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Saquen los apuntes Si clauses… (If I could, I would…) Past subjunctive – conditional.

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Presentación del tema: "Saquen los apuntes Si clauses… (If I could, I would…) Past subjunctive – conditional."— Transcripción de la presentación:


2 Saquen los apuntes Si clauses… (If I could, I would…) Past subjunctive – conditional

3 Si clauses… If I had a million dollars… ▫Past subjunctive – hypothetical…not real…fiction I would buy… ▫Conditional – based on the conditions above…

4 Condicional Infintivo + ía, ías, ía, íamos, ían I would go = yo iría You would be = tú serías Irregulares: diría, haría, podría, pondría, saldría, tendría, vendría, querría, sabría, habría

5 To make past subjunctive… Drop the “on” Add aamos as aan If they went… ▫Si ellos fueran… If I were located… ▫Si yo estuviera… If she had… ▫Si ella tuviera… Follow the “si” – the past subjunctive is always attached to the “if”

6 If I had a job, I would not be able to study. Si yo tuviera un trabajo, yo no podría estudiar.

7 I would go with you if you needed me. Yo iría contigo si tú me necesitaras.

8 If I knew, I would tell you. Si yo supiera, te diría.

9 If they had the resources, they could be more successful. Si ellos tuvieran los recursos, podrían tener más éxito. (podrían ser más exitosos.)

10 I know you would help us if you could. Sé que tú nos ayudarías si pudieras 3!!!

11 Buenos días martes. Saquen los apuntes 6 X :50

12 If you knew him, you would admire him.

13 She said she would study the law if she were accepted to the university.

14 If we had the opportunity, we would travel to Spain.

15 I would never give homework if I were a teacher.

16 We would be good friends if you lived here.

17 He said he would come with us if he didn’t have to work.

18 respuestas

19 If you knew him, you would admire him. Si tu lo conocieras, lo admirarías

20 She said she would study the law if she were accepted to the university. Ella dijo que estudiaría la ley si fuera aceptada a la Universidad.

21 If we had the opportunity, we would travel to Spain. Si tuviéramos la oportunidad, viajaríamos a España.

22 I would never give homework if I were a teacher. Nunca daría tarea si yo fuera una maestra. (maestro; dejaría tarea…)

23 We would be good friends if you lived here. Nosotros seríamos buenos amigos si tú vivieras aquí.

24 He said he would come with us if he didn’t have to work. Él dijo que vendría con nosotros si no tuviera que trabajar.

25 Buenos días miáucoles

26 haber If there were – ▫hubiera There would be – ▫habría

27 If everybody used sustainable products, there would be less trash.

28 What would you do if you won a million dollars?

29 How would you spend/pass the time if you didn’t have to go to school?

30 If everyone contributed, there would be enough.

31 They said they would understand if we had to leave early.

32 What would we do if there weren’t any resources?

33 respuestas

34 If everybody used sustainable products, there would be less trash. Si todos usaran productos sostenibles, habría menos basura/residuos.

35 What would you do if you won a million dollars? ¿Qué harías si ganaras un millón de dólares?

36 How would you spend/pass the time if you didn’t have to go to school? ¿Cómo pasarías el tiempo si no tuvieras que ir a la escuela?

37 If everyone contributed, there would be enough. Si todos contribuyeran, habría bastante.

38 They said they would understand if we had to leave early. Ellos dijeron que entenderían si tuviéramos que salir temprano.

39 What would we do if there weren’t any resources? ¿Qué haríamos si no hubiera ningunos recursos.

40 ¡Cuéntame!

41 Buenos días Repasa 6 X :45

42 She would be happy if we came to her party.

43 If it were easy, everyone would do it! (el trabajo)

44 If there were more time, we would visit all the museums.

45 I would tell you if I knew.

46 Would you go with me if I asked you?

47 There would be less pollution if people used public transportation.


49 She would be happy if we came to her party. Estaría contenta si nosotros viniéramos a su fiesta.

50 If it were easy, everyone would do it! (el trabajo) Si fuera fácil, ¡todos lo harían!

51 If there were more time, we would visit all the museums. Si hubiera más tiempo, visitaríamos todos los museos.

52 I would tell you if I knew. Te diría si supiera.

53 Would you go with me if I asked you? ¿Irías conmigo si te pidiera?

54 There would be less pollution if people used public transportation. Habría menos contaminación si la gente utilizara el transporte público.

55 Carlitos, el muchacho de __________años, vive en _____________, México, con su _________. La mamá de Carlitos, ____________, vive en ____________, Estados Unidos. Todos los ____________, a las ________ de la mañana, la mamá lo llama a Carlitos por _____________. Cuando describe dónde está, describe una ____________, una ____________, un ___________ multicolor y una tienda de cosas para ______________.

56 Preguntas Comprensión: ¿cuántos años tiene Carlitos? ¿Cómo se llama el padre de Carlitos? Preguntas para pensar (reflexionar, inferir, predecir, concluir, analizar, etc.) ▫¿Qué harán Rosario y Carlitos ahora? ¿Por qué? ▫¿Por qué no vino Oscar a recoger a Carlitos? ▫¿Cómo sería diferente la historia si Carlitos estuviera en L.A. mientras Rosario estuviera en México?

57 Escribe 6-7 preguntas Usa los “spinners” 1 – spin 2 & 3 – intenta crear una buena pregunta 4 – escríbela

58 Buenos Días scramble

59 If you knew him, you would admire him.

60 I know you would help us if you could.

61 Would you go with me if I asked you?

62 If we had the opportunity, we would travel to Spain.

63 If everyone contributed, there would be enough.

64 If there were more time, we would visit all the museums.


66 If you knew him, you would admire him. Si lo conocieras, lo admirarías.

67 I know you would help us if you could. Yo sé que nos ayudarías si pudieras.

68 Would you go with me if I asked you? ¿Irías conmigo si te pidiera?

69 If we had the opportunity, we would travel to Spain. Si tuviéramos la oportunidad, viajaríamos a España.

70 If everyone contributed, there would be enough. Si todos contribuyeran, habría bastante/suficiente.

71 If there were more time, we would visit all the museums. Si hubiera más tiempo, visitaríamos todos los museos.

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