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Bienvenidos 1.

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Presentación del tema: "Bienvenidos 1."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Bienvenidos 1

2 Un poco acerca del Aprendizaje
Apaguen sus celulares. Tomen Notas, utilicen colores. Levanten su mano. Hablen en voz alta. Dejar que todos participen. Diviértanse DI Ask questions about what does each side of the brain control. Explain we want both sides of the brain working together. Explain how colours are for the right hand side of the brain. Ask if anyone has had a feeling that they couldn’t put into words. Mention leaving the end off of sentences. Get them to call out a few words and hold your hand up to your ears. Mention raising hands and get them to all do it so they can prove they can, now have no excuses tell them. Do the raise your hands, cross over, spin palms towards each other, clench together, spin back up inside and point to see if they can move the right fingers. Remember not to touch the fingers. Explain that it’s about both sides of the brain working together and that’s why they go into … CONFUSION … explain how in school they would shut down, in real life should ask yourself another question, and another and so on … may take a few days but the answer will pop into your head. Total 5 Mins

3 Por favor preséntate… Tu Nombre El Nombre de tu Empresa
¿Qué debe pasar hoy para que decidas cambiar hacia la mejora a tu negocio y nos permitas couchearte? End 11:32 If time permits, do a visualization of the new business in each persons mind. Stress the importance of believing, especially when it feels like it’s not working … Focus them on planting the right seeds in their mind. Total 4 Mins Copyright© 2007 ActionCOACH All Rights Reserved 3

4 Pertenencia Responsable Confiable
¿Estás arriba o abajo de la línea? Pertenencia Responsable Confiable Culpas Excusas Negar Above and below the line. Blame, do pointing exercise. Excuses, how many have kids that are experts at this … where did they learn it from ? Denial … book titled, Denial is not a river in Egypt … Polite way of saying you’re lying to yourself. Above, point out OWN SHIP Accountable for Results Responsible for Actions IMPORTANT … Get agreement that everyone is willing to play above the line for today … Total 5 Mins Pág. 2 Cuaderno de trabajo 4

5 Pertenencia Responsable Confiable
¿Estás arriba o abajo de la línea? Pertenencia Responsable Confiable Culpas Excusas Negar Above and below the line. Blame, do pointing exercise. Excuses, how many have kids that are experts at this … where did they learn it from ? Denial … book titled, Denial is not a river in Egypt … Polite way of saying you’re lying to yourself. Above, point out OWN SHIP Accountable for Results Responsible for Actions IMPORTANT … Get agreement that everyone is willing to play above the line for today … Total 5 Mins

6 Para asegurarme que obtengas lo máximo el día de hoy
¡Ya lo Sé! Pág. 3 Cuaderno de trabajo 6

7 Línea delgada verde es lo que se que se
La cuña amarilla es lo que yo se que no se Y el resto del amoneda es lo que no se que no se.

8 Para asegurarme que obtengas lo máximo el día de hoy
¡Qué interesante! 8

9 Para asegurarme que obtengas lo máximo el día de hoy, asegúrate de obtener...
DIVERSIÓN End 11:32 If time permits, do a visualization of the new business in each persons mind. Stress the importance of believing, especially when it feels like it’s not working … Focus them on planting the right seeds in their mind. Total 4 Mins Copyright© 2007 ActionCOACH All Rights Reserved 9

10 Empresa Comercial, Rentable,
Definición de Negocio Empresa Comercial, Rentable, Que Funciona Sin Ti! End 11:32 If time permits, do a visualization of the new business in each persons mind. Stress the importance of believing, especially when it feels like it’s not working … Focus them on planting the right seeds in their mind. Total 4 Mins Se trata de trabajar “PARA” Tu negocio y no trabajar “EN” tu negocio Copyright© 2007 ActionCOACH All Rights Reserved 10

