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Microsoft Retail Management System

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Presentación del tema: "Microsoft Retail Management System"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Microsoft Retail Management System
4/14/2017 7:37 AM Microsoft Retail Management System Drive retail growth with a flexible, connected solution Louis Piedra Product Manager – LATAM (305) © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

2 Agenda Retail desde el punto de vista del cliente Microsoft en Retail
4/14/2017 7:37 AM Agenda Retail desde el punto de vista del cliente Microsoft en Retail Microsoft’s Suite for Small & Medium Retailers Roadmap para el Retail Management System Caracteristicas del RMS y su forma de licenciamiento Cuales son los pasos para certificarse © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

3 Se siente identificado?
4/14/2017 7:37 AM Solucion as su problema: Nuestra Vision Se siente identificado? Ansiedad por el cambio Presion por el cambio Solucion Costo Total de Propiedad Bajo Costo Necesidad de tener la mejor informacion del negocio Necesidad de mayor productividad de los empleados No requiere expertos in-house para usar y Obtener resultados Software hecho para el retailer, disenado para automatizar completamente su negocio en todos los canales comerciales… …con un bajo TCP para proveer un rapido retorno de inversion (ROI). Necesidad de mejorar el servicio al cliente Sin preocupaciones y problemas Necesidad de mayor control Menos tiempo fuera de mi negocio Ecosistema …de la mano de los partners para dar soluciones completas a los clientes… © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

4 Microsoft en Retail Que significa para usted
4/14/2017 7:37 AM Microsoft en Retail Que significa para usted Liderazgo en la Industria Compromiso con el Cliente Innovacion del Producto © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

5 Propuesta de Valor para Clientes
Antes Ahora

6 Oportunidades en Retail PyMES
Mercado Global de Retail Corporativo M Líneas Tamaño Compañía No Hay Líder del Mercado Pequeño y Mediano 62.8M Líneas! Oportunidad para ISV Marca, Solución Completa Número de Líneas “Línea” = Oportunidad PC/Software La mayoría no han automatizado sus negocios Necesitan una solución pequeña y completa Fácil de Implantar / Plataforma estándar Imagen de Marca de Microsoft sólida y positiva Expande el mercado Fuente: Clarendon 2004

7 Microsoft en Retail Que significa para usted
4/14/2017 7:37 AM Microsoft en Retail Que significa para usted Liderazgo en la Industria La inversion en R&D es la mayor en la industria Mas del 65% de los POS corren en Windows Top retailers usan Microsoft Our industry leadership in enterprise means SMB retailers will benefit from the same technological advances as the big box stores. We invest more than our software industry peers all combined. (based on data gathered from 2003 – 2005) MSFT: $7.9B ($4.8B) IBM: $0.8B-1.9B SAP: $1.3B Oracle: $1.2B Siebel: $0.3B BEA: $0.1B HP*: $0.04B Peer Sum: $3.7B-$4.8B Over 65% of POS lanes in NA run on Windows: Source: IHL Store Systems Study Includes all sizes of retailers. A mature, evolving backbone for retail businesses. Retailers know they can count on us to help them succeed Mas de 30,000 clientes PyMES en el mundo Gran ecosistema de partners especializados en retail © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

8 Microsoft en Retail Que significa para usted
4/14/2017 7:37 AM Microsoft en Retail Que significa para usted Liderazgo en la Industria Compromiso con el Cliente Soporte tecnico disponible 24/6 Conjunto de herramientas de entrenamiento extensivo Knowledgeable and responsive partners means one-on-one, face-to-face support Investigacion de mercado para identificar necesidades del cliente Partners con conocimiento y disponibilidad © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

9 Microsoft en Retail Que significa para usted
4/14/2017 7:37 AM Microsoft en Retail Que significa para usted Liderazgo en la Industria Compromiso con el Cliente Innovacion del Producto Incremento en desarrollo subio un 300% desde 2002 Mas de 50 ingenieros de software dedicados Workflows inteligentes para un procesamiento mas eficiente de la transaccion Compatibilidad con harware de POS y dispositivos Solucion completa para pequenos y medianos retailers © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

10 Un Software hecho para Retailers
4/14/2017 7:37 AM Un Software hecho para Retailers Aplicacion al Frente del negocio Retail Management System Store Operations GP, Solomon, Axapta, Navision Aplicacion Back Office Microsoft Office System Retail Management System Headquarters Retailer Pequeno Retailer Mediano © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

