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Hablemos de IBM y Cloud.

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Presentación del tema: "Hablemos de IBM y Cloud."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Hablemos de IBM y Cloud

2 51% 40% IBM Global Un equipo humano de mas de 435,000 empleados:
$99.8B Ventas, $16.5B Utilidad 2013 Operaciones en más de 170 Países Principales Líneas de Negocio Un equipo humano de mas de 435,000 empleados: Servicios Software Hardware Consultoría Financiamiento 51% con menos de 5 años de antigüedad 40% Business Model trabajan en forma remota IBM –Ventas por Linea de Negocio– Año 2012 Imperativos Estratégicos Crear mercados transformando industrias y profesiones con datos Redefinir la tecnología empresarial en la era de Cloud Habilitar la creación de Systems of Engagement y liderar con el ejemplo. 2 2

3 3

4 4

5 Inversiones en Cloud: las cifras marcan la diferencia
millones de inversión y 16 adquisiciones desde 2007 $3.000 $4.000 $2.000 $1.000 $6.000 $7.000 $5.000 $1.200 millones en 2014 en centros cloud $1.000 millones en el Grupo Watson dedicado al desarrollo de innovaciones cognitivas en cloud Más de $1.000 millones en un nuevo entorno de desarrollo y capacidades como servicio

6 Capacidades IBM en Cloud
expertos en cloud 21 año consecutivo en el que IBM lidera la lista anual de patentes en USA 1.500 patentes en Cloud +100 soluciones IBM SaaS

7 +22 millones de dominios en SoftLayer
Liderazgo de IBM en Cloud 5,5 millones +22 millones de dominios en SoftLayer empresas de transacciones diarias B2B vía cloud websites 24 de las primeras 25 Empresas Fortune 500 confían en el Cloud de IBM …en el cloud de IBM

8 ¿Qué modelo Cloud construir?
75% de las grandes empresas tendrán un Cloud híbrido en 2015 El Cloud híbrido Gartner Group

9 40 centros Cloud en 15 países y 5 continentes
¿Cómo gestionar los datos en Cloud? 6.000 investigadores, desarrolladores y expertos en seguridad, y 15 laboratorios de desarrollo de seguridad… millones de eventos de seguridad al día para sus clientes en más de 130 países Seguridad Visibilidad Control Seguridad: Protección de Accesos, datos, aplicaciones e infraestructura Visibilidad: Conocer localizacion de datos; Localizacion geográfica centro datos rack y host Control: Consola unica de gestion y monitorización. Control a traves de Web, movil y APIs 40 centros Cloud en países y 5 continentes

10 Pensar Construir Utilizar Sistemas integrados expertos
Diseñar la estrategia cloud para incrementar los ingresos y eficiencias Construir Construir y operar su cloud privado o híbrido Utilizar Utilizar los servicios cloud de IBM Sistemas integrados expertos Procesos de negocio como servicio (BPaaS) Estrategia y diseño cloud Implementación cloud Plataformas cloud Software como servicio (SaaS) Infraestructura cloud Servicios de migración a cloud Plataforma como servicio (PaaS) Infraestructura como servicio (IaaS) Servicios de seguridad en cloud Tecnología cloud híbrida

11 Modelos de delivery Cloud de acuerdo a la necesidad
Tener la posibilidad de definir para cada servicio de acuerdo a su criticidad, la opción de nube más conveniente.

12 SoftLayer: distintas opciones de infraestructura como servicio con una plataforma de gestión común
Combinación de servidores físicos, cloud público y privado Portal de gestión e interfaces de programación comunes Despliegue bajo demanda y aprovisionamiento en tiempo real Idóneo para despliegues de big data y aplicaciones sensibles a latencia SoftLayer, uniquely, has designed and deployed a global, interconnected platform that meets the key operational and economic requirements of cloud infrastructure across a broad portfolio of infrastructure - dedicated and shared devices, physical and virtual servers, hourly compute instances and four-way, octo-core bare metal, along with a wealth of storage, networking and security components. Our customers can take these building blocks and deploy public cloud instances, build private clouds on their choice of virtualization stack, leverage the raw power of bare metal on demand, or combine these solutions into distributed, hybrid architectures. Build what you want, or leverage our turn-key big data and private cloud solutions to design and deploy complex, scalable infrastructure online in real time. It’s all delivered as a unified service, managed from a single pane of glass via our Web portal or mobile apps, and accessible via a powerful, full-featured API. One bill, one portal, one platform. It's a model that provides users with a greater range of choice, flexibility and control than any other cloud infrastructure solution in the industry. 12

