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Tapas Traduce usando PRETÉRITO o IMPERFECTO:

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Presentación del tema: "Tapas Traduce usando PRETÉRITO o IMPERFECTO:"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Tapas 6-2-19 Traduce usando PRETÉRITO o IMPERFECTO:
I went to the store. I used to go to the lake every summer. We read a book. We used to skate in the park. He looked for a pencil. We used to write with pencils in math class.

2 Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns
Possessive adjectives show personal relationships. All possessive adjectives (mi(s), tu (s), su (s), nuestro (a/os/as) agree in number and gender with the nouns they describe. Possessive adjectives also have a long form. It is more expressive. You use it, for example, when talking to a special friend. Un amigo mío- a friend of mine Comemos con unos amigos nuestros.- We are eating with a some friends of ours.

3 Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns
Possessives: long form-singular mío (a) tuyo (a) suyo (a) nuestro (a) Possessives: long form-plural míos (as) tuyos (as) suyos (as) nuestros (as)

4 Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns
Possessive pronouns also show personal relationships. To form a possessive pronoun: 1. Use the long form of the possessive adjective. 2. Add el, la,los,las according to the gender and number of the noun it replaces. Sus viajes son a diferentes lugares. (His trips are to different places.) Y los tuyos, ¿adónde son? (And yours, where are they to?)

5 ¿Qué trajiste? Todos trajeron objetos de su ninez para una presentacion en la escuela. ¿Qué trajeron? Haz oraciones con mi(s), tu(s), su (s), nuestro (a/os/as). 1. Yo traje un video de “Plaza Sésamo” 2. Ustedes trajeron unas fotos. 3. Alex trajo unas marionetas. 4. Tú trajiste libros de chistes. 5. Tavo e Irene trajeron una marioneta. 6. Maria y yo trajimos muñecas.

6 ¿Puedo…? No tienes estas cosas. Preguntale a tu companero (a) si puedes usar las suyas. (Ask for items). Modelo: A: No tengo calculcadora. Puedo usar la tuya? B: Claro, puedes usar la mía.

7 Fill in the blank with the correct long form possessive adjective…
1. (He is my friend.) Él es un amigo _____. 2. (They are our teachers.) Ellos son los maestros ______. 3. (They are his shoes.) Son los zapatos _____. 4. (It is your t-shirt.) Es la camiseta _____. 5. (They are my grandparents.) Son los abuelos ______.

8 Traduce… 1. It is our homework. 2. She is his aunt.
3. It is my vacation. 4. He is her cousin. 5. These are our toys. 6. It is her doll. 7. It is their friendship. 8. He is your (formal) stepfather. 9. She is his sister-in-law. 10. They are their cats.

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