11 Haciendo Rentable al Negocio...
Los 5 caminos Probados de ACTION para incrementar las utilidades de TU negocio ... Prospectos x % Conversión = Clientes Transacciones Venta Prom. $$$ Ventas % Margen Utilidad 5 End 11:20 To finish up … Idealization … To make a dream come true, first you have to have one … dream bigger … Visualization … You must focus on that dream day and night to make it a reality in your mind, only then can it become a reality in life … Materialization … When you’re truly committed it’s amazing what happens to create your new reality … Total 6 Mins Pág. 6 Cuaderno de trabajo Copyright© 2007 ActionCOACH All Rights Reserved 11

12 Hacer Más con Menos Divide para Multiplicar
La Clave para el Éxito de Tu Negocio... Y que funcione sin ti Apalancarlo Hacer Más con Menos End 11:32 If time permits, do a visualization of the new business in each persons mind. Stress the importance of believing, especially when it feels like it’s not working … Focus them on planting the right seeds in their mind. Total 4 Mins Divide para Multiplicar Copyright© 2007 ActionCOACH All Rights Reserved 12

13 Las 4 formas de Apalancar tu Negocio
A través de Gente y Educación... A través de Sistemas y Tecnología... A través de Distribución y Entrega ... Now you’re getting specific and showing the 4 main areas you’ll be working on with them … People … Building a much better, more educated and stronger team … Systems … developing a stronger company through documented systems … Marketing … creating a strong and powerful cashflow through new customers, better sales, repeat customers, better average sale and better margins … Finance … getting a stronger company through better examination of the position on a more regular basis … KPI’s … 3 Mins A través de Finanzas y P & M ...

14 ¿Cómo GANAR …? Rentable: Apalancando tu Mercadotecnia para generar una Utilidad Mensual de $8,000 ó más … Que funciona sin tí: Apalancando tu negocio con 5 puntos en cada una de las cuatro Áreas Básicas de Tu Negocio … Para poder ganar …Tú debes lograr AMBOS resultados y no tener un saldo deudor … Keep your hand on the button to bring up the formula again, also the numbers you had up before but stop before you start the 10% extra. What you want here is agreement that if they were to learn from you and work with you, do they think that they could get a small, little 10% increase in each area ... ? Go through one by one stressing the fact of the 70 or 80 solutions you can teach them in each of the 5 areas. Get them to call out the calculations for each of the 10% increases, and then be sure to lead them to their doom. Say, of course you’ve increased your turnover by 10% haven’t you ... Haven’t you ? Then show them how it’s multiplied ... 14

15 Pongamos unos números ... Prospectos x Tasa de Conversión = Clientes
No. de Transacciones Venta Prom. $$$ Ventas % Margen Utilidad 4,000 x 25% = 1,000 2 $100 $200,000 $50,000 73 83 68 53 As you bring up the formula again, get them to call it out. Then point out the difference between the red and white symbols. Remember the equals sign, you can only change 5 things. Here’s another one where they’ll notice how they’ve been focussing on the wrong areas. As you put the numbers up, remember to ask them for the calculations, and be sure to explain how some are averages and you know that they’ll have $5 and $5,000 sales etc. Now, here’s where you win them over completely. 67 344 15

16 Juan This is where you explain to the group, how to go about calculating their increases from the campaigns they run. Explain it step by step as it comes up on the screen. As each person has an auditor sitting next to them, it does not really matter if one or two people don’t quite get it at this time, as their auditor can explain it to them as they play. Run straight through to the next example. 1 Min.

17 Multiplicando tu Factor
Los cálculos … Multiplicando tu Factor actual de Conv. (25%), por Tu nuevo factor de conversión es 25% x 1.07 = 26.75% Redondeándolo a un decimal = 26.8% Imagina que te sale un 7 para Factor de Conversión ... Número de Prospectos x Factor de Conversión = No. de Clientes No. de Transacciones $$$ Venta Promedio Ventas Margen Utilidades 4,000 x 25% = 1,000 2 $100 $200,000 $50,000 This is where you explain to the group, how to go about calculating their increases from the campaigns they run. Explain it step by step as it comes up on the screen. As each person has an auditor sitting next to them, it does not really matter if one or two people don’t quite get it at this time, as their auditor can explain it to them as they play. Run straight through to the next example. 1 Min.