11 Activación de Producto
RMS 3.0 Diciembre 2009 RMS 3.0 Microsoft RMS Roadmap RMS 2.0 Enero 2007 RMS 2.0 .NET Activación de Producto Inventario y Compras Pagos GUI mejorada Integración con Dynamics SDK Completo Hooks API’s Fase 1 - Localization Reemplazo de llave electrónica física con activación estándar de Microsoft Funcionalidad de Matrices Aumentada Ajustes de costo a nivel de tiendaStore sicronizados con HQ Adición de % de Descuento a escenarios Mix-and-Match / Buy One Get One Creación e Impresión de PO mejorada Impresión de etiquetas desde PO Filtro de Cantidades Disponibles para PO Recepción de PO búsqueda de Item basada en número de proveedor Soporte AVS Soporte de Tarjeta Comercial Soporte de Impuestos sobre Cargos de Despacho y Transporte Abril 2006 RMS 1.3 Hardware Soporte Win2K Soporte SQL 2005 Soporte de dispositivos de captura de firma y pagos

12 Informacion de Producto
4/14/2017 7:37 AM Informacion de Producto Su negocio Oficina Central / Tienda Central Tiendas Individuales Generally speaking, if you are an independent merchant in our target market, you have a proprietor owned and operated store or small chain of stores and you (the owner) are the key business decision maker. You also have products that can be purchased, stocked and sold in stores, inventory that can be managed within stores and/or at a lead store, and no distribution centers outside of a lead store. There are two major components that make up the Retail Management System software suite – Store Operations and Headquarters. Store Operations runs on PCs at the POS and enables cashiers to expedite checkouts while store managers can perform back-office functions like inventory, supplier and reporting management. It is sold by the number of installations or checkout “lanes”. Store Operations can run as a standalone application or integrate with QuickBooks accounting, Microsoft Small Business Accounting and other business software solutions for higher-end accounting functions. Headquarters runs at the head office of a small chain, and allows managers to upload data from Store Operations installations and control back-office functions, while monitoring policies and procedures and analyzing sales performance across stores. Headquarters is sold by number of stores within a chain. It integrates with Dynamics Great Plains and other business software solutions for higher-end accounting functions. Note that Headquarters is not required for Store Operations and is not needed for a single store retailer, it is meant for businesses with more than 1 location that have the need for centrally managed information. Store Operations Streamline business operations, including inventory, supplier management and POS processes Make informed decisions with accurate data & powerful reports Reduce point of sale systems and operation costs Expand easily to multi-store operations Headquarters Control prices, purchasing and inventory-chain wide by region or store View, analyze and share data across your entire business Pull detailed sales and inventory information from multiple Store Operations installations and disseminate management changes to defined stores Exchange data and management directives with any mix of stores Set and monitor policies and procedures for each and every store Procesamiento de transacciones del cliente Generacion de reportes en tiempo real Manejo de inventario, clientes, precios, proveedores, compras & mas en la tienda Control de precio, compras & inventario en todas las tiendas Ver & analizar informacion general del negocio Establecer y monitorear politicas y procedimientos para todas las tiendas © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

13 Informacion de Producto
4/14/2017 7:37 AM Informacion de Producto Headquarters Tiendas Individuales Generally speaking, if you are an independent merchant in our target market, you have a proprietor owned and operated store or small chain of stores and you (the owner) are the key business decision maker. You also have products that can be purchased, stocked and sold in stores, inventory that can be managed within stores and/or at a lead store, and no distribution centers outside of a lead store. There are two major components that make up the Retail Management System software suite – Store Operations and HeadQuarters. Store Operations runs on PCs at the POS and enables cashiers to expedite checkouts while store managers can perform back-office functions like inventory, supplier and reporting management. It is sold by the number of installations or checkout “lanes”. Store Operations can run as a standalone application or integrate with Quickbooks accounting, Microsoft Small Business Accounting and other business software solutions for higher-end accounting functions. Headquarters runs at the head office of a small chain, and allows managers to upload data from Store Operations installations and control back-office functions, while monitoring policies and procedures and analyzing sales performance across stores. Headquarters is sold by number of stores within a chain. It integrates with Dynamics Great Plains and other business software solutions for higher-end accounting functions. Note that Headquarters is not required for Store Operations and is not needed for a single store retailer, it is meant for businesses with more than 1 location that have the need for centrally managed information. Store Operations Streamline business operations, including inventory, supplier management and POS processes Make informed decisions with accurate data & powerful reports Reduce point of sale systems and operation costs Expand easily to multi-store operations Headquarters Control prices, purchasing and inventory-chain wide by region or store View, analyze and share data across your entire business Pull detailed sales and inventory information from multiple Store Operations installations and disseminate management changes to defined stores Exchange data and management directives with any mix of stores Set and monitor policies and procedures for each and every store Procesamiento de transacciones del cliente Generacion de reportes en tiempo real Manejo de inventario, clientes, precios, proveedores, compras & mas en la tienda Control de precio, compras & inventario en todas las tiendas Ver & analizar informacion general del negocio Establecer y monitorear politicas y procedimientos para todas las tiendas © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

