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Preterite Verbs with i > y Stem Change – (Y Verbs)

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1 Preterite Verbs with i > y Stem Change – (Y Verbs)
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2 Preterite Y Verbs In the preterite, many verbs that end in –er/-ir and have a double vowel sound such as leer (to read) and construir (to construct/build) have spelling changes. These spelling changes occur in the 3rd person forms (usted/él/ella) and (ustedes/ellos/ellas)

3 Preterite Y Verbs Here is how they change: The I becomes a Y.
Additionally, some of these verbs, such as leer (to read) and creer (to believe) will have accents on the “I” of the other forms. These verbs are sometimes known as Y verbs or sole verbs (I-Y)

4 DESTRUIR destruí destruiste destruyó destruimos destruyeron

5 Preterite i > y Stem Change Verbs
Other verbs such as leer, creer, oír, and caerse, follow a similar pattern except with the accent on the “I”.

6 LEER leí leíste leyó leímos leyeron

7 CREER creí creíste creyó creímos creyeron

8 OÍR oíste oyó oímos oyeron

9 CAERSE me caí te caíste se cayó nos caímos se cayeron

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