18 Así que los nuevos números son ...
Número de Prospectos x Tasa de Conversión = No. de Clientes No. de Transacciones $$$ Venta Promedio Ventas Margen Utilidades 4,000 x 25% = 1,000 2 $100 $200,000 $50,000 4,000 x 26.8% = 1,072 2 $100 $214,400 25% $53,600 Now go through and show them how the calculation works as an example. You may like to point out to them at this stage that they will experience a number of small jumps in profit like this. If they find they get a substantial increase in profit after just one spin, they should double check their calculations. If they are still unsure, they should have their auditor check their figures for them. Point out the need to calculate right through every time no matter which section they get the increase in. 1 Min.

19 x 1.07 Calc... Calc... Calc... Calc... Juan 4,000 26.8% 1,072 2 100
This is where you explain to the group, how to go about calculating their increases from the campaigns they run. Explain it step by step as it comes up on the screen. As each person has an auditor sitting next to them, it does not really matter if one or two people don’t quite get it at this time, as their auditor can explain it to them as they play. Run straight through to the next example. 1 Min. x 1.07 Calc... Calc... Calc... Calc... 4,000 26.8% 1,072 2 100 214,400 25% 53,600 4,466 4,470

20 Los Cálculos … Multiplica tu $$ Venta Promedio Actual ($100),
por Tu nueva $$ Venta Promedio es $100 x 1.02 = $102 Redondeado al CENTAVO más cercano = $102 Imagina que tú sacas un 2 para $$ Venta Promedio ... Número de Prospectos x Factor de Conversión = No. de Clientes No. de Transacciones $$$ Venta Promedio Ventas Margen Utilidades 4,000 x 26.8% = 1,072 2 $100 $214, 400 25% $53,600 This is where you explain to the group, how to go about calculating their increases from the campaigns they run. Explain it step by step as it comes up on the screen. As each person has an auditor sitting next to them, it does not really matter if one or two people don’t quite get it at this time, as their auditor can explain it to them as they play. Ask questions to see that they get it. For example, now ask them what they would do if they spun a 2 on lead generation etc etc. 3 Mins

21 Así que los nuevos números son ...
Número de Prospectos x Tasa de Conversión = No. de Clientes No. de Transacciones $$$ Venta Promedio Ventas Margen Utilidades 4,000 x 26.8% = 1,072 2 $100 $214,400 25% $53,600 4,000 x 26.8% = 1,072 2 $102 $218,688 25% $54,672 Now go through and show them how the calculation works as an example. You may like to point out to them at this stage that they will experience a number of small jumps in profit like this. If they find they get a substantial increase in profit after just one spin, they should double check their calculations. If they are still unsure, they should have their auditor check their figures for them. Point out the need to calculate right through every time no matter which section they get the increase in. 1 Min.

22 Juan This is where you explain to the group, how to go about calculating their increases from the campaigns they run. Explain it step by step as it comes up on the screen. As each person has an auditor sitting next to them, it does not really matter if one or two people don’t quite get it at this time, as their auditor can explain it to them as they play. Run straight through to the next example. 1 Min. 4,000 26.8% 1,072 2 100 214,400 25% 4,470 53,600 x 1.02 Calc... Calc... Calc... 4,000 26.8% 1,072 2 102 218,688 25% 54,672 4,560 4,556

23 Redondeando los números ...
Número de Prospectos x Factor de Conversión = No. de Clientes No. de Transacciones $$$ Venta Promedio Ventas Margen Utilidades Al Número ENTERO más cercano x Al PRIMER Decimal más cercano = Redondeado al SEGUNDO Decimal Redondeado al CENTAVO más cercano Redondeado al DOLLAR más cercano Redondeado al PRIMER Decimal Leave this screen showing as you play the game to make sure people can calculate easily. 1 Min. Leave the screen up as they play the game so they will know how they are meant to round off each area of the 5 ways chart ... Pág. 5 Cuaderno de trabajo