14 RMS y la integracion a GP (Great Plains)
4/14/2017 7:37 AM RMS y la integracion a GP (Great Plains) RMS Store Operations RMS Headquarters Microsoft Dynamics-GP Recivos de Inventario Transacciones de venta Pago de clientes Cuentas por Recibir Conciliacion Bancaria Procesamiento De ordenes de compra Libro Mayor Clientes, Inventario, Proveedores, e Informacion de venta Estacion de POS © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

15 Integracion de RMS a Office SBA 2006
4/14/2017 7:37 AM Integracion de RMS a Office SBA 2006 Ventas & informacion de proveedor es transferida desde RMS a SBA © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

16 Segmento y Verticales Tipicos de RMS
Pequeño comerciante - Una o múltiples tiendas Mediano comerciante – Pequeñas cadenas de tiendas Inventario manejado en las tiendas y/o desde una tienda u oficina central Tiendas de mercancía general Ropa, zapatos Electrónicos Farmacias Regalos Licores Tiendas de Conveniencia Tiendas de Repuestos

17 Algunos Casos de Exito Juguetron – Mexico Carrion - Centroamerica
Supermercados La Colonia – Honduras Umbro – Chile Tommy Hilfiger – Panama / Venezuela Texaco – Honduras Sandals Resorts – Jamaica Cheeky - Argentina Dallas Cowboys – Texas Real Madrid - Spain

18 Pantalla del Punto de Venta
4/14/2017 7:37 AM Pantalla del Punto de Venta © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

19 Informacion de despacho a cliente
4/14/2017 7:37 AM HTML status bar Mostrar una pagina Web con informacion, such as your store’s name & address or other info Informacion de despacho a cliente Mostrar informacion de cliente y envio Botones de POS a medida Mostrar shortcuts a medida a comandos del POS, otros programas, o Websites Panel de Transaccion Lineas de items ilimitadas Informacion de Totales Total en tiempo Real, sub total, impuestos & costos de fletes Botones de Tecla de Funciones Acceda a todas las funcionalidades del POS con estos botones o equivalente en teclado © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

20 Detalle de Instalacion
4/14/2017 7:37 AM Detalle de Instalacion © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

21 Requerimientos de Sistema
4/14/2017 7:37 AM Requerimientos de Sistema RMS Store Operations RMS: HQ Operating System Windows 2000, Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 PC Pentium III or greater Pentium IV Recommended RAM 64MB Minimum 128MB Recommended 128MB Minimum 256MB Recommended Hard Disk Space 50MB Available 60MB Available CD ROM Drive Yes VGA POS: 800x600 Manager: 1024x768 or higher 1024x768 or higher Note: MSDE included on both products. SQL sold separately. SQL recommended for RMS: HQ installations. RMS runs on inexpensive PCs, making it more affordable for independent merchants. It also provides support for Windows and POS peripherals including receipt printers, magnetic stripe readers, PC/PS-2 keyboards, bar code readers and more. © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

22 Ser un partner RMS autorizado es tan fácil como:
1 Registro 2 Entrenamiento 3 Certificación No Espere. ¡Empieze Hoy! MICROSOFT RETAIL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Partner Autorizado

23 Certificación del Partner
Completar formulario de Registro de Socio Microsoft RMS Formatos disponibles en página web de ScanSource Latin America Si ya es Socio MBS, se agrega RMS en su lista de productos Envío de Número de Cuenta MBS Paquete de Bienvenida RMS con versión NFR de 3 usuarios Entrenamiento en linea en website Partner Source Certificación en el producto Contactar a su centro de certificación Microsoft RMS más cercano Centros de examen: Aprobar los exámenes de Certificación del producto (SO & HQ)

24 Soporte para el usuario final de Microsoft RMS
Soporte directo de Microsoft bajo “Software Assurance” Herramientas de soporte en línea (CustomerSource) y telefónica Soporte al producto estándar únicamente Soporte a través del partner Microsoft RMS Soporte de toda la solución implantada Primer punto de contacto para soporte Contratos de servicio que cubren más allá del software Profundización de la relación de negocios El soporte de las soluciones localizadas o particulares (Hooks y Add-Ons) será responsabilidad fundamental del Partner Microsoft RMS que la desarrolló y/o instaló. Ni Microsoft ni ScanSource proveerán soporte alguno a productos no standard

25 Oportunidades de negocio en Soporte del Producto
Socio RMS es el contacto primario de soporte para los usuarios finales del producto Posibilidad de oferta de Contratos de Mantenimiento propios, que pueden incluir el mantenimiento Software Assurance de Microsoft RMS Servicios de consultoría para integración de sistemas, desarrollos adicionales y “personalizaciones” del producto Soluciones “Llave en Mano” con Hardware de POS asociado a solución de software, con base en los productos y servicios también ofrecidos por ScanSource Latin America

26 Portal de Registro de Aplicaciones

27 Portal de Registro de Aplicaciones

28 Muchas Gracias !

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