13 Composición de aplicaciones Despliegue y escale
IBM PaaS - Bluemix Acerca de BlueMix BlueMix incluye: Ejecuta apps en cualquier lenguaje Se basa en estándares abiertos Integración de servicios compuestos Diseñado para móviles Servicios para la DevOps DevOps Big Data Mobile Cloud Integration Security Internet of Things Watson Database Web and application BlueMix permite a cualquier persona desde individuales a compañías multinacionales a construir rápidamente, desplegar nuevas aplicaciones y manejar sus devops y extender inversiones de IT con servicios de integración cloud Composición de aplicaciones De una enriquecida librería de servicios y plataformas de IBM y terceros. Despliegue y escale Nuevas aplicaciones y servicios con los servicios de infraestructura de IBM SoftLayer. Construya con confianza Sabiendo que la plataforma IBM está construida alrededor de estándares abiertos

14 Además Ofrecemos más de 100 propuestas de SaaS y combinaciones (BPaaS) que ayudan a transformar íntegramente los procesos de negocio Aceleración de los procesos de innovación Comercio online Auto-servicio del cliente Gestión de cadena de suministro Seguridad y riesgo Analítica empresarial en el momento justo Optimización de Marketing Digital Análisis de Marketing Mix Analítica de compras Perspectivas de negocio Colaboración entre empleados y partners Gestión del conocimiento Planificación y desarrollo de producto Gestión del talento Colaboración y redes sociales Acelerar los procesos de Innovación: Accelerate value chain integration across processes and ecosystems by moving business process innovation to the cloud Whatever the size or nature of a business, its needs are constantly changing. With mounting pressure to keep pace with evolving demands, the understandable reaction is often to focus on simply on getting up and running quickly. But smart companies know that the key to success is to focus on the end game, which is achieving business process innovation that is accelerated and integrated. With an eye on business goals, rather than on IT deployment, IBM SmartCloud Solutions delivers SaaS solutions that can accelerate innovation across a broad range of business processes, connect across the cloud to resolve supply chain events, facilitate optimal promotion planning, delight customers with value-added services, and more. Relying on IBM SmartCloud Solutions applies a focused strategy that reduces costs and speeds time to revenue by helping foster new business models that maximize an organization’s resources, capabilities and potential. Reduce time to benefit Keep up with changing needs Automate targeted actions Proporcionar una Analítica empresarial en el momento justo: Use insights derived from market and customer behavior, analyzed in the cloud to increase agility and accelerate customer value Faster time to insight Resources to handle big data Real-time integrated, shared analytics With over 1.2 zettabytes of data residing in the digital universe, information is hardly in short supply. The challenge is gathering raw data from an increasing number of disparate sources, distilling, and converting it into actionable insights. With immediate access to relevant data, businesses can assess customer behavior, the competitive arena and overall business performance so they can make the best possible decisions every time. Many IBM SaaS offerings are fueled by reliable, fresh data sources that drive the decisions that will have the greatest impact on an organization. Introducing powerful analytics into the stream of business process software adds a new and important way to ensure the right decisions are made when they matter most. Dedicated tools source analytics from the cloud, social media channels and within an enterprise, drawing deeper insights from the data and applying the findings to every facet of an organization. IBM has made a USD16 billion investment in analytics, and utilizing SaaS to deliver this capability to the cloud provides all the benefits of accessing critical business insights without the underlying infrastructure. Businesses will also preserve staff time and IT resources by facilitating better decisions and increased efficiency across the enterprise. And that means converting big data into tremendous results. Interconectar Personas con la Colaboración y las Redes Sociales: Collaborate across the value chain by using the cloud to create business networks Use real-time-analysis for decisions Leverage cloud to complete the view Break down silos, redefine partnerships Leading companies are embracing the philosophy of integrating social business strategies into their operations in order to enhance customer experience, accelerate supply chain innovation and improve workforce efficiencies. With studies indicating that adopting social business practices can increase an organization’s top line by more than 10 percent1, IBM is at the forefront in delivering the tools you need to leverage this very real competitive advantage. IBM SmartCloud Solutions are designed to deliver the benefits of social business to workforces, trading partner ecosystems and customers alike. Powerful, mobile-enabled communication tools connect disparate workforces across time zones and departments, ensuring the seamless flow of information and ideas. Efficiency among work groups and with outside partners is elevated with cloud-based collaboration capabilities. Business network functions occur in real time, helping to augment established face-to-face interaction and allowing both financial and human resources to be maximized. With IBM SmartCloud Solutions, entities of all sizes can connect with social and collaborative networks to optimize resources, nurture a thriving collaborative ecosystem and preserve institutional knowledge, all to realize the greatest possible success. 14