24 ¿Cómo registro el incremento del “Apalancamiento” …?
Digamos que logras incrementar 2 puntos tu nivel de apalancamiento de Personal y Educación … Tu nivel actual es de 2 “puntos de apalancamiento” Así que el nivel final de apalancamiento en “Personal y Educación” es = 4 puntos … Keep your hand on the button to bring up the formula again, also the numbers you had up before but stop before you start the 10% extra. What you want here is agreement that if they were to learn from you and work with you, do they think that they could get a small, little 10% increase in each area ... ? Go through one by one stressing the fact of the 70 or 80 solutions you can teach them in each of the 5 areas. Get them to call out the calculations for each of the 10% increases, and then be sure to lead them to their doom. Say, of course you’ve increased your turnover by 10% haven’t you ... Haven’t you ? Then show them how it’s multiplied ... 24

25 Juan This is where you explain to the group, how to go about calculating their increases from the campaigns they run. Explain it step by step as it comes up on the screen. As each person has an auditor sitting next to them, it does not really matter if one or two people don’t quite get it at this time, as their auditor can explain it to them as they play. Run straight through to the next example. 1 Min. 4,000 26.8% 1,072 2 100 214,400 25% 4,470 53,600 4,000 26.8% 1,072 2 102 218,688 25% 54,672 4,560

26 Empecemos … Coloquen el Tablero de Juego y las tarjetas
Elijan a una persona para que sea el “Banco” Cada persona selecciona una “ficha de juego” y la coloca en el cuadro “Utilidades” marcado “Empiece Aquí” … Cada Jugador toma un Hoja de Juego … Lancen los dados para ver quién va primero Hay que jugar con los dos dados …

27 Antes de empezar … Identifiquen a su Auditor, que es la persona que está a su derecha …Auditen frecuentemente El Banco le da inicialmente a cada jugador una cantidad igual a la utilidad mensual que cada uno tiene en sus Tarjetas de Negocio … Cada jugador es responsable de exigir a la Banca que le pague la utilidad mensual que tiene en su Hoja de Juego, cada vez que pasa por la casilla “Utilidades”. Si se le olvida pedirla la pierde al momento de tirar los dados el siguiente jugador… Si al hacer girar la ruleta, el indicador queda exactamente entre dos números, se toma el mayor de ellos como válido. En caso de dudas, es “La banca” quien decide.

28 Antes de empezar … Sólo se pueden pedir prestado o pagar deudas en múltiplos de $1,000 Al pedir un préstamo, el jugador paga $1,000, y luego paga 10% de interés cada mes mientras tenga préstamo pendiente de pagar… Si se pasan del límite de crédito, pierden 3 turnos, deben pagar un interés de 20% y reducir su margen un 25%… Mientras se encuentren con préstamos fuera del límite de crédito, no pueden hacer ningún trato… Al caer en la casilla “UUPS” significa que tu negocio está en CRISIS. No puedes hacer ningún trato mientras te encuentres en crisis. …

29 Antes de empezar … Al caer en la casilla “Bonos” pueden tomar una tarjeta de cualquier tipo … Las cartas de adentro (los 5 caminos + UPS) son obligatorias de aplicar. Las cartas de afuera (apalancamiento) se aplican según las instrucciones y el criterio del jugador que la tomó. Soliciten ayuda si algo no les quedó claro … Tengan el Reglamento a la mano …

30 A jugar!!!! 30

31 Redondeando los números ...
Número de Prospectos x Factor de Conversión = No. de Clientes No. de Transacciones $$$ Venta Promedio Ventas Margen Utilidades Al Número ENTERO más cercano x Al PRIMER Decimal más cercano = Redondeado al SEGUNDO Decimal Redondeado al CENTAVO más cercano Redondeado al DOLLAR más cercano Redondeado al PRIMER Decimal Leave this screen showing as you play the game to make sure people can calculate easily. 1 Min. Leave the screen up as they play the game so they will know how they are meant to round off each area of the 5 ways chart ... Pág. 5 Cuaderno de trabajo

