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Present Tense of ser Expressing to be Present Tense of ser ser (to be) yosoynosotros/assomos túeresvosotros/assois Ud.Uds. élesellosson ellaellas Yo soy.

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Presentación del tema: "Present Tense of ser Expressing to be Present Tense of ser ser (to be) yosoynosotros/assomos túeresvosotros/assois Ud.Uds. élesellosson ellaellas Yo soy."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Present Tense of ser Expressing to be Present Tense of ser ser (to be) yosoynosotros/assomos túeresvosotros/assois Ud.Uds. élesellosson ellaellas Yo soy estudiante. Alicia y yo somos amigas. La doctora Ramos es profesora. Esto (This) es un libro. 5

2 Possessive Adjectives (Unstressed) Expressing Possession Possessive Adjectives (Unstressed) mymi libro / mesa mis libros / mesas yourtu libro / mesa tus libros / mesas your, his,su libro / mesa her, itssus libros / mesas ournuestro libronuestra mesa nuestros librosnuestras mesas yourvuestro librovuestra mesa vuestros librosvuestras mesas your,su libro / mesa theirsus libros / mesas 6

3 Adjectives: Gender, Number, and Position (Part 1) Describing Adjectives: Gender, Number, and Position (Part 1) A. Adjectives that end in -o (alto) have four forms, showing gender and number. MasculineFeminine Singularamigo altoamiga alta Pluralamigos altosamigas altas 7

4 Adjectives: Gender, Number, and Position (Part 2) Describing Adjectives: Gender, Number, and Position (Part 2) B. Adjectives that end in -e (inteligente) or in most consonants (fiel) have only two forms, a singular and a plural form. The plural of adjectives is formed in the same way as that of nouns. MasculineFeminine Singularamigo inteligenteamiga inteligente amigo fielamiga fiel Pluralamigos inteligentesamigas inteligentes amigos fielesamigas fieles 7

5 Adjectives: Gender, Number, and Position (Part 3) Describing Adjectives: Gender, Number, and Position (Part 3) C. Most adjectives of nationality have four forms. MasculineFeminine el doctorla doctora mexicanomexicana Singular españolespañola alemánalemana inglésinglesa los doctoreslas doctoras mexicanosmexicanas Pluralespañolesespañolas alemanesalemanas inglesesinglesas 7

6 Present Tense of -er; and -ir Verbs Expressing Actions Present Tense of -er; and -ir Verbs comer (to eat)vivir (to live) comocomemosvivovivimos comescoméisvivesvivís comecomenviveviven 8

Descargar ppt "Present Tense of ser Expressing to be Present Tense of ser ser (to be) yosoynosotros/assomos túeresvosotros/assois Ud.Uds. élesellosson ellaellas Yo soy."

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