15 Los invitamos a entrar a esta página y explorar nuestro portafolio SaaS

16 16


18 1,000,000 48% El mundo ha cambiado 3.2M Likes 80% 53%
SaaS En 2014, 4 de 5 empresas planean invertir en social para mejorar la comunicación interna y escuchar a sus clientes. Fuente: 3.2M Likes Cada minuto 80% De operaciones TI son candidatas a Cloud sin mayores cambios Una cadena de supermercados grande maneja 53% De las empresas reconocen una brecha entre la disponibilidad de datos y la posibilidad de usarlos 1,000,000 48% De los trabajadores usan un smartphone. Forrester (8/2013) de Transaccciones por hora Probablemente haya mas indicadores, resumí los de mi presentación, pero se pueden modificar/adaptar mas … La idea es mostrar como el centro de gravedad de la información se desplazó del “datacenter” hacia afuera de la empresa Mercado Cloud Computing MercadoCloud Computing Tamaño esperado al 2020 SaaS Facebook 52% Google+ 25% Twitter 22% Uso activo de plataformas sociales (porcentaje sobre usuarios globales de inernet) Fuente: Global Web Index (3Q:13) 50 77 77 % de los empleados no han sido entrenados respecto a los riesgos de usar un movil personal para el trabajo Mitad de los empleadores requerirán que el empleado traiga sus propios dispositivos hacia Fuente: Gartner www $41b $241b Tamaño en 2011 Tamaño en 2011 Source: Forrester

19 Mejores, Mas Rápidos, Mas Inteligentes
Para superar a los competidores, las organizaciones necesitan ideas de negocio que permiten tomar inmediatas acciones, a partir de un mejor servicio a los clientes al acelerar la innovación de productos con mayor flexibilidad. De los directores de marketing (CMOs) planean incorporar la analítica para capturar información del cliente en los próximos tres a cinco años.IBM, The Customer-activated Enterprise: Insights from the Global C-suite Study, October 2013. De las empresas están ganando una ventaja competitiva mediante el uso de la analítica. IBM, Analytics: The real-world use of big data-How innovative enterprises extract value from uncertain data, October 2012. Fannie Mae analyzes 180 million loan portfolio records per day to identify potential risks Fidelity performs 11 trillion calculations on security data in less than 6 minutes to identify risk and spot opportunities FINRA processes 250 million order events per day as part of regulatory monitoring activities Merrill Lynch analyzes 40 million and other customer correspondence every month to measure sentiment and risk of attrition A govt. owned mortgage backing entity analyzes 180 million loan portfolio records per day to identify potential risks A leading broker and mutual fund company performs 2 trillion calculations on security data per minute to identify risk and spot opportunities One Wall Street organization processes 250 million order events per day as part of regulatory monitoring activities A leading capital markets firm analyzes 40 million and other customer correspondence every month to measure sentiment and risk of attrition 19

20 de las infracciones de los datos se cometen por usuarios internos.
Menos riesgo, mayor beneficio Los riesgos están en todas partes: las violaciones de datos, incumplimiento, decisiones mal informadas y más. Un enfoque proactivo a la seguridad, la gobernanza y una "única fuente de datos" estas prácticas puede proteger su organización. de las infracciones de los datos se cometen por usuarios internos. Verizon, 2013 Data Breach Investigations Report, 2013. bytes de datos nuevos se crean cada día.IBM, "Bringing big data to the enterprise." Fannie Mae analyzes 180 million loan portfolio records per day to identify potential risks Fidelity performs 11 trillion calculations on security data in less than 6 minutes to identify risk and spot opportunities FINRA processes 250 million order events per day as part of regulatory monitoring activities Merrill Lynch analyzes 40 million and other customer correspondence every month to measure sentiment and risk of attrition A govt. owned mortgage backing entity analyzes 180 million loan portfolio records per day to identify potential risks A leading broker and mutual fund company performs 2 trillion calculations on security data per minute to identify risk and spot opportunities One Wall Street organization processes 250 million order events per day as part of regulatory monitoring activities A leading capital markets firm analyzes 40 million and other customer correspondence every month to measure sentiment and risk of attrition 20