32 ¿Quién quiere invertir en un Programa de Coaching “Step Up”?
La Oferta: Coaching “Step Up” Agrega 10 puntos a cada resultado de la ruleta Un 5 se vuelve 15 Un 0 se vuelve 10 Un 10 se vuelve 20 Usa 3 dados en lugar de 2. La Inversión: $1, por mes ¿Alguien lo Toma? Paga al Banco al pasar por utilidades. Give this option 15 to 20 minutes after the previous option. Now we introduce fee-based coaching. In training we were taught to sped up the game by adding points to the spinner. Some suggested that we say that the government was getting involved and made things better. Why not give the client the option of purchasing coaching at a low level for some benefit, but not the full benefit? I know it is not exactly like our coaching. But, it will do for an introduction. THEY MUST PAY EACH ROUND BEFORE THE ROLE THE DICE OR NO BENEFIT!!! Leave this slide showing until the time is up to show the next one…

33 Redondeando los números ...
Número de Prospectos x Factor de Conversión = No. de Clientes No. de Transacciones $$$ Venta Promedio Ventas Margen Utilidades Al Número ENTERO más cercano x Al PRIMER Decimal más cercano = Redondeado al SEGUNDO Decimal Redondeado al CENTAVO más cercano Redondeado al DOLLAR más cercano Redondeado al PRIMER Decimal Leave this screen showing as you play the game to make sure people can calculate easily. 1 Min. Leave the screen up as they play the game so they will know how they are meant to round off each area of the 5 ways chart ... Pág. 5 Cuaderno de trabajo

34 ¿Quién quisiera invertir en un Programa de Coaching “Power Up”?
El Detalle: Step Up sólo ayuda en Utilidades La Oferta: Coaching Power Up (Utilidades + Apalancamiento) Agrega 10 puntos a cada resultado de la ruleta Usa 3 dados en lugar de 2 Y Agrega 1 punto a cada tarjeta de apalancamiento El precio de la tarjeta sigue siendo el mismo La Inversión: $2, por mes ¿Alguien lo Toma? Paga al Banco al pasar por utilidades. Give this, last, option 15 to 20 minutes after the previous option. However, it needs to be 20 to 30 minutes before the end of the game. Here is where we introduce real coaching, the Silver level… Again, it’s not exactly what we do. But, it is better then giving the government credit for their business improvements, right?

35 Redondeando los números ...
Número de Prospectos x Factor de Conversión = No. de Clientes No. de Transacciones $$$ Venta Promedio Ventas Margen Utilidades Al Número ENTERO más cercano x Al PRIMER Decimal más cercano = Redondeado al SEGUNDO Decimal Redondeado al CENTAVO más cercano Redondeado al DOLLAR más cercano Redondeado al PRIMER Decimal Leave this screen showing as you play the game to make sure people can calculate easily. 1 Min. Leave the screen up as they play the game so they will know how they are meant to round off each area of the 5 ways chart ... Pág. 5 Cuaderno de trabajo

36 ¿Quién quisiera invertir en un Programa de Coaching Freedom?
El Detalle: Power Up te ayuda en Utilidades y Apalancamiento según la casilla que te toque La Oferta: Coaching Freedom (Utilidades + Apalancamiento según lo que TU decidas) Quien tiene coaching Freedom decide qué tarjeta tomar (es como Bonus permanente). Agrega 10 puntos a cada resultado de la ruleta Usa 3 dados en lugar de 2 Agrega 1 punto a cada tarjeta de apalancamiento El precio de la tarjeta sigue siendo el mismo La Inversión: $2, por mes ¿Alguien lo Toma? Paga al Banco al pasar por utilidades. Give this, last, option 15 to 20 minutes after the previous option. However, it needs to be 20 to 30 minutes before the end of the game. Here is where we introduce real coaching, the Silver level… Again, it’s not exactly what we do. But, it is better then giving the government credit for their business improvements, right?

