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EL TIEMPO FUTURO CONTINUO (The Future Continuous Tense)

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Presentación del tema: "EL TIEMPO FUTURO CONTINUO (The Future Continuous Tense)"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 EL TIEMPO FUTURO CONTINUO (The Future Continuous Tense)
Universidad Autónoma San Francisco LTeI / THyG Inglés II Lic. Carla Núñez Flores

2 The Future Continuous Tense
Este tiempo verbal se expresa con el futuro del verbo BE (WILL BE) más el GERUNDIO de un verbo principal y se usa para referirse a acciones que estarán realizándose a una hora o fecha determinada en el futuro, cuando otra acción ocurra. Por lo tanto son frecuentes las expresiones de tiempo compuestas por WHEN + SUBJECT + PRESENT + TOMORROW/ NEXT MONDAY, etc, when you come home this evening o when the program starts tonight También se usan expresiones de tiempo como at ten o´clock tomorrow, at midday next Saturday at this time tomorrow

3 The Future Continuous Tense
How do we make the Future Continuous Tense? The structure of the future continuous tense is:

4 The Future Continuous Tense
For negative sentences in the future continuous tense, we insert not between will and be. For question sentences, we exchange the subject and will. Look at these example sentences with the future continuous tense:

5 The Future Continuous Tense
When we use the future continuous tense, our listener usually knows or understands what time we are talking about. Look at these examples: I will be playing tennis at 10am tomorrow. They won't be watching TV at 9pm tonight. What will you be doing at 10pm tonight? What will you be doing when I arrive? She will not be sleeping when you telephone her. We 'll be having dinner when the film starts. Take your umbrella. It will be raining when you return.

6 Lic. Carla V. Núñez Flores

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