21 Fannie Mae analyzes 180 million loan portfolio records per day to identify potential risks
Fidelity performs 11 trillion calculations on security data in less than 6 minutes to identify risk and spot opportunities FINRA processes 250 million order events per day as part of regulatory monitoring activities Merrill Lynch analyzes 40 million and other customer correspondence every month to measure sentiment and risk of attrition A govt. owned mortgage backing entity analyzes 180 million loan portfolio records per day to identify potential risks A leading broker and mutual fund company performs 2 trillion calculations on security data per minute to identify risk and spot opportunities One Wall Street organization processes 250 million order events per day as part of regulatory monitoring activities A leading capital markets firm analyzes 40 million and other customer correspondence every month to measure sentiment and risk of attrition 21

22 22

23 Building momentum with industry influencers
IBM LEADS in Worldwide Mobile Application Development, Testing, Management & Infrastructure Services IBM’s leadership in enterprise mobility is most powerfully demonstrated by the confidence placed in our mobile solutions by both businesses and end users. For example, we currently have more than 200 apps available in apps stores. To date, they have been downloaded almost a million times. (Source: IBM internal assessment) And 100% of the top 100 communication service providers put their trust in IBM Software. (Source: IBM Internal analysis) We’re proud of the confidence our clients and their customers have put in IBM and our MobileFirst solutions. But we are equally honored by independent assessments from the analyst community, which continually cite IBM as a leader in multiple areas of the mobile market. For example: Forrester named IBM a Leader in App Design and Managed Services (Source: The Forrester Wave: Enterprise Mobility Services, Q1 2013, Forrester Research, Inc., February 15, 2013) Gartner also named us a Magic Quadrant Leader among Global Digital Marketing Agencies (Source: Gartner Magic Quadrant for Global Digital Marketing Agencies 17 October 2012 ID:G ) and a Magic Quadrant Leader in Mobile Application Development Platforms (Source: Gartner Magic Quadrant for Mobile Application Development Platforms, August 2013 G ) Finally, IDC also ranked IBM as a leader in WW mobile application development, testing, management and infrastructure services, to name just a few. (Source: IDC MarketScape Worldwide Mobile Application Development, Testing, Management, and Infrastructure Services 2014 Vendor Assessment report, visit:  In addition to the positive feedback we’ve received from the analyst community, IBM is also consistently recognized by industry associations for our leadership in mobile innovation. Our 2013 CODiE Award for Best Mobile Development Solution for IBM Worklight – which we were honored with by the Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA) – is just one example. (Source: May 2013) And while we have significantly expanded our investment in and focus on enterprise mobility in the past 18 months, IBM is by no means new to this space. In fact, we’ve helped nearly 4,000 companies transform their businesses with mobile. Moving forward, we’ll continue to build on this momentum, strategically increasing our internal expertise, which already includes 3,000+ IBM mobile experts, and our partner ecosystem, which comprises more than 250 business partners actively working with us to deliver mobile solutions. (Source for BPs: IBM PartnerWorld)