37 Redondeando los números ...
Número de Prospectos x Factor de Conversión = No. de Clientes No. de Transacciones $$$ Venta Promedio Ventas Margen Utilidades Al Número ENTERO más cercano x Al PRIMER Decimal más cercano = Redondeado al SEGUNDO Decimal Redondeado al CENTAVO más cercano Redondeado al DOLLAR más cercano Redondeado al PRIMER Decimal Leave this screen showing as you play the game to make sure people can calculate easily. 1 Min. Leave the screen up as they play the game so they will know how they are meant to round off each area of the 5 ways chart ... Pág. 5 Cuaderno de trabajo

38 Se nos acabó el tiempo, pero necesitamos un ganador… 
Terminen jugando hasta llegar a la persona que tiró primero los dados Calcula tu Factor de Apalancamiento Operacional Sólo puedes usar 5 puntos por área Suma tus 4 áreas (debe ser 20 o menos) Divide entre 4 para obtener un Factor de Apalancamiento Operacional entre 0 y 5 Calcula el Valor de tu Negocio Multiplica tu última utilidad anual por el Factor de Apalancamiento Operacional Suma el efectivo que tienes y resta la cantidad que tienes en préstamos ¿Quién tiene el mayor Valor de Negocio?

39 ¿Qué aprendiste del juego … ? ¿Qué BFO’s obtuviste … ?
Acerca de Mercadotecnia … Acerca de Sistemas … Acerca de Apalancar … Acerca de Tu Equipo … Acerca de Tu Negocio … Acerca de Tu Persona … Point out seminars don’t work, the people that come to them do … I can start you and educate you and train you, but you as a team still have to make this happen. 1 Min

40 Con tan sólo un 10% de incremento...
73 Prospectos x % Conversión = Clientes No. de Transacciones Venta Prom. $$$ Ventas % Margen Utilidad 4,000 x 25% = 1,000 2 X $100 $200,000 $50,000 4,400 x 27.5% = 1,210 2.2 $110 $292,820 $80,525 83 68 53 Keep your hand on the button to bring up the formula again, also the numbers you had up before but stop before you start the 10% extra. What you want here is agreement that if they were to learn from you and work with you, do they think that they could get a small, little 10% increase in each area ... ? Go through one by one stressing the fact of the 70 or 80 solutions you can teach them in each of the 5 areas. Get them to call out the calculations for each of the 10% increases, and then be sure to lead them to their doom. Say, of course you’ve increased your turnover by 10% haven’t you ... Haven’t you ? Then show them how it’s multiplied ... 67 344 40

41 Eso da un 46% de aumento en ventas...
Y un impresionante aumento de 61% en UTILIDADES 41

42 Si fuera más joven... ¿Cuál es tu EXCUSA? ¿Qué tan Comprometido estás?
¿Eres de los que Sacan Excusas? Si fuera más joven... Si tuviera más experiencia... Si tuviera dinero... Si fuera más listo... Si fuera en otro momento... Si no tuviera miedo... Si fuera soltero... Si no fuera por... ¿Cuál es tu EXCUSA? Point out seminars don’t work, the people that come to them do … I can start you and educate you and train you, but you as a team still have to make this happen. 1 Min

43 ¿Das el 100 %? ¿Qué te está frenando? ¿Estás listo para dar el 100 %?
Point out seminars don’t work, the people that come to them do … I can start you and educate you and train you, but you as a team still have to make this happen. 1 Min

44 ¿Estás dispuesto a seguir perdiendo tiempo y dinero

45 Fallar ... Es fallar en PARTICIPAR …
La única manera de Fallar ... Es fallar en PARTICIPAR … Da el 100% hoy para recibir el 100% ...

46 Beneficios del Coaching ¿Por qué debes de tomarlo?
Vas a tener un COACH que te mantendrá arriba de la línea, con quien te comprometerás para cumplir tus metas y te mantendrá enfocado Tu COACH te va a guiar, motivar e inspirar, para que entregues siempre tu 100% Vas de dejar de ser Auto-Empleado y sabrás que decisiones tomar para mejorar tus resultados Vas a tener más ingresos y tiempo libre que te permitirá disfrutar más de la vida… 46 46

47 Para ayudarte a participar
SOLO HOY Coaching Grupal por 6 meses

48 Inversión 5000 pesos mensuales pagaderos a la primea sesión del mes
Si pagas adelantado los 6 meses tu inversión será de pesos , equiv ale a 4000 pesos al mes Puedes pagar por transferencia , cheque o tarjeta de crédito

49 ¡¡¡ Muchas Gracias!!!

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