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Spanish IB Explaining what happens to whom!. Metas de hoy…  Meta Grande: Hablan de hábitos sanos.  Talk about what is happening to whom.

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Presentación del tema: "Spanish IB Explaining what happens to whom!. Metas de hoy…  Meta Grande: Hablan de hábitos sanos.  Talk about what is happening to whom."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Spanish IB Explaining what happens to whom!

2 Metas de hoy…  Meta Grande: Hablan de hábitos sanos.  Talk about what is happening to whom.

3 Ser y Estar II  Write out the answers for Historieta E, 1-10, p.238!  Synthesize: Look over your answers in the above items. List a sentence where ser is used for personal description. Lista a sentence where estar is used to express condition or feeling.

4 Tareas/ Homework  Section 2 of packet.  Expert Practice with object pronouns. (Print it out) from one of these links!

5 VIDEO!  Indirect object pronouns answer the question To or for _________ something is being done?  What is the indirect object pronoun in English and Spanish you can use for Teacher/ maestra?  1  2  Draw a Chart of the indirect object pronouns and their meanings in Spanish.

6 Underline the indirect objects and then rewrite the sentences with an I.O. pronoun! Juan saluda a Jaime. Maria escribe a nosotros. Elena llama a Maria por telefono. Nosotros saludamos al jefe. Juanita escribe una carta a Sr. Vaughn. Sr. Wasmer, Roberto escribe. (a Ud.) Claudia da consejos a su amigo loco. Andi escribe una biblia para Sr. Vaughn. El profesor da tarea extra al alumno travieso.

7 Tarea  Ser vs. Estar (Tarea de opciones)  Practicar con enlaces de pronombres…  Take the oral quiz (as homework)! 

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