24 Gartner Magic Quadrant
for Managed Mobility Services

25 IBM MobileFirst ha identificado un enfoque estratégico de cuatro partes para ayudar a las empresas móviles de poner sus negocios en movimiento: Sólo IBM cuenta con toda la amplitud de conocimientos y tecnología para ayudar a las organizaciones ... Construir y desplegar aplicaciones móviles de manera eficiente. Funciones vitales: VP Aplicaciones, Desarrollo Capacidades de organización, procesos y tecnología líderes en la industria le ayudan a expulsar de manera rentable una cartera de aplicaciones móviles diferenciados que se ejecutan en cualquier dispositivo. - Nuestro liderazgo ha sido reconocido por Gartner en su MQ y por la Software & Information Industry Association. - Nuestra cartera de infraestructura de aplicaciones y el software middleware ha sido el líder en el mercado de acciones durante 12 años consecutivos. Proteger y administrar la infraestructura móvil para optimizar el rendimiento. Objetivo roles: CIO, IT Exec, las OSC Las principales funciones de seguridad y de gestión frente a las necesidades y retos en cada capa de la empresa móvil. - Traemos a soportar capacidades líderes en el mercado de aplicaciones y la seguridad de la transacción. - Se nos ha nombrado un Líder en Servicios Móviles Gestionado por Forrester. Involucrar a los clientes en su contexto mediante el aprovechamiento de conocimientos móviles. Funciones vitales: la CMO Capacidades interactivas y analíticas avanzadas ayudan a las organizaciones a ofrecer experiencias específicas, pertinentes mientras que la extracción y la activación de puntos de vista de ricos conjuntos de datos de usuario, redes y dispositivos. - Más de organizaciones de todo el mundo utilizan las soluciones de gestión de IBM Enterprise Marketing. - Nuestra agencia digital en la empresa, IBM Interactive, ha sido nombrado líder en Marketing Digital por Gartner. Transformar la cadena de valor para impulsar el crecimiento y el retorno de la inversión. Funciones vitales: CxO, LOB Exec Tecnologías de peritaje y de vanguardia de la industria profundas equipar a las organizaciones para hacer frente a problemas complejos de forma proactiva y el crecimiento de manera integral la conducción al tiempo que mejora la línea de fondo. - Somos un reconocido experto en consultoría de procesos móvil, según Forrester. Somos un innovador en el espacio móvil, con 260 patentes en los últimos 10 años para las tecnologías móviles e inalámbricas.




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30 IBM SmartCloud for Social Business Una plataforma de empresa Social en la nube
Nuestra estrategia Simplificar y mejorar las interacciones de negocios, tanto interna como externamente La ampliación del perímetro de la empresa a la nube La creación de nuevo valor de negocio a través de una perfecta integración con sus aplicaciones Proporcionar opciones para elegir los servicios basados ​​en la nube necesarios cuando los necesite © 2011 IBM Corporation

31 3131 3131 Del correo hacia compartir socialmente: Haciendo el contenido más útil para la empresa Compartiendo socialmente: búsqueda y exploración web de personas e información, almacenamiento de conocimiento colectivo y relaciones  crecimiento de la colección de conocimiento corporativo  gran base de información para análisis social Enviando archivos en el correo: aislado, información transitoria, redundante no efectivamente útil para la empresa, no se pueden buscar y no explorable Individual Seach Catalog Search X Account Account Account Account Account Account

32 Perspectivas del mercado y Presencia
Social Enterprise Software Posición de IBM: Lider de industria por 3 años consecutivos Tasa de crecimiento del mercado de 2X IBM es el líder en Social Business #1 IDC named IBM #1 in Enterprise Social Software for the 3rd consecutive year 80% Eight of the top 10 retailers and banks use IBM social business software 33% More than one third of the Fortune 100 use IBM social business software 33% 400+k IBMers use the company's social platform to connect and collaborate Source: IDC, Worldwide Enterprise Social Software Forecast, June 2012 Cloud and Software como un servicio Posición de IBM: Nombrado líder en el informe Forrester Wave 2012 One of the 4 key growth plays on IBM’s roadmap El 80% de las Fortune 500 usan las capacidades cloud de IBM IBM destaca por la solidez de su oferta actual, su presencia en el mercado, y su estrategia. InformationWeek, August 20, 2012 The Forrester Wave: Cloud Strategies of Online Collaboration Software Vendors, 3Q 2012, Forrester Research Inc, Aug 2012 The Forrester Wave is copyrighted by Forrester Research, Inc. Forrester and Forrester Wave are trademarks of Forrester Research, Inc. The Forrester Wave is a graphical representation of Forrester's call on a market and is plotted using a detailed spreadsheet with exposed scores, weightings, and comments. Forrester does not endorse any vendor, product, or service depicted in the Forrester Wave. Information is based on best available resources. Opinions reflect judgment at the time and are subject to change. © 2011 IBM Corporation

