor

15 grupos de tres – periodo 5 1. Neomie Mateo K Dorothy 6. Estevinson Mateo S Yazmi 2. Kyle Laura Nicholas Saba 7. Frank Lane Alexandria 3. Marco Kaela Adesh 4. Samantha Kenny Alyssa Andrés 5. Jennifer Keenen Brianna

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