33 33

34 A new security reality is here
61% data theft and cybercrime are their greatest threats 2012 IBM Global Reputational Risk & IT Study of organizations say Average cost of a data breach 2014 Cost of Data Breach, Ponemon Institute $3.5M 70% of security executives have cloud and mobile security concerns 2013 IBM CISO Survey Mobile malware growth in just one year Juniper Mobile Threat Report 614% security tools from vendors 85 45 IBM client example 83% of enterprises have difficulty finding the security skills they need 2012 ESG Research A new security reality is here: Sophisticated attackers break through conventional safeguards every day. Organized criminals, hacktivists, governments and adversaries are compelled by financial gain, politics and notoriety to attack your most valuable assets. Their operations are well-funded and business-like ‒ attackers patiently evaluate targets based on potential effort and reward. Their methods are extremely targeted ‒ they use social media and other entry points to track down people with access, take advantage of trust, and exploit them as vulnerabilities. Meanwhile, negligent employees inadvertently put the business at risk via human error. Even worse, security investments of the past fail to protect against these new classes of attacks. The result is more severe security breaches more often. 61% of organizations say data theft and cybercrime are the greatest threats to their reputation (2012 Global Reputational Risk & IT Study, IBM). And the costs are staggering. By one estimate, the average cost of a breach is over $3.5 million (2014 Cost of a Data Breach Study, Ponemon Institute) <MOUSE CLICK> Cloud, mobile, social and big data drive unprecedented change. Businesses are adopting mobile, social, big data and cloud to analyze and share information at unprecedented rates. This influx of new innovation, technologies, and end-points push more and more business transactions outside company walls and completely transform enterprise security as we know it. As the traditional network perimeter around the data center permanently dissolves, it is more difficult to defend company data from the increasing gaps in security, and to verify that users accessing data are protected. In one study, 70% of security executives expressed concern about cloud and mobile security. (2013 CISO Survey, IBM) Theft or loss of mobile devices, privacy concerns associated with cloud, and accidental sharing of sensitive data are some of the key fears. (2013 Juniper Mobile Threat Report) Without dynamic protection, an organization may spend more time recovering from attacks than it does preventing them. And those who do not prepare for change are leaving their companies dangerously exposed. Yesterday’s security practices are no longer sustainable Up to now, organizations have responded to security concerns by deploying a new tool to address each new risk. Now they have to install, configure, manage, patch, upgrade, and pay for dozens of non-integrated solutions with limited views of the landscape. Costly and complex, these fragmented security capabilities do not provide the visibility and coordination needed to stop today’s sophisticated attacks. Moreover, the skills and expertise needed to keep up with a constant stream of new threats is not always available. 83% of enterprises report having difficulty finding the security skills they need (2012 ESG Research). As new risks emerge, the environment will grow more complex and the skills gap wider. 49% of IT executives say that they are challenged by an inability to measure the effectiveness of their current security efforts (Security Intelligence Can Deliver Value Beyond Expectations And Needs To Be Prioritized, Forrester) and 31% of IT professionals have no risk strategy at all (2013 Global Reputational Risk & IT Study, IBM). Many security teams are simply operating in the dark.

35 Usted sabe que puede hacerlo en línea ahora?

36 La seguridad integrada para las nubes públicas y privadas
IaaS PaaS SaaS La protección de los centros de datos en la nube, y la nueva generación de plataformas de negocio y de aplicaciones IBM Security Solutions Federated Identity Manager Directory Integrator Access Manager Privileged Identity Manager InfoSphere Guardium AppScan Key Life Cycle Manager Next Generation Network Protection (XGS) QRadar SIEM QRadar Log Manager Proteccion de identidades y proteger el acceso Monitoreo y Auditoria de aplicaciones y data Escanear y proteger la red de amenazas Establecer seguridad alrededor de la Cloud Integrated security for public and private clouds Manage identities and protect user access Administer, secure, and extend identity and access to and from the cloud Scan and protect the network from threats Protect virtualized environments, servers, endpoints and networks against threats Monitor and audit applications and data Deliver mobile and web apps with security in mind, and monitor data access in real time Establish intelligence across the cloud Establish a platform with real-time correlation and detection across the cloud

37 Conversación con Expertos Cloud IBM
Salón Salón Salón 3 Cloud Público Cloud Privado Soluciones de Negocio Cloud Social Private Modular Cloud SLaaS Mobile App Softlayer Soluciones de RRHH Smart Cloud Orchestr. Bluemix Analytics

38 Gracias Thank You Danke Obrigado Merci Multumesc Grazie
Teşekkür ederim Hindi Turkish Gracias Traditional Chinese Russian Spanish Thank You Obrigado Portuguese English Arabic Danke Grazie Merci Italian German French Multumesc Simplified Chinese Romanian Korean Japanese

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